I wonder why?

Steve Schmidt, Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) top campaign strategist, yesterday accused the media of being “on a mission to destroy” Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) by displaying “a level of viciousness and scurrilousness” in pursuing questions about her personal life. Schmidt said the McCain campaign feels “under siege” by news inquiries on Palin.

Let us review the situation that got you where you are, shall we?

  1. McCain picks Sarah Palin as his running mate.
  2. ABarrageOfEpicProportionsCastingSeriousDoubtOnThisRecklessAndIncompetentDecisionIsUnleashedUponMcCain.

Could the problem, just maybe, be the McIdiot that picked Palin in the first place? And just a thought – whining about the Palin pick afterwards doesn’t help McCain’s pitiful situation much.