As everyone knows, today is the day that the 110th Congress – one in which the Democrats, for the first time in 12 years, will control the House and the Senate – is sworn into power. Personally, I’ll be catching a train in a couple of hours that’ll begin a long day for me down in Washington, D.C., where I’ll be mostly attending celebrations at the National Democratic Club and the offices of Rep.-elect Patrick Murphy. With the beginning of a new day in Congress, though, I’d like to announce the official launch of Progressive Wave, a blog where we’ll be covering our newly-elected representatives and senators in Congress.
One of the reasons we’re launching this blog is that we believe it’s important to continue covering our congresspersons after they’ve been elected. It’ll give everyone a better idea of how our new representatives and senators are doing in Congress. In time, we hope it becomes a valuable resource of information from people living in-state or in-district when the time for re-election rolls around. I do sincerely believe that because it will be local bloggers blogging about their representatives, the analysis that will be posted will come from the best perspective possible.

Although we are starting out covering a good number of the representatives and senators elected this past fall, we can always use more help. If you happen to live in the district or a state that has a new representative or new senator, we’d love to have your assistance. Blogging for us is a time commitment that is variable based on your schedule. If you like what you see, or you’re interested in the project, feel free to send an email to the address in my profile. We’ll continue to make the necessary changes to the interface as necessary; as the two of us (myself and HigherPie) are both students in college right now, we’ll keep up with the changes as best as possible.

I hope all of you pay a visit in due time. Thanks to anyone who does – this is an ambitious project, and we greatly appreciate anyone who gives us a read now and then.