Weekly Standard on last night’s debate:
America got to see a vaguely threatening parade of gun fetishists, flat worlders, Mars Explorers, Confederate flag lovers and zombie-eyed-Bible-wavers as well as various one issue activists hammering their pet causes. My cheers went to a listless Fred Thompson who easily qualified himself to be president in my book by looking all night like he would cheerfully trade his left arm for an early exit off the stage to a waiting Scotch and good Cuban cigar.
That’s gotta be one of the most accurate statements ever made by Weekly Standard.
OK, so let me get this straight…Grandpa Fred is qualified to be President because he
1) would give up a limb to get out of an uncomfortable situation
2) enjoys partaking of goods from a country under a total embargo
Methinks they need to set their standards a little higher…
Scotch and soda… jigger of Gin…Oh what a spell you’ve got me in, oh my…
I thought he looked like he wanted to crawl inside of one of his own eyebags.
Easy on the eyebags. The guy is being treated for cancer. I rather took his behavior to be akin to George Bush Senior’s looking at his watch during the Pirot and Clinton debates. When you know you are losing, why hang around. And the Cuban cigar rap was a low blow. The guy’s a loser. Let’s not rub it in.
Probably right, thought it was the scotch.
No doubt. Gets you through the downs.
Arkansas State Senator Denny Altes (R-Fort Smith) had this to say regarding immigration in his state:
Nope. Not a racial issue at all….
OK everyone, so what’s the answer……… I’m waiting.
Jane Hamsher over at Firedoglake,
Go read
Oh Rudy, Don’t Take Your Love to Town
Oh my. Oh my.
I hope he went straight to hell.
When he read the St. Crispen’s Day speech from “Henry V” and called his impeachment comrades “this band of brothers”, I wanted to jump through the TV and grab him by his fucking throat.
tried to post this as a diary but i still can’t figure out how to embed pix on booman…thought i knew how but apparently not.
skippy walked the picket lines w/the horror writers earlier this week in front of warner bros…where the writers held an exorcism to cast the demons out of the producers’ heads…chuckie and michael meyers were on strike too…lots of pix!
everything you [n]ever wanted to know about posting pix at bt…here.
and yer basic code: [auto format v.]
< img width=X src= pic URL >
close brackets and preview is your friend
example, with a pic ‘lifted’ from yer site:
< img width=100 src=http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d11/skippybkroo/WritersStrikeWarners5.jpg >
close brkts:
X = 400 max for a new comment/diary, scale down appropriately for replys….margins get way outta hand otherwise.
have fun
good diary btw.
thanks dada!
Who in the world with any intelligence at all would go into a Republican debate without a few scotches? That the before. The after is the Cubanos, and maybe a few more scotches.