The New Yorker has a new article from Seymour Hersh in which he examines the question: Would President Bush go to war to stop Tehran from getting the bomb? Here’s his lead paragraph:
The Bush Administration, while publicly advocating diplomacy in order to stop Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon, has increased clandestine activities inside Iran and intensified planning for a possible major air attack. Current and former American military and intelligence officials said that Air Force planning groups are drawing up lists of targets, and teams of American combat troops have been ordered into Iran, under cover, to collect targeting data and to establish contact with anti-government ethnic-minority groups. The officials say that President Bush is determined to deny the Iranian regime the opportunity to begin a pilot program, planned for this spring, to enrich uranium.
Well, when Seymour Hersh talks, I listen. He has sources in the military and among the intelligence community that few other reporters can match. He has also invariably been proven right regarding his reporting, from our failure to capture Osama in Afghanistan to the torture and abuses of Abu Ghraib. What he has to say this time is truly chilling even if, after so many lies and so much warmongering by the Bush administration, it has lost its ability to shock anyone.
(continued below the fold)
There is a growing conviction among members of the United States military, and in the international community, that President Bush’s ultimate goal in the nuclear confrontation with Iran is regime change. Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has challenged the reality of the Holocaust and said that Israel must be “wiped off the map.” Bush and others in the White House view him as a potential Adolf Hitler, a former senior intelligence official said. “That’s the name they’re using. They say, ‘Will Iran get a strategic weapon and threaten another world war?’ ”
A government consultant with close ties to the civilian leadership in the Pentagon said that Bush was “absolutely convinced that Iran is going to get the bomb” if it is not stopped. He said that the President believes that he must do “what no Democrat or Republican, if elected in the future, would have the courage to do,” and “that saving Iran is going to be his legacy.”
In recent weeks, the President has quietly initiated a series of talks on plans for Iran with a few key senators and members of Congress, including at least one Democrat. A senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, who did not take part in the meetings but has discussed their content with his colleagues, told me that there had been “no formal briefings,” because “they’re reluctant to brief the minority. They’re doing the Senate, somewhat selectively.”
The House member said that no one in the meetings “is really objecting” to the talk of war. “The people they’re briefing are the same ones who led the charge on Iraq. At most, questions are raised: How are you going to hit all the sites at once? How are you going to get deep enough?” (Iran is building facilities underground.) “There’s no pressure from Congress” not to take military action, the House member added. “The only political pressure is from the guys who want to do it.” Speaking of President Bush, the House member said, “The most worrisome thing is that this guy has a messianic vision.”
It should be noted Iran has never invaded another country, and never used weapons of mass destruction. Does it support certain terrorist organizations in the Middle East? Yes, principally in Lebanon. But the same could be said about every single government in the Middle East. Indeed the biggest financial supporter of Al Qaida was our erstwhile friend and ally in the region, Saudi Arabia. To compare Iran to Nazi Germany (and by contrast, Bush to Winston Churchill) is to engage in a dangerous and misleading fantasy about the real threat Iran poses in the region and to our nation.
And it seems George Bush has learned nothing from the ongoing catastrophe that is Iraq. Wasn’t Iraq going to be his legacy? I suppose that since Iraq hasn’t turned out so well, it’s not exactly unexpected that Bush would go off in search of something else to pin his historical reputation on — but another war, and against Iran? A nation with a stronger military and greater potential to cause our forces in the region harm?
This messianic complex that Mr. Bush seems to possess in spades is frankly what makes him the most dangerous man on the planet. Wars are to be avoided, not pursued. Leaders that pursue the false glory that war offers are rightly condemned by history, not crowned with the laurels of “statesman” and “humanitarian.” Bush may fancy himself the New Age version of Winston Churchill, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Churchill warned against the aggression of the Nazis under Hitler, he didn’t wage aggressive war in return. Churchill rallied his country to fight on against a more powerful foe that had attacked and invaded other countries and threatened the invasion of England itself. He didn’t pre-emptively invade weaker nations on the pretext that they posed a threat to his own.
Indeed, Bush does resemble a certain World War II leader, but it certainly isn’t Churchill. I leave it to you to decide which past ruler to whom he should be compared.
As for the Hersh article: Go read the whole thing. It will be well worth the time you take today to absorb all of its implications. Indeed the most frightening of which is this:
One of the options under consideration involves the possible use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapon, such as the B61-11, to insure the destruction of Iran’s main centrifuge plant at Natanz, Hersh writes.
But the former senior intelligence official said the attention given to the nuclear option has created serious misgivings inside the military, and some officers have talked about resigning after an attempt to remove the nuclear option from the evolving war plans in Iran failed, according to the report.
“There are very strong sentiments within the military against brandishing nuclear weapons against other countries,” the magazine quotes the Pentagon adviser as saying.
The adviser warned that bombing Iran could provoke “a chain reaction” of attacks on American facilities and citizens throughout the world and might also reignite Hezbollah.
“If we go, the southern half of Iraq will light up like a candle,” the adviser is quoted as telling The New Yorker.
Somehow, I doubt this is what Bush’s father meant when he talked about “a thousand points of light.”
The President started a war in his 1st year, another in his 3rd year and this one will be in his 6th year. That means we won’t have to fight the next war until Emperor Bush’s 10th year.
Damn, the bright side sucks too.
oh boy…
I suppose we never could expect a normal election with the polls looking the way they do. I wonder, however, whether he has the cred to bring Warner, Roberts and others along for the ride. At some point, even the GOP leadership needs to call bullshit.
BooMan…he (They…BushCo) has had the “cred” to bring the majority of Democrats along on almost every harebrained scheme these wanton murderers and thieves have hatched since they stole the 2000 elections.
Hell…since they honeytrapped Bill Clinton!!!
And of what does that cred consist? It certainly isn’t because of their moral standing in the universe, is it?
Of course not.
It consists of:
You BETCHA. Old J. Edgar is grinning in his grave at how well his lessons have been learned by these children of the night. All that NSA spying? What? You think these Senators and Congressmen are without sin? They are as venal and lustful as every OTHER motherfucker out there. More, ‘cuz they got more money. Honeytrap, graft trap…it’s all there waiting to be used, and BushCo uses ALL of it to pull in the faithful to the Church of Wrath. BET on it. This is politics, old style. With new technology. Deep and nasty. Mayor Daley with nukes and satellite spies.
Scared yet?
I am.
And by NO MEANS wait for the so-called GOP leadership. If they think he can pull this off…and short of a general strike and a march of literally millions on Washington, I think he CAN pull it off…then they are in for the big one.
Whatever will get them re-elected.
In fact…if there is ONE THING in Hersh’s story that encourages me, it’s the part about military officers “resigning”. Because if the military REALLY decides that this boy and his helpers are nutters…and frankly, I believe ever larger portions of it ARE beginning to understand this fact (witness Murtha’s shot across the neo-con bows last year), then things are going to get VERY interesting.
Eventually, we are likely to see them REALLY dig in their heels.
“Just say NO!!!” (Nancy Reagan, probably on her wedding night.)
Or…I mean really, folks. Dissident German officers in 1944 went so far as to try to blow THEIR nutter off the face of the earth. Do you really think men with guns are any different now than they were then?
It is all coming to a head, now.
Soon…either the crisis passes or the patient dies.
Let us pray.
_”if there is ONE THING in Hersh’s story that encourages me, it’s the part about military officers “resigning”. _
I don’t know as much as I should about how things work in Washington or in the military, but I would be a lot more encouraged if they didn’t talk about resigning, but instead started talking loudly of refusing to follow orders. If they started talking about the need for a “no confidence vote” in the Bush Administration, that might make me feel comfortable.
How much would talk of resignations or actual resignations change matters? Would it wake people up, or would the neocons just move nuts in to fill those positions?
In some ways it always scares me when the few sensible people start talking about resigning.
I agree wholeheartedly, James.
For some reason this article reminded me of the strange case of the firing of General Byrne last year:
If Bush gives the order to nuke Iran, is it possible the military would stage a coup?
I believe it is.
Remember…the JFK assassination AND the Watergate thing were “coups” of sorts. Actions taken with the witting cooperation of parts of the American military and political apparatus. Anyone who does not understand this is living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.
That old Groucho Marx show…”You Bet Your Life”?
That was REALLY a pilot for radical politics.
Left OR right.
Bet on it.
And…understand just what it is that you are betting.
Your ass.
THEY do.
Have fun…
Talk about resignations is one thing, action another. Also, any officer who told why he was resigning would be considered a traitor and would be prosecuted for treason for revealing “national security secrets” even if thos secrets were Bush’s plan to use nukes.
So it would take a particularly brave and determined senior officer to do this.
And even if he did, would the media cover it other than from the GOP smear machine angle?
They CANNOT “talk” about disobeyinbg orders. Not in publoc, and CERTAINLY not for attribution.
They get busted.
But behind the scenes…?
All kinds of shit is happening.
Bet on it.
okay, that article scared the bejesus out of me…
Everything about this presidency has scared me from 9/11 on.
The ramifications are terrifying. The US is so dependent upon the rest of the world for oil, manufactured goods and Walmart merchandise… and we are paying with paper that is rapidly losing its value…
The insanity of the Bush regime knows no bounds.
If ever there was a time for rational forces in government to push the neocons out of power once and for all, this is that time.
This is an important post, and I’ve been saying even before Sy Hersh that Iran was next. A spook in the intel community sent me a strategy memo from the republican party. The guy is a liar so it’s hard to know when he’s telling the truth or not. This was about six months before we invaded Iraq. The memo stated then that this wasn’t about Iraq, but that Iran was the prize, and Iraq and Afghanistan mere stepping stones to that. It had a lot of baloney about the war not being about oil, but Democracy, and I knew that was phony crap so I through the memo out. I wish now, of course, that I hadn’t, because the strategy outlined has since become the playbook.
That said, however, please don’t be slavish with your devotion to Hersh. He is both reporter and puppet, and made a career by being the overt voice of the CIA in the media. He rose to fame by covering up the CIA’s massive assassination program in Vietnam. He talked about Lt. Calley and My Lai, rather than exposing the Phoenix program. And his book “Dark Camelot” is the most disgusting bunch of garbage and innuendo yet published about the Kennedys, and that’s really saying something.
I’m no fan of Hersh or the CIA’s black operations (as opposed to the vital and strictly intelligency analysis operations). But when I see even Hersh and CIA people saying hey, we have to stop this madness, that is a measure of just how far out of whack Bush is with the rest of the establishment.
It is indeed a profound testament to the delusional irrationality and dysfunctionality of the Bush regime that the old-money, Carlyle Group type crowd (who used to run US foreign policy since the 1930’s), now look “good” in comparison to the neoconservative sociopaths who wrested that power from them.
I see a mighty struggle going on now between the Carlyle types and the neocons for control of the government. I believe the neocons are losing power steadily, but they are still very dangerous as the cornered rats they are.
With Porter Goss as the titular head at CIA it’s unclear what role CIA might be able to play in thwarting the neocon lunacy vis a vis Iran, but I suspect there are enough people of influence within the intel community at large that they may be able to help stop, or at least slow this insanity until other forces can intercede.
Even a military coup to depose Cheney/Bush would be preferable to letting BushCo assault Iran, though I realize the odds of that are still pretty slim.
Hersh’s article has wide coverage in Brit papers. An interesting read in the Sunday Times, UK-essentially on the hawks in Washington think tanks who are driving US policy – is a tidbit on the planning for attack on Iran. BTW, the article makes no reference to Hersh’s piece.
Bush’s salon revolutionaries plot an Iran coup
That was a very good article. Thanks for the link.
What I see here is in one way a pretty simple calculus.
The neocons want an ever-widening sphere of conflict that ultimately resiults in regional war throughout the Middle East.
The Carlyle types, on the other hand, want the spread of the current conflict to stop. They will be content to remain in Iraq in some capacity for some time to come, whether civil war continues there or not, but on no account do they wat to draw Iran, Turkey, or any of the other nations in the region into direct, open conflict.
And we the people need to decide which approach to support. It’s actually a “Sophie’s choice” in a way because neither choice is good, but to me one, (stopping the aggressive spread of the violence to other countries by US forces), would be far preferrable over the other, at least as a beginning for ratcheting down the violence over time, rather than aggressively expanding it at warp speed like the neocons want to do.
Ultimately I think Bigoil, and even the larger segment of the armaments and defense industry will side with the Carlyle types if for no other reason than the kind of unregulated chaos that is the inevitable result of the neocon insanity will be worse for business in the long run than will the more measured sort of provocation exemplified by the Carlyle types over the last 6 decades or so. (I realize Carlyle itself doesn’t go back that far, but the style of foreign policy manipulation through arms deals and payoffs to corrupt dictatorships is the stock in trade that their most senior investors and international partners have been engaged in since before WWII.)
As loud as the true crazies like Ledeen and Daniel Pipes and the prominent neocons might hawk their idiotic exhortations to war, I believe they are losing real power daily, despite the tone of news and opinion reports that suggest differently.
Personally I’d like to see a constant succession of prominent Dems going on the talking head shows and addressing the neocon agenda for war with Iran by ridiculing it relentlessly as an absurd, delusional idea dreamed up by nuts so infatuated with their own ideology that they’ve lost touch with the rational world and have become delusional.
Doubtful this will happen, given the current crop of Dems, but it’s a great idea.
I think you cut the nut right here in several ways, none of them pretty but each pretty right on.
Yeah, it may be too much to hope about Dems actually standing up – but what’s the alternative to that hope?
Since I’ve never been one to rely too much on “hope” to bring about the changes required in the world I inhabit, I’ve never relied too much on the Dem party to behave according to principle and to put the best interests of the country ahead of their own individual ambition. (Needless to say, my estimation of the GOP is that they fail along these lines even more completely than do the Dems.)
To the extent that I forecast meaningful change in the future, I place my confidence in the fundamental laws of cause and effect; in the sense that even the most powerful denial of reality, whether by an individual or institutionalized denial across an entire society; such denial eventually collapses in upon itself as the stark truths that are the direct consequences of that denial burst through the looking glass.
We here in the US are going to be required to make many dramatic changes in our way of life over the coming years, and the sooner we disabuse ourselves of our illusions regarding the sustainability of our current lifestyles the better off our children and grandchildren will be going forward.
There is so little political will in either party to address any of the major issues we face that I have the sense that we will need to look outside the 2 party structure if we’re going to get anywhere. If “we the people” can recover en masse the realization that those we elect are there to serve our interests rather than their own; if we can convince them that we do not serve them but rather they exist to serve us, then we might have a chance to bring about some truly positive and responsible change through a political process.
Buit I’m not optimistic about that in the short term.
sbj, there’s not much one can add to your well framed reply.
“[g]iven our current crop of Dems:” that’s a large part of our frustration. Must be something in the DC water.
Example: Barack Obama, looked upon as ‘the brightest rising star’ in the Democratic Party, so much hope dashed in less than a term. I just read this..he’s out in CT giving ringing endorsements and fundraising for his “mentor” Lieberman, Bush’s ally on the war, cheerleading the nuke-Iran crowd.
Disgusting. Say it ain’t so.
Obama! What a tragedy! I fell for the spiel too at first. His speech at the Dem convention was truly inspired.
What a shame it was all a sham; hollow rhetoric designed to deceive and exploit the idealism of people whose best interests he has since that speech been busy undermining at every turn by word and by deed.
What a waste of an opportunity for someone with such a clear intellect and grasp of the issues to capitulate so quickly and so completely to the whole “game” of congressional politics and money-grubbing.
…I wish there was a way to edit comments after posting. Oh, I need my morning coffeeeeeee….
Read Hersh for what he is.
An asset of the left wing of the right wing.
BUT…we must accept our allies where we find them.
The “CIA”…shorthand for that segment of the covert military that is still working for old money…has opposed BushCo from the very beginning. That was what the Plame affair was about, and that is the ONLY thing that has had any slowing effect whatsoever on these people other than the will of the armed opposition in the Middle East.
More ahead in the weeks to come.
Bet on it.
I’ll bet the “Democratic Senator” is good ol’ Joe from Ct.
Of course. No one else would go for a ride on this pending train wresck but Good old Joe “I never met a Republican President I wouldn’t smmoch” Lieberman.
Ya think!!!???
Well it could be Russ Feingold. But somehow …
I was going to say something like “They’re always bragging about their bunker-busting bombs and the rest of their surgical-strike perfection, if they’re going to bomb Iran, just bomb it with the conventional weapons. Why go with the nukes?”
Then I realized that was equally crazy. We don’t need to bomb Iran with anything. We don’t want any kind of war. If this is all true, I hope no one in the administration has some idiotic idea that people will accept the conventional bombing of Iran because “at least they didn’t hit them with the nukes.” Am I hopelessly paranoid thinking they are trying to get us to go along with conventional bombing by threatening something worse?
Other than that, and I hope that makes sense, I don’t know what to think. It’s as if the government is completely insane. The country is being run by madmen.
I’m scared that a statement like this even has to be made.
The decision to nuke or NOT is much easier the 2nd time around.
More than 2/3 of the world is watching.
This article really did scare the shit out of me.
The Popular Science article Bombs Away is clear. No bomb can penetrate rock. The bunkers can only be taken out by the nuclear explosion which will rain radiation downwind through Iran and Pakistan. Killing millions.
The delusional true believers from General Boykin, through Donald Rumsfeld, to Dick Cheney and George W Bush, who brought you the Iraq Invasion and Abu Ghraib, are still in charge.
Seymour Hersch’s article didn’t even mention the most likely scenario. After the nuclear attack on Islam, Sunni and Shiite clerics call for a unified Jihad. The military is swept out of power in Pakistan. Islamic Nuclear Bombs are smuggled in and exploded in Europe and North America.
The first nuke will open Pandora’s box,
It may take some time…but it will happen.
THAT is what the more intelligent people in the military understand.
Now…if they are as courageous as they are intelligent, we might actually get somewhere.
We shall see.
The last two elections have been shams anyway. I’d settle for a coup.
Couldn’t GET any worse…
So does this mean a draft is all but inevitable? [considering that russia and china just might object to all of this land grab] [does saudia arabia agree with dubya?] I think not! For if we did such a thing to Iran, we certainly could do it to them, as well. Just a thought.
So does this mean that with the polls of 36%, mean he has leverage to do such a thing? Does this mean he has spent all his political capital he spoke of in 04?
So does he think that America in general will let him do such a thing? [what with Iraq being in such a mess]
So does this mean that we need to win congress?…. both houses, in 06 to stop him?
So does this mean we have to get out into the streets to stop this nut case from ever doing such a thing, again?
With what money does he think he has to start and continue such an invasion?
With what boots on the ground, does he think he must have to start such an invasion? [a few special forces]
Does he think that Iraq, and primarily the southern most, will be willing to help him in this adventure? Ha Ha… If not, then are we really doomed in Iraq!?
Has anyone really tried to give him his meds recently?! Maybe all of them [need] their meds!!
These are some of the questions we ought to be asking ourselves.
The only way to be a solution and not part of the problem, is to do that which is necessary to stop this mad man and his cronies from destroying the world as we know it.
If worse comes to worse it means home grown fascism. And with Bush worse always seems to come to worst.
dowthread I noted even the Israelis are doubtful.
If the crew of loonies around W are true beleivers of end-times, poll numbers don’t matter. All they want to do is start the rapture.
I suspect there will be a “rupture” of the neocon’s power before the advent of the “rapture” the murderous evangelical armageddon enthusiasts so zealously seek.
The neocon’s ability to intimidate congress and the media is on the wane. They’re still mightily dangerous, but even big business, (even big oil business) seems to recognize that attacking Iran is counterproductive to their long-term profits.
If I were a Dem strategist right now, I’d be urging my clients to ridicule and otherwise make fun of the Bush regime’s attempts to garner support for attacking Iran. I’d tell my clients to characterize the Bush ideation on this as completely absurd, completely insane and irrational, at every opportunity.
If there’s one thing narcissistic psychopaths like Cheney and Bush and the rest of them can’t take it’s to be publicly ridiculed for their actions and positions. Humiliating them in this way will cause them to reveal even more of their insanity and they’ll lose even more of their tenuous support for their monstrous agenda.
You’re right, everyone should read that whole article. Although all I can say after reading it is holy shit.
The “Pentagon advisor on the war on terror” scared me the most:
Gets it all in there. This administration’s reliance on god, Euro/American ethnocentrism, pragmatism about Iran’s outlook and the final statement that something bad is going to happen.
The part that scared me the most:
He said that the President believes that he must do “what no Democrat or Republican, if elected in the future, would have the courage to do,” and “that saving Iran is going to be his legacy.”
The idiot actually believes that another unprovoked attack is going to make him popular again. You can’t reason with that kind of delusion.
I thought about going with this as the scariest part:
There are so many to choose from it’s hard to go wrong. Our leadership is the greatest evil currently facing the planet. Muslim terrorists don’t scare me anywhere near as much because they don’t have the power to destroy so much so quickly.
his legacy!!!- but he has to bomb the country to save it!
and deludedly thinks, not only will ensure his legacy among the greats, should lift his poll ratings out of their slump too.
someone get him back on his meds!
“that saving Iran is going to be his legacy.”
Saving Iran?
Isn’t that nice of him? I’d like to hear him explaining to the Iranians, and the world, how nuking Iran is going to save them.
No. Scratch that. I don’t want to hear him trying to explain that.
And what does he mean by “if elected in the future”:
no Democrat or Republican, if elected in the future, would have the courage to do
We are going to keep having normal elections, right, Mr. Bush?
does the “if” imply uncertainty about elections [Bush the king] or uncertainty about the existence of a future??
It’s the rehash of the “We have to destroy the village to save it” meme that revealed the core insanity of the Vietnam debacle.
Over the last 6 months, I wrote a few diaries on the subject here on 02.14.06 and elsewhere, so I’ve been reading as much as I can on both sides of the “threat to take out Iran.”
What if Iran already bought some nuclear warheads. What if during the past 18 years Pakistan’s Dr. Khan-Mr Bomb – helped them further along? What if Russia, China, India take sides? And, factor in North Korea who may think they’d be next.
Russia, China and India are major stakeholders, dependent on Iran and the gulf for oil and gas.
Oh for a little strip of land. John Pilger, (02.13.06): “Iran: The Next War” wrote,
While the Pentagon has no plans to occupy all of Iran, it has in its sights a strip of land that runs along the border with Iraq. This is Khuzestan, home to 90 per cent of Iran’s oil.
Buy donkeys, or mules. Service the bicycles. Secure family’s stores of food and water. Martial law, curfews can’t be ruled out.
Over the past 2 years ‘Tinfoil land’s alternative news with views’ ( on shortwave Christian radio stations) have been advancing the exact contents of Seymour’s piece. They call it, the coming armageddon. Not so tinfoil after all.
ANYTHING. Why should he stop at using nukes in Iran? The current crop of pols hasn’t given him any reason to quit being mean and smarmy. And neither has the country at large. MAYBE the thought of nukes might drive people out on the streets to protest. Pull them out of their little cocoons. I rather doubt it. The blinking country is going down the tubes and we discuss each slip and slide endlessly.
There needs to be a million people knocking on the WH door and the sooner the better. The time has come, before it is too fucking late.
Do you think that there ARE a million people in America ready to spend the time and money, to risk the danger that such an act would incur?
Sadly…I don’t.
It’s up to the pros, now…
Why yes. Wouldn’t be the first time USA has nuked a country. The R-o-W will see us as racist, Again. What a message given the US-India deal. And, it’ll not be just “the southern half of Iraq [that] will light up.” It’ll be Armageddon. We’re bereft of friends as it is.
But that aside, when did mistakes ever matter with this administration? As many have been noting for months, within these pages and ex this blog: ‘Iran is next’, unless we have a military coup – Rumsfeld and Cheney depart or impeachment of Bush and Cheney – not likely.
This should tell us something; our two allies, the Brits and Israelis, are very nervous over the mindset to attack. If we nuke Iran, Israel and also Pakistan will be put at risk. There goes Musharraf.
Recently, The Nelson Report, via Steve Clemons, link here cites several articles over the past weeks echoing that on Iran, America is intelligence-blind in part due to the Plame affair. What irony.
I am filled with utter frustration. Corporate media continues to be total denial. They refuse to admit that President Bush “operates on an entirely different logic set”. In plain English, he is delusional. You can see it in his face. He has no grasp of the death and suffering he has already caused from New Orleans to Bagdad. The total failure of his policies.
The future is clear. If the US attacks Iran, economic chaos will hit the US. If US strikes with nuclear weapons, US cities will be destroyed by fire instead of water.
But who in the GOP – God’s Own Party – are brave enough to say to the country – we need regime change here at home; that “Bush and Cheney are both incapacitated.”
Bush is delusional and Cheney is ‘heart-challenged’ (in the moral sense), can’t shoot straight and never saw a war he didn’t love as long as he’s not directly in harm’s way.
Thing is if we nuke Iran, we’ve nuked our oil supply for years to come. But that does not matter since Halliburton will get the no-bid contracts to decontaminate the fields.
So off to war it is and with it comes the second Great Depression.
I was too young to have lived the fear of the Cuban missle crisis – but this is making me think that we might be moving towards the same kind of situation. Except the US will play the role of Russia during that scenario. Are we left to simply hope for a John Kennedy somewhere in the world to bring sanity to the situation?
This insanity by the Bush regime is more dangerous than the Cuban missile incident by several orders of magnitude.
In that situation, it was the crazy generals like Curtis LeMay and his counterparts on the Soviet side who were the lunatics pushing for open warfare; while it was Kennedy and Khruschev and most of their close diplomatic advisors who were the rational ones, (and the ones with the ultimate authority to make the decisions to avert disaster).
In the current situation, it is the chief executive Bush and all his enablers who are the crazy ones; most of the military leaders and diplomats are the rational ones, but they are not the ultimate decisionmakers.
Good point!!!
Al-Jazeera reports today, Egypt’s president Mubarak, speaking on the Iraq situation said ‘the US must not leave yet’…erm because of the ‘civil war’..Iraq is practically destroyed now”.. that Shias in the region-states surrounding Iraq and further afield are more loyal to Iran.
“Their loyalty is not to their particular countries.”
Kuwait, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia all have large Shia communities.
Mubarak just drew us a picture. During the planning leading up to Iraq invasion, his voice fell on deaf ears. Quite likely he was told, take your $2billion and stfu.
Mubarak has taken a little longer than his fellow dictators to realize what everyone else in the region knows already, that if you ally yourself with the Bush regime that that regime will betray you utterly in the end.
Another war is what the world needs less… and we should not forget that the situation in Iraq is far from peaceful. Actually, according to the diaries of RubDMC (who is following the events in Iraq on a daily basis), the situation in Iraq pretty much resembles a civil war:(
I do not know what Bush thinks, we can never be sure about his precise plans and visions of the future, however, I certainly know that no one in America or elsewhere will applaud a military action against Iran. No one wants to follow everyday news on another bloody, pointless and scary war. No one wants to see more killings and bomb explosions. What I do not understand is why would someone want to start a war? Why would someone deliberately engage in military actions and put at risk the lives of the people, he is supposed to take care of? I do not know…
Recently, I read an interesting diary, posted on the European Tribune blog, regarding demonstrations in America. Actually, the author of the diary was asking why Americans go out in the streets to protest so rarely and how could they be mobilized? Well, I do not know how mobilization works, but I am sure that an attack on Iran is serious enough to make people alert. I do not urge people to engage in mass demonstrations, rather I just claim that something should be done, so that this madness will be stopped on time.. but what? This remains to be figured out
If Seymour Hersh says something, it is gonna happen!
One of the things about this new article by Sy Hersh that really scares me is that so many people seem to be so shocked and taken by surprise that the Bush regime is as deranged as they are.
Nothing in this article should be surprising to anyone really.
The US policy with nukes ever since WWII has been mutually assured destruction (MAD). What this boils down to is essentially that the US will only use nukes IF FIRST ATTACKED BY WMD (i.e. nukes, chem, or bio WMD). There were senarios during the cold war where if pressed, we would have used tactical nukes in Europe (or elsewhere). There was always a profound understanding that opening the nuclear Pandora’s box could lead to a complete nuclear war, and was not to be done unless our backs were against the wall.
Planning a pre-emptive air attack using nukes on questionable intelligence estimates, on an undeclared war, with no current hostilities is INSANE.
If the old saying was a butterfly flapping it’s wings over China changes the weather in New York, well, imagine just how may trillions of butterfly wings a couple of nukes are going off in Iran. You don’t know what will come of this except that it’s nothing good.
The key quote is the one about Congress not objecting. This is where we can make a difference. PLEASE contact Members of Congress, call attention to the Hersh piece, express your alarm that the U.S. might do this, insist that Congress get answers, get nukes off the table, and demand that Bush not bomb Iran without Congressional authorization.
I’ve written more on the subject in my diary as an adjunct to this one:;sid=2006/4/8/19536/49003
But my plea is simple: read and discuss, but above all, act. Only big noise from Congress and the media has a chance to stop this from happening. Bush is politically weak enough that it might work this time, especially if Congressional Democrats start making noise now, and refuse to fall into line when Bush plays the “nation at war” card.
I was just scrolling down the comments with the intent of asking folks to read your post Captain! I could not live with myself, if I did not act on your suggestion to contact my congress critters now. Nothing much at stake here, except maybe the survival of the species!
Thanks. Others—at least a few–are doing this as well, judging from comments in various threads here and elsewhere.
The Washington Post is now carrying a similar story. But they discount the possibility of an attack in the second paragraph:
Other than that they seem (upon a cursory reading) to be using similar, if not the same, sources as Hersh.
It’s a shorter article than Hersh’s piece, and there’s only a couple of paragraphs on the nuclear issue:
They attribute information that Bush is talking to “key senators” to Hersh.
Also note,