What maneuver is this to escape accountability by new Congress? To fill the gap left by Bolton at the U.N. or perhaps he needs this position to clean personal history files: death squads in Central America and as U.S. Ambassador to Iraq …
WASHINGTON D.C. (CBS/AP) – Former NSA Director Admiral Mike McConnell is expected to take Negroponte’s place, reports CBS News national security correspondent David Martin.
McConnell served as director of the National Security Agency under former President George H.W. Bush and President Bill Clinton. Before that he served in the Gulf War as an intelligence officer to General Colin Powell.
In an interview with C-SPAN last month, Negroponte indicated that he wanted to stay on through the Bush administration.
Yet his answer to the question — will he “stay with it for a while?” — didn’t close to door to a new assignment. Since last summer, it has been said he was interested in the vacancy at the State Department.
“In my own mind at least, I visualize staying with it through the end of this administration and, then I think, probably that’ll be about the right time to pack it in,” he told C-SPAN.
It’s called a clean sweep:
BIO: John Dimitrie Negroponte – Creating a unified and efficient intelligence apparatus will be a major challenge given the turf wars that proliferated during Bush’s first term. These interagency disputes ranged from the creation of new intelligence operations tightly controlled by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (and other ideological allies among the civilian leadership at the Pentagon, including Stephen Cambone, Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglas Feith), to the sidelining of the State Department and the CIA by the Pentagon, White House, and Vice President’s Office …
Negroponte’s deputy will be Lieutenant General Michael Hayden, who directs the Pentagon’s National Security Agency—which is dedicated to satellite and other high-tech espionage. The Pentagon controls 80% of the U.S. government’s intelligence budget, which is estimated to exceed $40 billion annually.
My little hamster wheel has been spinning white hot ever since I read that John Negroponte is leaving his position as Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to take a position as Deputy Secretary of State. This is some really, really strange stuff. There are some very deep politics beneath this.
Here, then, is the emerging story of what Nixon called “peace with honor” but was, in fact, neither. This story of diplomatic deception and public betrayal has come to the light only because of the release of documents and tapes that Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger sought to bury for as long as possible. Prior to these declassifications, we knew only what Nixon or Kissinger wanted us to know about the making of war and shaping of the so-called honorable peace in Vietnam.
WTF? more than you’d like to know.
Rice is being positioned to become VP. Cheney’s toast…burned toast. With Rice as VP, Shrub could even resign and be confident that he’d left a legacy…the first woman and the first African-American president.
The Dems would then have to run Hillary or Obama or both, even if they don’t want to, so, in essence, Shrub would have picked the candidates for both parties for the 2008 election.
As soon as the Dems have officially capitulated to the inevitability of running Mama and Obama, Rice can drop out of the national race. The damage will have been done: the Dems will be in total chaos and the Reps come in with a new candidate.
Maybe JEB has a future after all.
I was thinking that myself the other day – that if the Dems impeach anyone, it would be Cheney first and foremost. Hmmmmm. Very interesting.
Death Squad Diplomacy.
It’s not just for third world countries anymore!