How odd that the Hillary supporters think trashing Bernie supporters is helpful to their granny.
I’m generally conflicted about being outrageous to publicly express an opinion. Possibly because I’m too reserved and polite to engage in such activities. Was it appropriate to boo Bernie? I want to say no. OTOH, my impulse may be wrong. OTOH, cheering for him on this occasion isn’t right either. Silence wouldn’t have been effective because it would have drowned out as the winners cheered Bernie for waving his white flag. So, booing may have been the least bad option.
Don’t worry. The truth is finally emerged It seems that Russia even has influence over Jill Stein. Why do I say that? Well because John Cole told me snidlyand the inimitable nobler seconds him. So there. Put that in your had and eat it—or however the expression goes.
Excuse, but you had no problem allowing the poster who elicited that noble sentiment to suppose that the woman was a DRUNK! Very elastic standards, I’d say.
Don’t you just love the ‘well, you’re a HYPOCRITE!’ dodge? You don’t even have to think. Just play that card, and that person’s points magically go away — even (especially) if that point is that you were being a hypocrite to a third party.
“Russia’s favorite fauxgressive Jill Stein”.
Rush Limbaugh couldn’t have said it better.
How odd that the Hillary supporters think trashing Bernie supporters is helpful to their granny.
I’m generally conflicted about being outrageous to publicly express an opinion. Possibly because I’m too reserved and polite to engage in such activities. Was it appropriate to boo Bernie? I want to say no. OTOH, my impulse may be wrong. OTOH, cheering for him on this occasion isn’t right either. Silence wouldn’t have been effective because it would have drowned out as the winners cheered Bernie for waving his white flag. So, booing may have been the least bad option.
Don’t worry. The truth is finally emerged It seems that Russia even has influence over Jill Stein. Why do I say that? Well because John Cole told me snidlyand the inimitable nobler seconds him. So there. Put that in your had and eat it—or however the expression goes.
Nobler = nalbar. Noble he’s/she’s not.
At least I don’t body shame women. It’s a low standard, I know. But Sanders supporters can’t meet it.
Excuse, but you had no problem allowing the poster who elicited that noble sentiment to suppose that the woman was a DRUNK! Very elastic standards, I’d say.
Your definitely not one to talk.
Don’t you just love the ‘well, you’re a HYPOCRITE!’ dodge? You don’t even have to think. Just play that card, and that person’s points magically go away — even (especially) if that point is that you were being a hypocrite to a third party.
Yeah. He’s the comment police around here. If he had any proof that I make disparaging remarks about peoples’s appearances, he’d post it, no?
I never said you
I would like to remind you, that YOU came into my diary and started posting shit.
You surround your self with racist, misogynistic crackers, and cheer them on, your a racist mysogynistic cracker.
Use republican memes constantly, your a republican.
LOL The NERVE of me!
So predictable.