On Wednesday, May 28 (tonight) at 8:00 p.m. EST/5:00 p.m. PST my publisher is hosting an on-line chat for the release of my second novel, Skinny Berry.

For those unfamiliar with my work, I think it is a bit of a mix between John Grisham, Michael Crichton, Carl Hiassen and Ayn Rand (if only she were progressive).

This particular novel is a fictional look at the potential problems with the introduction of genetically modified organisms into our food supply.  My publisher will be giving away a few copies of the book during the on-line chat, so if you haven’t bought the book yet, this might be a good chance to get a copy at the rock bottom price of $0.
I was very pleased with my first book signing last week.  It turned into something of a town-hall meeting on these issues, which was all I could have really hoped for in writing the book.  Lots of voices in my own community.  Just regular people.  Talking about their food supply.  Very interesting.

So, while I’m aware that I won’t get to see many of you in person at any book events, I am happy to have one event where we might at least say hello in the virtual world.  Perhaps we’ll see you there.