President Bush had planned to fly to Texas today to “to get a firsthand look at the preparations that are under way for Hurricane Rita and to show our support for the first responders as they get ready for the response to Hurricane Rita,” White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.”
Well, screw those first responders. According to CNN, Bush has cancelled that trip citing that his presence may actually disrupt the hurricane preparations. He’s decided instead to go straight to the Northern Command post in Colorado where he can wave at those first responders on the teevee.
White House propaganda gone bad:
McClellan said the White House would try to have “as minimal [a] footprint as possible” to stay out of the way of emergency responders. The visit will take just “a short amount of time,” McClellan said, but he rejected any suggestion that it is just a photo opportunity for the president.
“This is a catastrophic hurricane that is headed toward the coast of Texas, and the president wants to go and see some of the preparations that are under way and thank all of those who are involved in preparing for this response,” he said. “He is the president. And, as he indicated to you all, it is his responsibility when it comes to the federal government’s role in these hurricanes.”
Yes, it is his responsibility and he has dodged it once again.
Meanwhile, over at the Pentagon, they’re busy blaming local government officials for not providing specific details related to their requests for help from the Feds:
The full scope of the federal military’s role in support of state National Guard and civilian relief efforts, however, was not clear Friday, in part because state officials had not clarified their needs, a Pentagon spokesman said.
To date, the governors of Louisiana and Texas have asked for 25,000 active-duty troops but have provided few details on how they might be used.
Well, gee…ummm…didn’t the military just coordinate efforts in response to Hurrican Katrina? I suppose they’re waiting for the final report from whichever committee will investigate Katrina to figure out what to do next. And when will that report be done? 2007 or so?
Oh look – that’s exactly where the so-called Commander in Chief is headed. I’m sure he’ll ride in on his white horse and save the day, right? Not bloody likely. As if he knows the first thing about being a Commander in Chief. Well, at least he gets to wear those fancy flight suits. That’s comforting.
“Fifteen thousand active federal military could be 15,000 guys in tanks. It could be 15,000 guys with hospital gowns on. And you do kind of have to know what you’re ordering when you do something like that,” he said.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry asked for 10,000 federal troops but had not put it in writing with details by Friday morning, Di Rita said.
Okay. Is anyone else seeing the obvious here? Are state governors supposed to know exactly how these troops are supposed to be deployed? I dare “Di Rita” (notable coincidence) to send in 15,000 “guys” in tanks. There’s another official whose head deserves to be on the chopping block.
The disease of imcompetence is apparently contagious. It spread from the White House to Homeland Security, infected FEMA and has now made its way to the Pentagon. The only know treatment for this virus is a complete purge of the Republicans in the federal government. Quarantine the bastards, send them all to the Northern Command post bunker and send in Democratic replacements immediately in order to disinfect Washington D.C.
According to the AP, the White House has released this statement:
In other words: “no photo op available there”.
Check out this Bush quote:
ummm…6 year old childspeak, anyone??
I’m reading Bush on the Couch which makes all of this more frightening.
It couldn’t have anything to do with this, could it?
I don’t know about that NE story but I posted a comment somewhere here when I saw Bush hold a glass up during a toast at the UN dinner recently. His drink looked the same as everyone else’s.
C&L links Steve Gilliard who goes into the NE piece in detail — before and after he quotes from it. It’s quite sound, I think.
Michael Moore has a pic of Bush drinking in Canada in 2004.
He’s either a dry drunk or has fallen off the wagon. Either way, he’s just an asshole.
Chickenshit Asshole
Could that be apple juice? I don’t drink (except once every alignment of the planets) and when i go to parties I’m often given that.
Speaking of apples.. don’t throw any at me!! I’m a goody! Swear!
Holy crap! that demonstration photo with the cops and the shields is just a bit much, isn’t it?
I know Billmon is sure pounding the ol’ sauce rumour in a light hearted way.
You know, if I were Bush (and thank God, Non-God, and The Great Spirit I’m not !!!! ) I know I’d be hitting the spirits given all the bad news of late.
So getting bush a photo op is such a massive undertaking that it would ‘disrupt’ actions that are being taken to put aid, troops in place? Jesus, I don’t know what is stupider, having the WH saying since yesterday he was going to San Antonio cause he’s a hands on kinda guy you know to now bailing out cause it’s too big of a problem…what a fucken asshole no matter how you look at it.
Nice also how the fucken ‘blame game’ is already starting..before Rita even hits shore. And also seeming to single out the Democratic governor…what a surprise, eh. And as if she just sorta willy nilly asked for so many troops but she has no clue why she asked for that amount right..yeah sure.
And besides that….instead of giving a press conference about this you dumb prick how bout picking up the phone and asking her what she meant?
There must be some secret course all these retards have to attend called ‘how to fuck up the government in the worst way possible-101’—and blame it on everyone else.
God you’re good Catnip! You come up with some of the best darn snark ever. As far as shipping the Republicans somewhere/ How about Iraq and let THEM finish what they started over there. Maybe Gitmo has got a nice tent for them.
Breaking News from the Atlanta-Journal Constitution
Early “snow days”? In Atlanta? 🙂
One of the few examples of “common sense” I’ve seen that’s actually been applied to the situation.
and a nation breathes again.
Please stop doing that when I’m eating.
was monitoring the situation from an undisclosed secure location.
under local anesthesia, while Bush learns more about the relationship between NORAD and protest marches in DC.
I e-mailed Northcom’s Public Affairs office to ask why state governors are expected to decide on the exact distribution of troops. I doubt they’ll get back to me, but it was worth a shot.
I forgot to tell them to give Bush a smack upside the head for me…darn.
I e-mailed Northcom’s Public Affairs office to ask why state governors are expected to decide on the exact distribution of troops.
You are the cleverest girl.
I wonder why the Coast Guard isn’t bitching about getting specific details on deployments. Oh yeah, I forgot, they are competent.
Reminds me … I saw Gov. Blanco on teevee last night giving precise numbers of troops she needed … poor woman.
And then I flipped around some channels and caught Charles Krackhammer on FOX bashing Blanco, pointing out that La. is a disaster because of her whereas Mississippi had a governor who was smart, dammit, and saved Miss. from much damage.
She’s not a member of the Good Ole Boy (GOB) club.
Title: A bill to reinstate the application of the wage requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act to Federal contracts in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 9/21/2005) Cosponsors (28)
Related Bills: H.R.3684, H.R.3763, H.R.3834
Latest Major Action: 9/21/2005 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.
COSPONSORS(28), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]: (Sort: by date)
Sen Akaka, Daniel K. [HI] – 9/21/2005
Sen Bayh, Evan [IN] – 9/21/2005
Sen Bingaman, Jeff [NM] – 9/21/2005
Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA] – 9/21/2005
Sen Cantwell, Maria [WA] – 9/21/2005
Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY] – 9/21/2005
Sen Corzine, Jon S. [NJ] – 9/21/2005
Sen Dayton, Mark [MN] – 9/21/2005
Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [CT] – 9/21/2005
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] – 9/21/2005
Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] – 9/21/2005
Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA] – 9/21/2005
Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] – 9/21/2005
Sen Inouye, Daniel K. [HI] – 9/22/2005
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] – 9/21/2005
Sen Landrieu, Mary L. [LA] – 9/21/2005
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] – 9/21/2005
Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] – 9/21/2005
Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [CT] – 9/21/2005
Sen Mikulski, Barbara A. [MD] – 9/21/2005
Sen Murray, Patty [WA] – 9/21/2005
Sen Obama, Barack [IL] – 9/21/2005
Sen Reed, Jack [RI] – 9/21/2005
Sen Reid, Harry [NV] – 9/21/2005
Sen Sarbanes, Paul S. [MD] – 9/21/2005
Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY] – 9/21/2005
Sen Stabenow, Debbie [MI] – 9/22/2005
Sen Wyden, Ron [OR] – 9/22/2005
This, from the WH site, is pretty funny:
THE PRESIDENT: One thing I won’t do is get in the way.
Q But I mean, how — what good can you actually do? I mean, isn’t there a risk of you and your entourage getting in the way?
THE PRESIDENT: No, there will be no risk of me getting in the way, I promise you. We’re going to make sure that we’re not in the way of the operations. What I am going to do is observe the relationship between the state and local government, particularly out in Colorado Springs. That’s what I want to see.
See, NORTHCOM is the main entity that interfaces, that uses federal assets, federal troops to interface with local and state government. I want to watch that relationship. It’s an important relationship, and I need to understand how it works better.
Q But critics might say this is overcompensation for the response to Katrina.
THE PRESIDENT: We will make sure that my entourage does not get in the way of people doing their job, which will be search and rescue immediately. And rest assured, I understand that we must not and will not interfere with the important work that will be going forward.
Can you imagine those questions being posed to any former US president or any other world leader?
Anyone that has a security perimeter of more than 15 feet needs to keep the hell out of any sort of disaster area.
The Shrub comes with a frigging no-fly zone.
Not to mention the rescue crews that are positioned for the photo-ops.
Where he belongs is in HIS command center, watching the news and dealing with his cabinet and communications from those doing the actual work.
It’s not just us.
I stopped at an area library this afternoon, checked out three mysteries. Told the librarian “I need some escape reading this weekend.”
She looked sympathetic. “The hurricane?”
“That’s the least of it,” I said. “I’m thinking about the awfulness going on in DC.”
“Aaahhh.” She made a face, nodded her head in understanding.
Disclosure: This neck of the weeks is known jokingly in some circles as the People’s Republic of XXX.
Go to living room window.
Orient myself toward Pikes Peak, visible to the south (location of Colorado Springs).
Flip the bird.
Repeat as necessary.
and after all that exersize my ‘bird’ is going to look like it’s on steroids.