For what its worth, I am the one known as Donkeytale at DKOS. I got banned in the same threads around last July 4 with the great Arthur Gilroy. We were both dispatched ingloriously by DHinMI, who everybody knows (now) is the worst of the worst, but rest assured that Gilroy and I were not offed before getting in a few good shots of our own. I was sick of the rampant idiocy on display at DKOS, especially the Thread Police, which confirmed what the right always says about the left. Freedom of speech doesnt exist here.
I looked at the Redstate blog, thinking it would be fun to rattle some conservative cages for a change, but was mystified to discover that Redstate handles traffic from the left with dexterity. Lefties are welcomed there if they dont act stupid, and righties who respond to the lefties stupidly are dispatched just as quickly. It was truly depressing, because lefties are treated with more respect on a righty blog than they are on any of the lefty blogs, this one included. Unless of course you are always in fawning agreement.
I came to this site as “Illusionsofmagicians.” IOM got himself banned for simply questioning the wisdom of the fanning and spreading of lies (“urban myth” in polite language) at BT in the aftermath of Katrina.
Lies are as powerfully destructive as category 4 hurricanes, only their effects never end. To see good but gullible people buy into bullshit in times of crisis made me not want to be around those people during times of crisis.
FWIW, The troll rating/banning experience here is handled a bit better than on KOS, but not that much better. That this site is more welcoming than Koss is a given, but we kid ourselves to say BT is really more open to divergent views than the orange crush.
I have stopped blogging except for on occasion because I am a 50+ year old who runs his own business and who doesnt have all the time left in the world to make his mark and who surely is aiming to make his mark in reality, not in the blogosphere anyway.
This is just a game for everyone but the owner. Its fantasy football. Anyone who thinks otherwise and is blogging as his life’s avocation is automatically candidate for the new twelve step program being offered for internet addiction.
Its a fact that the “Kos and clone” blogs, like everything else, run in cycles (or circles, if you prefer). The endless recriminations over sexist ads, he said, she said, Im so pissed, this used to be a great community but now its fucked up, etc., why I came here, etc.
Its laughable.
I am laughing at myself too because IOM’s earnest “Open Letter” which led to his banning was just another sorry scene in the same tired melodrama.
My grandfather ran a very successful bar during WWII and after, but he became too addicted to his products and services. He died young and broke. The bar lived on successfully after he died, but owned by someone else from a different family. Grandma didnt end up with a nickel.
Boo is running a business that is in a sense like running a bar. The froggy Bottom cafe. He is serving his clientele’s sometimes not very pretty needs. They come they go, they come back, they act cool, they act pissed, they have a fight, the thread police break it up, they make up, or they go/get sent away for good. Its always the same with alcoholics.
But the successful bar owner is never an alcoholic himself.
The brush you are painting with is a bit too wide, but point taken on all of the internet drama, and why it occurs. Good luck on making your mark IRL.
If you decide to post your poetry anywhere, let me know. I had wondered what happened to IOM. I always enjoyed reading it, though I don’t think I commented often.
You’re right on as far as the cyclical nature of blogs, but I really don’t see that as any different than what happens in real life. Same shit, different medium.
Poetry highly welcome!
over a quarter of a century in 5 short years, or you are a lying sack of shit.
Re: Wrong on the answer to the second (none / 0)
(sigh) no I dont know how difficult is to get on the ballot in all 50 states, but I heard rumors in 2004 that Nader had a lot of help from certain conservative contributors donating him lots of $. I wouldnt be surprised if they helped him a little bit in 2000 too.
I was 16. I have followed every presidential election very closely since I was 12.
No, I didnt reference wiki until after I made the statement from memory that Nader cost Gore the election. I looked it up especially for you since you seemed to doubt my knowledge of the event. And apparently still do along with others. Amazing leaps of illogic all around.
Its now 12:15 AM. I have class at 8 am tomorrow. Its an American history class. Thanks for passing me off to Mr. marketplace. Too bad he wanted to watch TV too.
Tomorrows another day.
by pete richards on Tue Oct 4th, 2005 at 01:19:13 AM EST
Gee, perhaps there is some more to your repeated bannings here there and everywhere, than you understand, hmmmm?
Take your games and SHOVE them, lif’es too fucking short for this shit, and in YOUR case, especially, hell, you’ll be 125 years old by 2019!
to the diary where that comment was posted….
I clicked on your name and read your last ten comments here, and your previous diaries. One of the community standards here at BMT is that we don’t gossip about incidents at other blogs. I also find your personal slams of Yaright, Soj, and BooMan inappropriate. BooMan’s not even here right now.
Blogging is more than “a game” for me. I’ve made lifelong friends in the real world through blogs, learned scads of things I did not know, changed some minds and had mine changed as well. Blogs are no substitute for direct political action, but they have recreated civic discourse for many people and filled a notable gap in investigative reporting. Your hyperbole is unwarranted.
You do make some interesting points above, but they are drowned in smug anger. You’re just trying to get banned again.
Mr. Richards:
Last week, we had a front-page story that permitted people to vent about DKos, etc. Then, we said, that kind of talk would be behind us.
No one here has EVER been banned for expressing ideas, no matter how different or offbeat they may be. Conspiracy theory discussion is welcome. Yes, welcome. BooMan and I — and countless others here — feel deeply about that. (We’ve regularly discussed assassination theories, 9/11 theories, etc., etc.)
People ARE banned because they disobey the single rule:
“Don’t be a prick.”
This diary is out-of-line. You’re welcome to critique BooMan, but you are not welcome — at least here — to foment blog-bashing.
Especially since, as you admit, you no longer blog much. So, if you’re not vested in blogging, why don’t you just shut up and go away? Start your own. Find another place. Don’t spread your poison here.
Consider this a warning. We do not bash other sites and people here.
I sent you an e-mail, Mr. Richards.
Please read it.
It’s been, umm, interesting, but I really have to go now.
You said it.
Wow, so dishonest and angry by 50, that you have to pretend to be an angry young college student. Good luck making your mark in this world.
I’m thinking you have a lot of mirrors in your house “Petey” but not quite enough for your liking.
Pathetic fuck
and don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
Take it on the road petey, It’s not playing here.
Wars and Quarrels by Retribution
Please take your commerce elsewhere.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
IOM again? You’ve got to be kidding.
that IOM was a self absorbed asshole and never really bothered reading your posts after the first few.
I was right.
definitely something in the water today
Mr. Yuck says:
This wouldn’t happen if that guard dog of yours was ever awake.
Hi, my name is Pete and I am an internet addict.
Dear Illusionsofmagic – a day, two days after Katrina made land, you wrote a diary. And at the end of the diary you said asked something like, “I don’t want to think of where I am. What are you doing tonight?”
I was not so comfortable commenting then. So I hesitated to respond. And I have regretted that.
The night I read your diary I kept stepping into the late night on my back porch. Though I live hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles from Biloxi and NO, Katrina’s remnants were blowing through.
The same Katrina that destroyed so much. The same Katrina that ripped the curtain away from the “W”izard.
We had storm warnings and tornado watches. In an area that doesn’t get tornadoes. So, as my family slept, I kept watch.
And when I stepped outside, there were low scudding clouds against a very black sky. Clouds so low that even after midnight they reflected the light below.
There were occasional flashes of lightening and thunder. And the rain would come in splatters. And there was wind..the same wind that touched those so far away from me also touched me…I could smell the ocean in that wind.
We are all connected whether we want to be or not. It is a joy and a sorrow.
So, do I greet you as in “Slaughterhouse 5?” “Hello.” “Goodbye.” “Hello.”
Hi, my name is pete and I am an internet addict.
“A single word of truth sounds like a gunshot in a room filled with the self deceived.”
I remember your comment too.