Liberal Street Fighter

So, the United States, peacemaker to the world ahem has brokered a cease fire in Lebanon, with help from their good friends, the French (take that wingers!). A “deal” which gives the Israelis almost everything they want, despite the fact that they committed war crimes and still got their asses handed to them. Early word is that Hezbollah is willing to accept the deal (no link yet). The Israeli’s reaction?

The Israeli army pushed deeper into Lebanon and air strikes killed up to 20 people on Saturday, despite a U.N. Security Council demand for a “full cessation of hostilities” in the month-old war with Hizbollah guerrillas.

Israeli helicopters airlifted hundreds of troops into south Lebanon as part of an expanding ground offensive launched despite Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s announcement that he backed the U.N. vote. Olmert was expected to ask his cabinet to approve the resolution on Sunday.

Ceasefire? I guess that means “I keep trying to kill you and all of your neighbors until I decide you’re not going to keep shooting at me.”

Israel’s top general said the attack would go on until it was clear how any U.N.-backed ceasefire would take effect.

“We are fighting Hizbollah and will continue to fight it until a ceasefire is decided, but more than that, until it is decided what the mechanism for implementing (that ceasefire) is,” Lieutenant-General Dan Halutz told reporters.

“We will continue to operate until we achieve our aims.”

Oh, yes, THAT makes sense.

Israel claims this is necessary because Hezbollah has fired more rockets this morning, and they have no choice but to defend themselves by continuing to grind Lebanon into dust.

Blessed are the peacemakers, who maketh peace by moving in heavy infantry.

hat tip to The Side Street for the Bennett cartoon.