For all you blowhards! … Just joking. But, did you know that — just as there is the “tomb of the inflatable pig” in Paraguay, there are inflatable bras, and numerous other inflatable unmentionables — there’s also innovation in how you can inflate your tires? Treehugger suggests that you’ll pollute less — and save gas mileage — if you inflate your tires with nitrogen. Who knew. And it turns out that — it figures that a “blue” company would be hip to this — COSTCO puts nitrogen in the tires of its customers!
Is it like nitrous oxide?
(not a chemistry major)
Not that I EVER partook, but SOME people in college back in my day did partake.
A little piece of something from a nothin new report:
I was over on the orange site, and I read this absolutely hilarious diary. It is here.
It seems they have a photo of Fitzgerald with, who else, Jane Fonda!