Michelle Malkin blames Grover Norquist for Boston Marathon bombings. No really, that Grover Norquist.
During an appearance on Fox News on Wednesday night, conservative commentator Michelle Malkin alleged that influential anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist was indirectly linked to the Boston Marathon bombing. […]
“If you go on my website right now, michellemalkin.com, I talk more about the first president of the mosque that the bombers attended, Abdurahman Alamoudi, who has ties to the GOP — and in particular Grover Norquist — that a lot of people in the establishment had never, never condemned,” Malkin added. “If this had been a liberal who was tied to it, everybody on the right would be screaming about it. So both parties, both establishments are guilty of not speaking up enough and not doing enough to stop these people.”
That’s right, Grover Norquist is an international terrorist supporter! Thank you, Fox News, for my morning cup of Bwahahahahahaha! For once, some balance (if not fairness) from Fox News, though it is still mind-blowingly stupid. Not as stupid as claiming Obama is a sleeper cell Muslim Islamofascist, but hey, give them time.
Pretty fabulous. I think that on this note, I’ll head off to work, thanks for the chuckle.
Norquist. Ha.
Wait until she hears about the Bushes and the bin Ladens.
There is apparently an Alex Jones link as well.
Is this a ploy due to falling ratings? Or has she finally amped up the crazy so far that she finally blew a gasket?
All of the above.
Wow. That’s not Obama = Ayers territory. That’s three degrees of separations: bombers to mosque; mosque to its founder; founder to Norquist. Three more and she can link the bombers to anyone in the world. I’m sure her interns are hard on it.
(Side note: Since probably she and clearly a lot of people she knows also know Norquist, it’s just that one extra leap of McCarthyism to claim Malkin’s responsible. When do I get my Fox News gig?)
The Islamophobes have been going after Norquist since 2001. His wife is a Muslim, and he worked on GOP-Mulsim outreach – successfully, actually; Bush won them in 2000.