I keep waiting for somebody besides Atrios to notice this, but so far nobody has. (He got it by way of Nitpicker: LINK:) Seems to me it ought to be screaming banner headlines in the MSM, but then what do I know–It’s been almost 40 years since I was in J-School. Please pardon me for not adding any thoughts of my own, but really, doesn’t his question say it all?
LINK: to Atrios:
Legitimate Right of Resistance
So, Iraqi leaders say that insurgents have the legitimate right to kill US soldiers.
Why are we there?
Original story was in The Guardian:
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) – Leaders of Iraq’s sharply divided Shiites, Kurds and Sunnis called Monday for a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces in the country and said Iraq’s opposition had a “legitimate right” of resistance.
The final communique, hammered out at the end of three days of negotiations at a preparatory reconciliation conference under the auspices of the Arab League, condemned terrorism, but was a clear acknowledgment of the Sunni position that insurgents should not be labeled as terrorists if their operations do not target innocent civilians or institutions designed to provide for the welfare of Iraqi citizens.
As the Nitpicker says:
In other words, Iraq’s leaders just painted a bullseye on the backs of American soldiers and said they’re fair game.
And as Atrios adds:
p.s. I didn’t read the comments over there.
Nukyular Moolah says–
If the Iraqi government is saying this, it must be time for regime change. I feel sure we’ll be greeted with flowers and chocolates.
That is really chilling, isn’t it? Right on the heels of the discussion–was it yesterday?–of how “some” are saying we will soon “need” a second invasion force to roust the insurgency resulting from the first invastion. We may finally have invented the perpetual motion machine.
of the theory “chaos is what they (Bush/Cheney) were trying for.”
But I can’t quite rule it out.
What’s the problem?
Ha! Bitter laughter.
It just astonishes me (okay, no it doesn’t)that all the MSM sees in this story is the timetable business. The little thing about the bullseye on our soldiers just totally escapes them. Thank god for blogs.
in those Iraqi leaders’ statements. Seems to me people who are being invaded and occupied have, if anything, more right to fight fire with fire than the invaders have. I’m sure the Germans were all incensed that the Poles dared to attack “the troops”, too — “my god, they openly support killing Germans! We must pound these insurgents into the ground for once and for all!”
What noble cause George? Did he or did he not say at one time that we would leave if the Iraqis asked us to? Now is the time for all good men and women to come home.
that our MSM isnt reporting it. They only do King George’s bidding. I’m not surprised the Iraqi leadership said this. After we are gone they will still be in Iraq, and still want power.
If anyone has been listening the Iraqi people havent wanted us there for over a year and most of them see us as a cause of the violence. I guess eventually that message had to permeate the Green zone walls and be heard by their leadership.
It is time for us to go.