This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Tea and Crumpets on every table
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Thought we need a fresh, happy cafe for the afternoon…
wow, I leave for a couple of hours (maybe less) and …
At least you posted my favorite picture 🙂
I guess that means you know who’s being froggybottom today… 🙂
All froggy bottoms look alike to me. Now froggy fronts …
Okay, you’re not allowed to leave anymore!
But but but but
my clients won’t understand
Y’know, I think some of us might have an addiction problem. We’re allowing far too much of this so-called “real” world to intrude on our normal online lives.
for the nice, new cafe. Please accept some flowers as a token of my appreciation.
Nowhere near where we are going on vacation but where we are going won’t have any flowers.
Well, disregard my email. Seems we all had the same idea. 🙂
yup — and thanks to CG for putting her deadline aside for a few to do it.
Are you making progress w/ your workload?
Hi Olivia — thanks for asking — I’m making progress but not as much as I’d like and in little bit I’ll have to stop because I’ve got to take all three dogs to the vet for their shots — always a fun adventure.
Can’t wait to hear how it went! 🙂
Well, in my defense, I was out and about and happened to run into the woman who adopted the child my husband had when he cheated on me. So I really did have an excuse….and a big story for another time 🙂
No defense needed but that’s one hell of tidbit to drop on us.
See? I’m not as boring as everyone assumed. Actually I myself am boring but there is a ton of drama supplied by my husband’s side of things. For a geeky engineer he sure is complex.
You are an amazing soul by the way
The whole thing is funny…NOW. Back then, not so much. Thanks, MT, the feeling is mutual.
I can tell you’re TRYING to get me to de-lurk again.
Did work? Oh, and the kid was there too, but I do run into them quite often so it’s not very shocking. What’s shocking is that it was supposed to be a closed adoption, but the birth mother (insane ex co-worker)stole some documents and blew their cover. So anonymity is a big farce at this point.
but I did wear the engagement ring for awhile that he bought cheap from his friend, who came home during a leave in the Marines to ask his high school sweetheart to marry him. I felt so bad for the guy……he was crushed and just wanted to get rid of the ring fast. I’m glad that he left town before it became known that the same guy who bought the ring from him real cheap was also the same guy that impregnated his intended bride.
Sound’s like Peyton Place. Which is the big joke around here because the kid’s new name is Peyton. Southern, don’t you know.
Dick and Lynn’s.
That’s just all wrong.
In response to your question as to “How’m I doin’?” in the last FBC. I’m doin’ fine. I just spent a long weekend up in the home territory with family. Hence, not much blogging due to dialup and lack of time.
RE: woah! … When I was on the west coast they needed an interpreter for that one!
As soon as this FBC goes belly-up I’ll post a photo per FBC as part of the requisite purification ritual, until such time as evidence reveals our cafe is pure as the driven snow.
Woah, that is.
Good to hear you’ve been fine and spending time w/ family.
Looking forward to your photo — 🙂
I think they were just confused.
After having lived there for a while I came up with the idea that some folks out there not only had zero for common sense, but had a negative rating, ha.
After several years I realized they hadn’t all be raised in rural ND, so I cut them slack accordingly, and I got along much better with my ND friends who had lived there for a while, and we tired of my whining at the lack of whatever characteristic I thought they were lacking… you know like returning that which was borrowed, not showing up on time… like hours late, or never showing up with no call, etc…
I used to hear it as “woe!” Wasn’t sure whether folks were warning me or cursing me (didn’t help that there were so many “Jesus Freaks”, as they were known, on Hollywood Blvd saying just that).
Now, I say woah, but apparently spell it wrong (whoa).
whoa [wō, hwō]
stop: used to order an animal, or humorously, a person, to stop
Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2003. © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
I don’t know if I’m spelling it right … It’s more of a saying kind of thing vs a spelling kind of thing.
I take it as an expression similar to wo(e) or wow.
Yes, I take it as that as well… (although sometimes I’ll use it to get someone to slow down talking or something lol).
The “woe” I meant was the one that signifies um… misery and stuff. “Woe is me” and so on. Wait, I have found a dictionary definition, as mine was sadly lacking:
So, you can see my confusion when people were saying and meaning “whoa” and I was hearing “woe” ;).
It’s a catch-all! Woe as misery… Yes, I can definitely see how that would be confusing if everyone is saying whoa/woah as in wow! LOL! 🙂
Is it safe here now? Wew! I need some unch. What’s on the menu today?
I’ve got some soothing yellow tulip bits… 🙂
Yellow tulip bits, taken 12.28.2005 (view large)
The word, “Ballerina” comes to mind when I see that lovely photo. You all are such artists.
You all know I meant Lunch, right?:)
rich Republican version. Unch, three odka artinis.
You have a great sense of humor.I wish I could have a tree artini lunch at this point. I am considering calling off the SoCal Meetup and leaving the Pond.
Don’t you dare…
Maybe AndiF can get you a dirty marmotini…
Hey! You can’t just slip that in here unnoticed! Don’t you dare leave the pond over something like this. Well, you can leave if you want, but I’d rather you stay. 🙂
You guys need the meet up, you all need each other and some person to person togetherness. I have a vibe coming off the east coast meet up that friendships with each other will be even more solidified and with the handle on the things that Boston Joe has I see where having warm feelings and pleasant memories is just going to make it that much easier and enjoyable to get together to attend demonstrations. Your coast is very active too and a meetup will be unifying and healing. Hang in there babe!
don’t even think about it, it’s easy to get caught up in these things, just forget about them and refocus on the issues. We are getting together to remind ourselves that we are not alone in this fight, that we have strong allies and friends. Don’t make me come and look for you! 🙂
You know if you leave you’ll just end up lurking on the edges like a ghost until we have to have (yet another) seance and pull you back into the cafe from the outer reaches of lurkdom. Right Manny?
I don’t like to do that seance thing more than once a year.
You are all so sweet. I just need to take a breather for a few days and figure this out. Thanks for the love and support. I am so sick to my stomach right now. Have to go. Have a great afternoon folks.
it’s full and in turn making me full-of-it. Ignore the rest of the days of the month. Thx 🙂
to either bad biorhythms or blog PMS…
Trip’s already paid for, too late to cancel…and how the hell else am I going to get a vacation from the spouse???
Got the iPod speakers and the dancing tunes…we’ll all recharge our mutual batteries and gird our loins for the next set of battles!
Hey, there will be no loin girding here. This is a family Cafe.
He keeps talking about the “family jewels” (the PDB memos)…
I, for one, am slightly peeved that our sacrosanct little Cafe has been shat in.
Mostly kidding ~ but I like that it’s separate from all the controversies that flare up on the site and would like to keep it that way. It’s nice for people to have somewhere to go instead of leaving BT in a huff.
I agree with you (as usual).
I am inordinately flattered ~ thank you.
I agree and apologize for participating.
Well, once it was there it was hard to ignore. You made a lot of sense.
I loved what you said.
No shit, literally and figuratively.
The only argument I want in the cafe is over whether you are luscious or scrumptious.
No, no, no…you don’t have to choose between them.
In that case, no arguments in the cafe at all.
change your handle to “Truly Scrumptious”, after the character in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang:
Toot sweets sound like what they are
So do lollys in a lollypop jar
Gingerbread men have a gingerbread sound, we’ve found
Sugar plum cinnamon and lemon tart tell you what they are right from the start
And your name does the same for you
By coincidence, Truly Scrumptious
You’re truly truly scrumptious
Scrumptious as a cherry peach parfait
When your near us
It’s so delicious
Honest Truly, you’re the answer to our wishes
Truly Scrumptious
Though we may seem presumptuous
Never, never, ever go away
Our hearts beat so unruly
Because we love you truly
Honest Truly, we do
Truly scrumptious
You two are truly scrumptious
Scrumptious as the breeze across the bay
When you’re smiling
It’s so delicious
So beguiling
You’re the answer to my wishes
Truly scrumptious
You two are truly scrumptious
And I shan’t forget this lovely day
My heart beats so unruly
I also love you truly
Honest truly, I do
but I just realized yesterday that you guys are using luscious and scrumptious 🙂 and it makes me happy
I have seven puppies and my whole life has been shat in. It cleans up fairly easily and after awhile it doesn’t even smell.
Or do you just get used to it? :0)
That our noses are broken and the only friends we have left are our truest of true friends.
Your friends will help you move.
Your true friends will help you move the bodies.
I like the Cafe being a refuge from the Sturm-und-Drang that occasionally envelops BooTrib. It’s a reminder that there really are other things out there than raging against the Evil Empire, and while The Fight is important, so is family, and nature, and gardens, and just out-and-out silliness.
And in a way, that reinforces the idea that the things we fight for when we’re not in the Cafe are worth fighting for.
Besides, I have to think anyplace that wouldn’t kick me out for posting that cake picture yesterday has got to be someplace special.
I was thinking that, actually, the café did have a poo problem yesterday — w/ Omir’s cake. (I still can’t believe someone would look at a toilet and say, gee! let’s make one to eat! 🙂
It’s a good thing I’m in here with the office door closed, because that comment has got me laughing.
I told my family, who are somewhat tolerant of the conversations I have with my invisible friends on the Internet, over dinner about the cake and Janet’s description of her Halloween decorations. Then my daughter started discussing “snot Jell-O” (some mixture of lime and orange, I think). My wife’s only comment was “Gee, and this was a lovely dinner” but my granddaughter was going “Eeeeewwwwwwww!” with this big grin on her face as if to say “That’s the GROSSEST thing I’ve ever heard. Tell me more!!”
Janet was right, kids really dig this stuff.
Good to return the favour, as I’ve been chuckling on and off about the whole episode myself.
Your granddaughter sounds wonderful btw! Snot-jello. But, please, I’m betting — NO PHOTOS!!! 🙂
That made my heart blow up like a balloon 🙂
I feel a bit more like “ME” 🙂 Thank you Omir.
May I let you in a little secret? Or maybe I already told you.. Whatever.
I have two solid books for kids. They’re books I’d love to read outloud. One is about my “magical” cure for getting rid of monsters (and window witches) and the other is simply about “gross” stuff. 🙂 It’s about a boy who has a canker sore in his mouth but he doesn’t know what it is… so he thinks maybe it’s alien eggs that are embedded in his gums or something but everytime he tries to show friends, teachers, recess pals to get their help, he has been chewing on some type of gross food and thus opens his mouth wide and the kids are grossed out by the FOOD in his mouth but he thinks he must be dying or the eggs are starting to hatch or something. He becomes quite fuhhhreaked out. Chasing after people to look in his mouth!!!! They are running away screaming of course…
Oh… where was I?
Snot jello. We call it Jell-EWWWWW
You and MTracy — I never know what I’m gonna find in one of your comment’s. I think supersoling said it best to a comment by Tracy the other day: it’s always a wild ride! 🙂
You two are so wonderful! And so is super! 🙂
We’re always on the lookout for good children’s books. I don’t mind occasionally telling other people’s stories. Besides, my granddaughter would love that one. She picked up a book at the library a couple of weeks ago called “A Bad Case Of The Stripes” about a girl who . . . well I don’t remember why but she developed stripes all over her body, and then other weird things started happening. She didn’t want to eat asparagus or something.
I can’t tell you the names… yet because first I have to get a publisher to read them and secondly I have to make sure that my intended title isn’t already in place.
The two books are mine. I want to get them printed – even if that means with no photos – one day for my kids.
They’ve heard the Monster one many times already… but I want it to get put down on paper.
Aha! I was going to run right out and buy copies!
Well, I’m impressed. If you get them printed let me know. I have a couple of children’s books I’ve been sitting on since the late 80s. We ran them past an agent once, but her response boiled down to “Whatever your day job is, don’t quit it.” I don’t think she “got” where we were going with them.
And, at least one needs to be longer and sillier.
Thank you and I’ll let you know 🙂
I hope it wasn’t my little innocuous comment that started the whole foofraw (that’s my favorite word du jour). Should I clean the feces off the floor of the old Cafe in penance?
When I saw BooMan and Stark getting into it, I decided to exit and find something else to occupy my time…and put together this diary.
Now I’m getting hungry…my slow-cooker chili is smelling extremely yummy…I’ll probably just settle for a sandwich for lunch… 🙁
That’s the problem with slow cookers ~ the food smells yummy far before you’re supposed to eat it.
When you’re done cleaning up the feces in the old Cafe, my bedroom is a mess.
the yacking cat again?
More like the yacking closet. You probably can’t relate to trying on dozens of things to find something that’s both comfortable and doesn’t make your ass look like it deserves it’s own zip code.
have left me ass-deficient but I’m considering zip-code registration for my beer belly 🙂 Actually, that reminds me that I haven’t made it over to katiebird’s place today.
My husband is ass deficient as well, but he too makes it up with the beer belly. Clever.
No shame. I think that train was going to wreck regardless of what thread or who was caught up in it.
I feel like a kid after their parents had a huge fight or something and I hate this feeling. I feel bad for all.
Still haven’t reset the hockey chat.. LOL Spent that time reading diaries I hadn’t set out to read… and now cathcing up to diaries I had wanted to read more.
Also been dealing with loud, rude neighbors who have the entire building in an uproar. No real sleep since… well since some fucker tried to bash down my door and it’s not due to me being a wussy it’s because of two GIRLS who moved in next door. They slam abd bang up the stairwell… and now that they are on notice of eviction you can imagine how loud they are being. Which has my son in a total … well he’s nervous and scared they are mad. We think he’s equating it to the attempted break in.
I bet you can’t wait to get out of there and buy a house!
Fucking weather has prevented showing our old house.
I finally went and complained to the office. FOund out we were the last ones. I HATE those type of daily confrontations you know. I confront… am outspoken… but it’s not in yer face daily shit ya know? And usually it’s about important crap like autism or peace or … fuckall.
Not about some 19 year girls and their friends buffaloing up and down the damn stairwell, vomitting in it and leaving it, banging doors…
Now they have 30 days… eviction notice… and last night they knew they could be as loud as they wanted to be. I’m calling the office today, too. This 30 days crap…
that they’re not mad at him…but probably just mad at the world. Or as I say, they got up on the wrong side of the coffin this morning… 🙂
Hey, I posted my own “call to action” in case Stark’s got deleted — if you want to post your Portland info there, I’m going to try and keep the master list updated, and possibly repost in a new diary on Thursday/Friday. (Same goes for the rest of the Cafe crowd…)
We’ve tried. They “sound” mad to him. The banging and the slamming and the way the are now making sure to be extra loud and obnoxious in the stairwell. Last night they started honking their horns and just racing up and down the stairs. I did everything I could to keep myhusband from going out there. Which din’t make for a fun night. As he wanted to go out and bust heads, and I didn’t want the “confrontation”…
Can you just go ahead and buy a house anyway and get a bridge loan to cover both payments…especially if you’re going to be getting alot from the sale of your house?
bridge loan? I don’t know. I know that we took out a loan to do the remodeling and that we need to sell soon. This is a HUGE stressmonkey to say the least. LOL
Husband is taking a common antidepressant since getting home from Iraq and beginning to anxiety problems. They don’t solve all of his anxiety difficulties but they do seem to make what he has going on manageable and he can think his way through stress now thank God. Hasn’t done a lick of extra exercise either. Had a physical today. He has lost 40 lbs, blood pressure was like 80/60 and resting heart rate was 49. He now sprints with the twenty year olds at P.T…….I secretly hope he falls down and skins his damn knee or something. Never heard of one single woman who had any such benefit from what he is taking. If I told all the wives who know him they would take turns beating him.
If I told all the wives who know him they would take turns beating him.
And that would burn off some calories, too. Hmmm… it’s a thought.
The one I’m taking is supposed to have that side effect to, but damned if I notice it! Well, maybe a little, but not 40 lbs. I’m very jealous. Of the weight loss, not the risking his life in Iraq part. 🙂
WTF has been going on? I’m gone for half a day and Wowweeee. Is everybody here OK?
Now for my day. I managed to find another dentist, who was also recommended, that has a sadistic streak. I had two extractions and he told me Advil would take care of it. My mouth is still dead at the moment, but I’m not looking forward to this afternoon and tonight. He told me it would be a little “sensitive”. I would like to put his hand on a table, hit it with a hammer, and ask if it was feeling sensitive. Actually I wouldn’t like to do that, but I beginning to believe it’s a first year requirement for dentist to take sadism 101.
Other than that, the day has been good.
that and just let the kids run wild. If we give you something stronger than Advil you’ll sleep through the next one. Take care of yourself by the way
Thanks Tracy. After seeing the pond upset, I’m kinda glad I went to the dentist.
I’m seeing my dentist on Friday. I hope that it’s less painful than my last visit.
I’ve got the names of two former dentist if you want. 🙂
Hmm, maybe not.
Hope you feel better. Just don’t go poking around at it while it’s still numb or you’ll be in a world of hurt when it wears off.
Thanks SN and Yes Mam I won’t. 🙂 I’m just waiting for a little later to see how it goes.
Do you think he’s sadistic because he did two at once or for some other reason?
No the two at once didn’t bother me. If it goes like last time, pretty soon there will be a lot of pain, and I’m just not looking forward to that.
I guess I was lucky because I didn’t have much pain. Maybe you should take Advil now instead of waiting for the novacaine to wear off. Good luck… and pudding and jello and applesauce are yummy!
Thanks SN. I already taken advil and I’m just waiting. I think I’m going to leave for a while and see how things start going. I’ll check back later.
It’s a good thing you don’t need your mouth to communicate here in BTland — fingers work well. Hope you feel better soon.
Okay, keep ignoring me. I’m just taking my toys and going home.
Nope not ignoring you 🙂 I was posting a really really long post and then had to let the dog out for a leak.
What’s up Boran2??
boran2, we’d never ignore you! What’s up?
Since he’s not responding to you two, maybe he’s talking to me.
Boran2 I AM ignoring you. But its for your own good. All the attention you usually get is just not good for you.
Long as he just takes his toys and not the beer we’ll be fine.
I was on my way home from work… So, what kind of toys ya got there boran2?
Froggy-Girl, I’m stealing your balloon photo – borrowing it by copying it to my photobucket for hockey use. Ohtay?? 🙂
Ahem…please note that’s a piece of Chihuly glass, not a balloon. Steal away! 🙂
Please unrecommend this one on your way out!