Before you read the following, I want you to remember that the man who makes the statement that I’m going to quote is a United States Senator. You might find it hard to believe that he could have achieved such high status and power over the lives of his fellow Americans based on the words he spoke, ones which reveal that his mind is a vast wasteland, but its true.

His name? Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and this is what he said in response the attempted assassination of Gabby Giffords and the deaths of six other people:

Following the mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona, that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (R-AZ) in the hospital, there have been calls for politicians and pundits to back off violent rhetoric.

But tea party favorite Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) isn’t about to let the tragedy change his tone. […]

“The shooter wins if we, who’ve been elected, change what we do just because of what he did,” Lee told ABC.

Yes, the shooter wins if we tone down the murderous, violent rhetoric such as this remark by Glenn Beck:

The shooter wins if political candidates encourage people to exercise their second amendment remedies if the election results don’t turn out the way those voters expected:

The shooter wins if Michelle Bachman (R-MN) can’t refer to Democrats as “enemies” and implores her constituents to be “armed and dangerous” because a “revolution … is a good thing” to prevent tyranny:

Yes, the shooter wins if President Obama can’t be called a tyrant, a Muslim, a Marxist, and a racist who hates white people:

The shooter wins if Rush Limbaugh can’t call Democrats terrorists:

The shooter wins if Limbaugh can’t call Obama and Democrats “Nazis” and “Brownshirts:”

The shooter wins if Glenn Beck can’t publicly imagine killing Michael Moore:

And the shooter most assuredly wins if Republicans can’t joke about a carnival shooting game which encourages people to shoot President Obama:

I wonder if Senator Lee knows what the term “non sequitur” means?

A fallacy in which a conclusion does not follow logically from what preceded it.

I suspect he doesn’t. I suspect he doesn’t care that he looks like an idiot either. Just so long as he, his Republican colleagues, Right wing talk show hosts and Tea Party supporters can keep using hate speech to encourage unstable individuals to threaten the lives of their fellow Americans, I don’t think he gives a damn what we think.