Bill O’Reilly: But do you understand what the New York Times wants, and the
far-left want? They want to break down the white, Christian, male power structure, which you’re a part, and so am I, and they want to bring in millions of foreign nationals to basically break down the structure that we have. In that regard, Pat Buchanan is right. So I say you’ve got to cap with a number.John McCain: In America today we’ve got a very strong economy and low unemployment, so we need addition farm workers, including by the way agriculture, but there may come a time where we have an economic downturn,
and we don’t need so many.[crosstalk]
O’Reilly: But in this bill, you guys have got to cap it. Because estimation is 12 million, there may be 20 [million]. You don’t know, I don’t know.
We’ve got to cap it.McCain: We do, we do. *I agree with you.*
It’s near the end.
I’m a white, male kind of a guy and I was raised in a Christian family. And I just don’t give a shit about whether or not I get to be part of some white, male, Christian ‘power structure’. Now, considering that Hispanics are predominately Christian and the fact that illegal immigration is heavily biased towards people of the male variety, I can only see this as a problem with skin color and, to some degree, language.
So, O’Reilly is really saying that he wants to protect the status quo which favors white people, people that happen to be, at the same time, guys, and has some advantages for Christians of the non-brown variety.
It’s a fairly naked appeal for a society that white, male, Christians can dominate. And it is pretty revealing that O’Reilly is so vexed about the demographic changes and immigration policies that threaten that wonder bread and miracle whip reality of his idealized childhood in the Long Island ‘burbs.
Now, when I was growing up Catholics suffered a good degree of discrimination, although much less than in the years before I was born. And an infusion of 12 million mostly Catholic people would ordinarily be seen as a positive development because it would increase the power of Catholics within the ‘power structure’. But, not so, if they happen to be of the non-white type. O’Reilly’s appeal is nakedly racist.
Now, I know that a lot of white people get uncomfortable when they see people congregating in parks, playing soccer and volleyball, and looking and sounding a little different. Trust me…it will be okay. Xenophobia is an ugly and distasteful emotion and should be suppressed.
In the meantime, how many more Republican candidates want to pander to this shrinking demographic of anxious, white dudes?
And what will the ladies say?
Ugh. It is truly the blue moon when Kyl sounds more reasonable than the Pander Bear McCain.
Born too late, it sounds like O’Reilly would have been right at home in 1930s Germany.
I don’t think this demographic is shrinking, Boo. In my area the anxious white dudes are growing by leaps and bounds. There is a tremendous paranoia in this area about anything Hispanic. A trial of two illegal immigrants just ended this week with a conviction of one and an acquittal of the other in the killing of a guy in a bar fight.
Yep, unvarnished candor about avowed prejudice. That gets a smile around here.
Drunken white guys throwing racial slurs at illegals in bar and a guy ends up dead.
This is how things are in Warren County Ohio.
Shrinking demographic? I don’t think so.
<<And what will the ladies say?<p>
This old lady says with a yawn, “This is not news.”
It’s always been the Wealthy White Christian Male Power Structure in charge of this country. How long did it take the first ones to land here to declare the Indians all “heathens” needing to be “saved”? ( and incidentally decided they had a right to take whatever they wanted from them, hmmm?)
And who got to decide what mens and womens roles would be in this brave new world? White Male Christian Religious Leaders, thats who, based of course, on their interprepation of the Bible. Hmmm.
And who among us then rose steady upward into all the halls of power, where all the “big” decisions were made about how this country should be formed and run, in business, education, governance? Wealthy white males, of course, often with strong ties to religion. Hmmm.
And who gets to decide the future course of this great nation now? Yep. Wealthy White Religious Males. Hmmm.
Who, with half of a operable brain could expect anything OTHER than an sharp uptick in xenohobia, sexism, homophobia, and no end of other “isms and phobias to result the minute ANY change looks like it might threaten the existing structure?! Hmmm?
In America, the formula for ongoing success is a simple one: money equals power and power equals control. Follow the money: it won’t take long, and you’ll understand why I long ago gave up hope of every seeing much change for the better, in this country.
As long as money and the power it buys, trumps all other democratic values, the only ones who will make out like bandits are those who have a good share of it and think they can get even more. Que sera, sera.
that you are not wealthy enough to be part of the “white male christian power” elite!!!!!
O’Reilly’s comments qualify him for membership in a long standing American organization founded just after the Civil War by Nathan Forest, the Ku Klux Klan. Parenthetically, it amazes me that Bush has his head so far up his ass when it comes to fighting terrorists. We’ve done it for over 100 years with some success. The KKK are home grown American terrorists, the spiritual forefathers of the Planned Parenthood bombers, the doctor killers and the America-is-a-Christian-nation types like Falwell, Robertson and Dobson. They want the same things. So the question simply becomes this: Is Bill O’Reilly willing to do what the KKK hstorically did and continues to foment in order to create their white Christian nation? I think the answer to that is yes.
It’s time for progressives to become staunch defenders of the Second Amendment.
Another arguments that conservatives use against immigration is that they don’t share traditional American family values or they are a threat to national security.
Priscilla Huang from NAPAWF takes a closer look at the Center for Immigration Studies’ recent report on immigrant family values. Check it out at RH Reality Check!
Thanks for that link RH.
And like the damn foreigner ain’t enough, there’s the gays going around getting hitched and threatening poor Bill’s marriage. It’s no wonder the poor guy is nuts.
It seems for a long-time that Conservative Republicans have been stepping on the backs of immigrants to gain their, conservative credentials. I just don’t think that Conservative Republicans understand how much immigration intertwines with race. Because, the immigrant who just arrived yesterday, is just as brown as me, who can tell the difference when were at the same Church??
So what effects immigrants, in reality has some effect on me too…and that equals Latino backlash for the Republican Party.
Who is crazier, O’Reilly spouting his KKK crap or McCain saying with a straight face our economy is great and unemployment is low and sequeing that into the reason we need farm workers…? And by all means Billo throw in a mention of that racist bastard Buchanan just for good measure.
Racism is blatantly alive and well-right on national tv…nothing new but it does get depressing to see this kind of shit over and over and over again-played out against one demonized group or another. Racism-it’s what’s for dinner.