Someone needs to take up a collection and get Bob Kunst some therapy. His fear of Muslims is so strong that he needs treatment.
Kunst is the President of the Hillary Now! organization that is pushing her to run for President. Kunst has been a leader on gay rights and has fought for other progressive causes for a very long time. But I just received a lengthy email he wrote to Joe Lieberman on August 11th, and it is quite something. I include it in full below the fold.
Most people stick with calling Muslims ‘fascists’ but Kunst prefers to up the ante a little bit and call them ‘nazis’. Take a read of his email and tell me what you think. Do we need allies like this?
It’s not that he doesn’t have some solid points here and there in this diatribe. It’s that he is an hysterical bed-wetter. As I have explained countless times, the swamp that breeds terrorism is the West Bank. Israel has not traded land for peace. Until they do, there will be no peace. And as long as the Arab countries that surround Israel are impotent to do anything for the Palestinians, they will become more and more unpopular, and they will become less and less democratic.
Bush’s plan fails, not because Muslims are incapable of democracy, but because they will opt to elect politicians that will stand up to the United States and Israel. They elected Hamas, they elected a pro-Iran government in Iraq, and they gave Hizbollah seats in Lebanon.
We can have puppets or we can have democracies. But we can’t have puppet democracies. Bush’s policies are insane.
If it is so crucial to our national security that Iraq’s oil not fall into the hands of Iran, then we should have a draft. Because we will need a draft to fight this World War Three.
I hope Hillary is aware that one of her biggest boosters is prone to panic and needs to see a doctor.
Dear Joe Lieberman:
I was at your headquarters on Tues. in Hartford and did 25 media interviews as Pres. of, which has gone to 136 cities, done 842 news interviews and 4 t.v. ads for Hillary Clinton in ’08.
With bad advice, Hillary ‘had’ to endorse Lamont, which may cost her dearly, but that too may change based on new info, and the new crisis taking place by the hour.
However, we at are supporting you in the general election, and we have no conflict in this issue.
While I was watching the returns, Mr. Lamont made a critical statement in his acceptance speech, which I feel his is ‘Waterloo’, and that of the Democratic Party’s. He said: “I don’t fear ‘negotiating’… with the terrorists. I was shocked at the stupidity of this statement, and all who are embracing Lamont, may soon regret it.
I knew at that moment, that his campaign was doomed, and then yesterday, with the “Big One” terror threat to take down 10 planes from England to the U.S., temporarily averted and 24 captured, with perhaps another 25 still out there still free….. you were quoted in today’s Atlanta Journal- Constitution from A.P.: “This should serve as the latest, most serious evidence that we are in a war against a brutal enemy that intends to attack us over and over again in the most indiscriminate way.” Mr. Lamont was ignored.
Sen. Reid echoed the Left’s takeover of the Dems. by blaming Bush for Iraq as the ‘rallying cry for international terrorists’, and Sen. Kerry: “This exposes the misleading myth that we are fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here.”
Of course all of this ignores the fact that Israel, which bought the ‘land for peace’ negotiating insanity of the very forces behind Lamont, have paid in blood for the wars they got instead, both in Lebanon and Gaza, not to mention the anti-semitism and anti-Israel, and pro-Hezbollah and pro-Hamas aspects to the Lamont campaign, festering throughout the Democratic Party to their own demise.
If G-d forbid Israel didn’t exist, and we were out of Iraq, would that stop these maniacs? Only a fool in denial, would agree that America and the West would be any safer or any better than now.
I know because I get the same hate letters you got for the war, directed at Hillary, as Hillary has also supported the war, and I got that hate mail as well and will send you some examples. Also we have been attacked for supporting you.
The point of all of this is that when one talks of ‘negotiating with terorrists’ who are determined to kill you, the ‘peace’ forces actually become the ‘more war’ forces, since the Islamic Nazis see any talk or giving up of territory as ‘weakness’, and when you give them an inch, they take an arm. They are committed to death, while we are committed to life. Two totally separate forces, and we can’t negotiate with those killers, and their religious jihad, and global Muslim mania to take over the planet, and return Allah, which means going for Armageddon.
The Democrats haven’t a clue. Israel knows better than anyone that “From Hitler to Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, Iran…that the Holocaust continues” and it’s very life is at stake now and why it must fight back. America is still ‘going shopping’ ,a la Bush two weeks after 9/11, and barely understands this conflict.
You and Hillary needs to ask all Americans to sacrifice in this War against Islamic Nazis, and to educate the nation and world at what is really at stake in all of this.
I’ve seen ‘millions’ literally in the last 3 years of activism on behalf of Hillary and know without question, even before yesterday’s ‘event’ ,that the #1 issue is: National security and defense and an offensive attack upon Islamic Nazis terrorists to get them before they get us.
I’ve written it 303 times already, and the Dems. refuse to deal with this issue on everybody’s mind.
While the Dems. hide from this issue and by default give it back to Bush, he too is remiss on this, while talking a big line regarding it.
For example, only a ‘unity’ nation can really defeat the Islamic Nazis, but Bush on 10 occassions, via “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell” anti-gay ‘politics’, has now dismissed the 10th Arab interpreter, we desperately need, because that person was gay. Instead of this dangerous emergency being addressed by everyone to stop the potential crisis we all face, Bush pursues more gay-bashing and sexual profiling as his priority.
Instead of all of our limited police and resources devoted to going after these mass murderers, we have too many worried about who’s having sex in the bushes, prostitution and getting high.
All of this the usual politics to cater to the Republican Right Wing, so totally at fault at polarizing the nation on these issues, while many are on target regarding the Islamic Nazis.
Isn’t this too much on how the roles have switched?
Even if one hates gays, to take these professionals out of the picture only endangers the rest of us and I’m sending you an e-mail on this to take to task Bush just on this matter, that is not only wrong, but hurting the whole effort to stop these Islamic Nazi fanatics.
You need to use this in your campaign of enlightenment for us all. Bush must stop this terrorism against American gays if we are to defeat the real enemy out there, and only a unified country can do it.
While Lamont wants to ‘negotiate’, let’s open a real issue here and real debate on Iraq.
For years the Dems. have focused on Bush being wrong, and ignoring what to do now that we are there, but to ‘cut and run.’
At first Bush takes out Saddam Hussein, a Sunni dictator, and in the worst of politics, has now replaced him with Al Maliki, a Shiite dictator, in bed with the religious fanatic, Sadr, in Iraq and the “Little Hitler” in Iran, also Shiites.
This gang has fostered the civil war in Iraq, and threats to Israel’s survival, and is supplying missiles etc. to Hezbollah via Iraq and Syria, and also with Hamas, with Al Qaeda also a factor, in the global terrorism attacks.
None of this is part of the debate that if we leave Iraq and give the victory to Iran, plus the oil, that this would be a global monopoly to Iran to blackmail the whole world’s economy….and then to escalate Israel’s destruction, and that ONLY means coming after the U.S. and the rest of the West.
We are in WWIII and in such denial of it, while the Islamic Nazis are very clear about our collective decodence and unwillingness to fight them back, but on a very limited and ‘political’ level. Israel, on the other hand, does it differently and it’s costly both in public opinion and in Israeli lives, and others as well. Israel has no choice, and we must back Israel’s effort that is taking the brunt in this WWIII, on behalf of all of us.
In reality, neither do we have a choice, except that we have the ‘appeasers’ in the Dem. Party giving the enemy solace and purpose, and once they are through using the ‘peace movement’, those that helped them will be next, as it was in the Holocaust in WWII.
Assimilating with the enemy might buy some time, but in the end, we are all ‘infidels.’
I enclose an article regarding the Aug. 22., date below in which a major horror may take place, and yesterday’s airplane scenario, that were avoided, might be a prelude to more awful things to come.
I urge you to read this and understand its meaning and expose it fully. We have to understand what is at stake here.
With the Dems. blaming everything on the U.S. and Israel and ignoring these Islamic Nazis, the public at large will NOT trust the Democrats with the reigns of power in these very dangerous moments.
Therefore I see your campaign, and even Hillary’s, as one of “Unconditional Surrender” of these terrorists, versus the Ayatollah Lamont approach of “Negotiating a surrender to the terrorists”, which will never fly to any thinking person, regardless of party affiliation.
I am proud that you as a Jew,and person of conscience, went South by bus, to open our country against the racists, KKK and Nazis here at home, as Jews also gave their lives in this civil rights struggle.
Yet, African-American, Rep. Maxine Waters, couldn’t even vote against Hezbollah, and then we have Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and others in there for Lamont, who is more Republican and not historically involved with this movement. In fact, this anti-Israel force is taking on the racist energy of the Nation of Islam and sees the Middle East conflict as Jews being white and Arabs being dark and therefore needing to be supported by the blacks.
A ‘right vs. wrong’ picture here is totally dismissed, let alone a vengence against you because you didn’t support a ‘quota’ system for ‘affirmative action.’
On the other hand, voters in Ga., threw out an anti-semitic, anti-Israel, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, who is black, on the same day that you lost the Dem. primary. Perhaps Ga., is far more ahead of Conn..
I am convinced that the extreme Left takeover of the Dem. party by Lamont, etc. will backfire, and that you in this 3rd party effort will prevail and possibly set the tone nationally for this 3rd effort, and why you have been shunned.
But you must distinguish between yourself as the ‘patriot’ and demand ‘unconditional surrender’ as we did with the Germans and the Japanese in WWII, while Ayatollah Lamont’, the ‘appeaser’,is willing to ‘negotiate surrender’ to the Islamic Nazis, that will only mean more war for all Americans and all the West and all Israelis and all who are ‘infidels’, which means, NOT Islamic Nazis.
This in effect is the campaign for all candidates in all parties given what is going on.
Joe, in driving South from your event, I did another 9 media for Hillary’s ‘bust’ showing in NY’s “Museum of Sex” on Aug. 9, with my sign: “Seek Abundance-Hillary ’08-and” and while we believe in her, she too makes mistakes, and we know the anti-war gang will never support her, no matter what, anymore than they would you and with as much venom.
In driving South, I listened to all the ‘talk shows’ on radio, and KNOW without question, that the public is never going to support Democrats who are soft on terrorists and the Islamic Nazis.
In fact one caller to a show in N.C., recommended the “Pork Bomb”, to pour pork oil on all of these Islamic Nazis, who won’t be pure any longer, in their attempts for 72 virgins for every Jew and Gentile and ‘infidel’ they kill.
The grassroots knows, and even the host on this show was openly critical of Bush and his ‘politics’ regarding Iraq and not really fighting this war either. Both Dems. and GOP were roundly criticized and it was refreshing to hear and gave me hope.
You’ve fired your staff. Hire us to help you. We know the formulae, and we are activists on behalf of our beloved country, not the party, which just doesn’t get it. When Dems. purge anyone in the party who doesn’t share their version of this ‘political correctness’, that will only produce more war, and more violence, they are as guilty as the Republicans playing their ‘loyalty’ games. When Dems. retreat to the passifist mentaltiy that prevails, as well as to those who actually support both Israel and the U.S. losing and being attacked, this party had better get a massive wake up call, and why your campaign and victory in November is critical for the nation and this party.
The point is that the Dems. and so many Americans don’t recognize this as a war, while the terrorists do.
The fact that I heard on 4 occassions yesterday,in 4 differenct cities, that they believe that what happened yesterday regarding sabotaging the planes, was set up by Bush to help you and defeat Lamont, should best illustrate the insanity behind the Lamont campaign.
But then 25% of the public believes that Bush also did 9/11.
All wars cost casualties, and Israel isn’t purposely targeting them while Hezbollah cowardly hides behind civilians to attack innocents in Israel, as much as those who wanted to take down 10 planes, with a potential of many thousands of innocent men, women and children, to also be killed, for their’ politics’.
I believe if you focus from these aspects, you will have the respect and support of folks from all parties to come back to support you in November and beyond. Let us help you.
We have already established an Independent Democrats of Fla., (IDF) for the last several years that is registered with the Sec. of State in Fla..
Again, this isn’t about you, but about saving America and Israel and the West, and our freedoms, with yourself as the vehicle of truth about all of this.
Our campaign for Hillary is: “It’s about U.S.” ….with Hillary the vehicle.
The debate on Iraq is so limited and you need to be the ‘teacher’ on what is at stake now in the ‘Big Picture.’
“Is Lamont willing to leave Iraq and give over Iraq and its oil to Iran, bent on destroying Israel and the U.S.?”
America will NEVER allow this to happen, and will never put the Dems. in charge, if this is their agenda, which is Ayatollah Lamont’s agenda, and the Left’s who purposely can’t see the forest for the trees.
We’re hoping that Hillary will soon see the light on this as well, and let Lamont hang on his own.
Yours Faithfully in Shalom,
Bob Kunst
So, is that the writing of an AmeriFascist. He’s really gone off his rocker after 911 terrorist strike on America.
Kunst is a German name
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It’s difficult to wet the bed, when you’re cowering under it.
Mr. Kuntz seems to have lost control of his faculties, or is not taking his meds as prescribed. I searched for those “solid points”, and must say, I couldn’t find them.
The money quote, imo:
Hell of a letter of introduction. If Mr. Lieberman [POO, CT] is intending to associate himself with the, shall we say, lunatic fringe, in lieu of listening to Dodd, Reid, Shumer, et al; then it’s a match made in heaven.
It will be interesting to see the response from Senator Clinton, if, indeed, there is one.
Now if this was some screed said by Coultergist or anyone from Faux news or the neo-cons it wouldn’t have registered much with me but from a someone who is a supposed ‘liberal’ it’s downright scary.
What is it about war or the presumption that billions of Muslims-in this case-(instead of the communist boogeyman or the gay agenda boogeyman, or the godless horde of liberals who are trying to destroy christianity, etc etc etc) are trying to take over the world? Some mass insanity on certain groups of people especially after 9/11 who believe(with no rhyme or reason)that this really is a war of the god-fearing(heaven fucken help us)nations against the perverted religion of Islam…by sheer numbers alone if the billion + Muslims wanted to destroy us they would simply all arm themselves and set about exterminating us wouldn’t they?…..not have various rag tag in many cases terrorist groups managing to commit murder and mayhem.
This whole screed coming as you mentioned from a guy whose a supposed or is a true progressive on other issues is just fucken depressing.
Hard to even rebutt this email because it is just so nuts that it is almost pointless. A ‘Pork Bomb’?…too many sicko’s out there.
there must be a gene for this kind of irrational fear.
I’d also like to say to all the fearmongering bastards who keep shouting about not forgetting 9/11…well I haven’t either but my response to that would have been to allocate all money necessary to make sure cargo in planes was inspected, that incoming cargo in all ports were inspected, that nuclear plants here were given the best security money could buy, to make sure our FBI and intelligence agencies HAD to work together to be able to do the investigative work needed to route out any terrorist plots be it bombing family planning clinics or taking over airplanes, that enough people staffed them that were fluent in Arabic languages, that their computers were all interconnected with the most up to date programs, so many real, concrete things that could be done but never have been..and also to make sure our foreign policy had the mandate to work with other countries to foster cooperation and understanding, with foreign aid going to programs to help lift people out of poverty, to make the Peace Corp once again the face of this country to show this country in a true humanitarian light-to spend more in other countries on those projects instead of selling arms to other countries, arm them with hope and help not guns….make our image into uncompromising peace, help and hope, not the fear inducing warmongering gun crazy nation this administration has shown it to be.
It should go without saying also that the issue of Palestine/Israel has to be resolved and that we need to be seen as an impartial arbitrator-probably a pipe dream but that is what the Mid East needs to see from us.
let’s just get some money into detecting the kinds of chemicals the British “terror cell” was planning to bring on the planes…then we wouldn’t have to ask passengers to ditch their $50 cologne or $100 worth of cosmetics…
[got the link from dKos — it’s loading slow, probably overwhelmed — original Hunter diary here…]
I know, this whole public perception that rethugs are better at keeping America safe just drives me nuts-how did that ever get started?….just because they talk more about going to war, blowing people up?…why is that perception which is fostered by the MSM taken as gospel and about as true as monkeys flying out of my ass on odd numbered days of the month.
needs to fire Kuntz’s ass…NOW.
The last thing she needs is the appearance of playing both sides of the street.
Why the fuck do these people hate America? They sure as hell hate democracy, that’s for sure…
The Lamont campaign needs to make this widely publicized: “Hey, Connecticut, any one who votes against the status quo is seen as in league with The Enemy. How does that make you feel, that your vote is being slandered by the power brokers?” Well, maybe not those words, but something similar…
…spreads the lie that talk radio is the people speaking to political parties? It’s the Republican party speaking to people, telling them what to believe!
In the unlikely event that an anti-war caller was allowed through the call screeners to the microphone to say “yes, the anti-war Democrats are right”, then that caller would have been cut off in mid-sentence. Kunst is aware of this, but uses Republican talk radio as evidence that the people are with the Republicans. That’s dishonest, as shows that Kunst is with the Republicans, not that the voters are.
is the “Ayatollah Lamont” snide comment.
This stinks to high heaven…
in Dutch and possibly also in German. Such last names indicates how Jews were sidelined into marginal professions in the Europe of generations past.
Reading his email reminds me of the interactions I have daily at work with religious Jews. I got to know them as very nice family men, sense of humor and all. But now they are uncompromisingly supporting Israel. Any decency is gone. All Lebanese children are Terrorists in training. Kill them all, basically. I am just looking at them, seeing in them the nice middle aged men who after years of brainwashing could be turned within days into mass murderers in the WW2 concentration camps.
Lieberman, Kunst, Chertoff, Perle, Wolfowitz, Ledeen, my colleges. How can I avoid thinking: Fifth Column. Somebody helps me!
Right now me and my wife are going to have dinner with a Jewish couple. I like them of course. I haven’t really seen them in a while. Last time they thought I was crazy. Not only because of the way I danced at their party, but because I tried to convince that 9/11 was an inside job. What about this latest scare? Are they scared into terrorism submission? Am I just going to tell them that the Mossad might have been behind 9/11, risking an ugly early end of the evening and not talking to them any more?
There is no more reason to believe that Israeli intelligence was behind 9/11 than Russian. It isn’t helpful to go around accusing people of shit with absolutely no proof.
and what proof is there that Muslims except as patsies are behind this plot, not to mention a few other plots?
cockpit recordings, a money trail, eyewitness accounts over the phone…
Were they patsies? Not all of them.
Did they know who was paying them? Probably not.
Did they have a case officer in Las Vegas? Probably.
Who did that case officer work for? We don’t know.
I just can’t believe what I just read!!!!!!!!!!
With friends like this who needs enemies!
I just do not know what to say!!!!!!!!..and this guy works for hillary??????
NO wonder the democrats have been loosing elections with ppl such as this on campaigns. I have to wonder what Peter Doua [spelling from salon] has to say about this one. I am just amazed….
he doesn’t officially work for Hillary. Just so that is clear.
To paraphrase Bill Murray in “Groundhog Day”: “Don’t blog angry…”
She still needs to disavow this memo somehow — perhaps by cutting any association with this group, maybe suing them for using her name without permission.
For anyone to be called a “terrorist sympathizer” for merely disagreeing with a war that had nothing to do with terrorism is sickening. And it’s unAmerican. Why does Bob Kuntz hate America?
also available in orange.
This is so nutty, it’s hard to believe. I don’t know whether this is really valuable as a look at how these people think, or if he repeated that Nazi stuff over and over in a bald attempt to play Lieberman and get him to hire him.
Let’s define some things.
Fascism is the merging of corporations and government. So in relation to the Middle East, where the oil owners and rulers are often the same, the Islamo-fascists are not bin Laden et al, but the House of Saud.
Nazism is a doctrine of hate which says the weak or defective should be destroyed in order to cleanse the motherland. Under this definition, those who want to wipe out America and Israel might well be considered Nazis.
However, Nazism has historically meant white supremacists, not Islamic Jihadists. To conflate those two groups is to muddy reality. It is obvious that he is trying to evoke the strong feelings of honor and righteousness that many people feel about WWII. This also allows him to confuse calls for peace in the Middle East with the appeasement of Hitler. It is a despicable tactic.
Can Democrats win the big upcoming elections and wrestle back control of this country. There are certain issue areas that are more important to winning a majority of voters than others. Compromises in the critical areas may have to be made to win so as to get a chance to implement more liberal policies than the current power elites will allow. First these critical areas must be identified.
I was angry that Bob Casey Jr was supported by the Dem machine in PA because Casey is such a social conservative on women’s issues. I do not believe that is an area where great compromise was needed, as most of the country is pro-choice or can be made to see the benefits of women’s rights. In general, socially liberal policies can be sold to the majority with the correct messages.
Likewise, fiscal discipline can be sold to the electorate, especially that the more wealthy should carry a higher share of the tax burden. It is wrong to go into debt to have our children have to pay for our desires now.
In the above two areas, a liberal message can win against the Repubs, especially after what the current crop of Repubs has done to this country in these areas. However, neither of these areas are election decisive issues of the caliper of national security. You could have the best social and fiscal policies ever devised and still lose the big elections if you seem soft, or uninformed, or unrealistic on national security. Repeat, you could have the best social and fiscal policies ever devised and still lose the big elections if you seem soft, or uninformed, or unrealistic on national security.
Iraq was shown to be a mistake because every reason for invading Iraq has been subsequently shown to be false! However, Islamic terrorism, 9/11, and other acts of terrorism in the world were and are real. Do not make the fatal mistake of equating resistance to the Iraq war with resistance to strong polices against terrorism. Israel is fighting terrorism for their very survival, and I believe most Americans can relate to this struggle for security at home from terrorist acts. The political statements made by the far left here and elsewhere concerning fighting Islamic terrorism show a weakness in strategy and approach and a wishful thinking option only. This national security area is a very critical area that Repubs can and will exploit to the detriment of other good progressive-liberal messages. Therefore, maybe this is an area, unlike the Casey support area, where some strategic compromises need to be understood and made if Dems want to win the big ones. I personally believe that most approaches-messages written here, other than the Iraq war criticisms, on Islamic terrorism and national security are losing messages in big general elections. Sorry, but I think this needs to be said and thought about
we are about changing what is possible.
You message is one that says we have to compromise on Beaver Creek or we will lose. I am not compromising.
Let my traffic and ad revenue fall as low as it can go. I will not say that neo-conservatism is a good approach to our national security.
Look at the turnout in Connecticut and help us win with this message. Don’t tell us that the only way to win is to promise to nuke Iran, cuddle up to Mubarak, Musharraf, the House of Saud, etc.
It is not working. It will not work.
Praising Israel’s action when those actions are disastrous to their national secuirty and ours, is not strength, it is not wisdom.
We cannot cave.
Check out Larry Johnson’s post that will show up shortly.
Booman, you are intermingling Iraq and other Islamic terroristic issues in your reply to me. That will not serve liberals well if you want to win, as they are two very separate issues.
The facts that the Repubs screwed up on Iraq are virtually irrefutable, so that is surely a fair area to attack repubs. However, trying to talk nice about and showing weakness toward the poor Islamic fundamentalists that threaten Israel and other areas of the world is a losing message, even if your approach might be ultimately correct. Therefore, it may be an area that compromise is needed to win the big ones! BTW, I do not personally believe that any approach toward counteracting Islamic fundamentalism will work unless it is backed by the perception and reality of strong force!
I’ll be honest, I could not get past the first couple of paragraphs..sounds like some major tushie kissing going on. Blech. Yes, very anxious indeed. Anxious indeed to please his Masters! Sad sad puppy. I am not part of those millions and millions, that’s for sure.
I made a similar comment to Kunst’s yesterday at dkos, describing certain Islamic as having a nazi ideology.
Read this and judge for yourself:
Views on Israel
Speaking at a graduation ceremony in Haret Hreik, Nasrallah announced on October 22, 2002: “if they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.”[7][8] The New York Times qualifies this as “genocidal thinking”[9], whereas the New York Sun likens it to the 1992 Hezbollah statement, which vowed, “It is an open war until the elimination of Israel and until the death of the last Jew on earth.”[10] Michael Rubin qualifies his goal as genocide too, quoting Nasrallah ruling out “co-existence with” the Jews or “peace”, as “they are a cancer which is liable to spread again at any moment.”[11] The Age quotes him like so: “There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel.”[12]
Despite declaring “death to Israel” in his public appearances, Nasrallah said in an interview to The New Yorker, “at the end of the road no one can go to war on behalf of the Palestinians, even if that one is not in agreement with what the Palestinians agreed on.” [13] When asked whether he was prepared to live with a two-state settlement between Israel and Palestine, he said he would not sabotage what is a Palestinian matter. [14].
In another interview with the Washington Post, Nasrallah said “I am against any reconciliation with Israel. I do not even recognize the presence of a state that is called “Israel.” I consider its presence both unjust and unlawful. That is why if Lebanon concludes a peace agreement with Israel and brings that accord to the Parliament our deputies will reject it; Hezbollah refuses any conciliation with Israel in principle.” [15].
Views on Jews
The scholar Amal Saad-Ghorayeb quotes Nasrallah describing his view of Jews: “If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli”. [16]
“Jews invented the legend of the Holocaust,” said Nasrallah on April 9, 2000. During another appearance on Al-Manar on February 23, Nasrallah praised a leading European Holocaust denier, David Irving, for having “denied the existence of gas chambers.” [17]
This from wikipedia.
So let me ask you straight out. Do you denounce this or not? Do you stand with the anti-semites?
I’ll be back with quotes from the President of Iran of a similar vein and hope to continue to remind you such henceforth.
And you owe me an apology for calling me a bedwetter. Bet you wouldn’t call me that if we met face to face.
bet i would.
You are scared but you have insufficient reason to be scared.
It is really that simple. Really.
Bad intentions are meaningless unless they can be acted on. Israel is not going to be overrun. It is not 1973. All the hot rhetoric in the world will not threaten Israel.
Only moronic responses threaten Israel.
Why can’t you answer the simple question? The truth hurts, I guess. Calling names, ad hominem attacks, very adult of you, very persuasive. And I really, really bet you wouldn’t.
i’ve never been adverse to having my ass kicked, so I really do doubt that I would be dissuaded by your apparent strength from accusing you of rank cowardice and serial bedwetting.
Grow up. Be a MAN. Seriously. You are an embarrassment.
Why are you trembling in fear?
Not gonna answer the question, tough typepad guy?
Listen, soiling yourself never solved a thing.
You can pee yourself in fear all you want.
It doesn’t mean I think you are strong on defense. Smelling the piss stains of Dick Cheney’s shorts is not something that makes me feel like a man.
Wow, just about any five year old can apparently run a blog. Oooh, tommy pisses in his pants. My feelings are deeply hurt. Very mature throughout, very erudite analysis. Is this the way you talk to your friends and family?
this is how I talk to my nephews when they are afraid to venture into the basement to change the laundry.
uh, what if you’re wrong? I guess it will be too late to apologize then, huh? Good luck to you.
Must be interesting … BBC World Radio
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