From Mark Nickolas:
Symbolically, the Kentucky Derby couldn’t have gone worse for Hillary Clinton (D). You might have heard Clinton touting the horse Eight Belles all week. It was the only filly in the Derby field of 20 horses.
Not only did Eight Belles amazingly pass 18 colts to finish in second-place, but she lost to a colt named Big Brown. Then, quite tragically, Eight Belles collapsed after crossing the finish line. Turns out she broke both ankles and had to be euthanized on the track, in front of all 150,000 fans.
A personal tragedy to the owners of the filly and sports fans. But a symbolic nightmare for Clinton.
In other news, Obama has unofficially won Guam by a whopping seven votes.
Polls close in Louisiana in about an hour. Anyone that finds a link to the returns, please post it. I’m getting a bit to eat.
Moyers is the man!
E.J. Dionne, Wapo, wrote a piece in the same meme;
Do white right-wing preachers have it easier than black left-wing preachers? Is there a double standard?
that looks like the place for results.
some good analysis about how the precincts break down. Early, but I don’t think he’ll pull it off based on the shift in Livingston. We’ll see.
Sad news that the horse was put down on the track.
This day is full of omens?
Hmmmm! dare we think reality is on the horizon at day break? Dare we hope?
No. Didn’t you get the memo from Penn? “Hope ain’t shit.”
One of the favorites to at least show, was horse named…wait for it…Col. John. Col. John came in 6th.
OK, where’s the real Hillary Clinton and what have they done with her?
there are so many Hillary personalities, it will take some time to decide which one to show. Be assured we’re working to get them all be ankled.
We’re just at that point in the story – called, in film, the “all is lost” moment, that dark night before the big victory.
Obama is on a typical hero’s journey. He’s nearly made it. If he wasn’t beaten down so hard, his recovery wouldn’t be nearly so miraculous.
All is unfolding as it should. Have faith. Have HOPE.
And PLEASE!!! May 10 is going to be an enormous day for the campaign. Please volunteer to help with voter registration efforts on May 10.
P.S. May 10 is also National Train Day. I’m going to be doing my registration outing at Union Station..! Good place to talk about Obama’s support for high speed rail!
It is?? Why does no one ever tell me these things?
Not that I will be able to do much about it — next week will have a great deal of shopping in it, since we have to pick up the food for a party we’re having the week after, plus apparently while I wasn’t paying attention the munchkin outgrew all her jeans. Again.
Apparently the black vote is sky-high in North Carolina, Boo. 40%.
That’s out of 326,341 ballots.
When I got to the Big Brown part, I started gawfawing. Then, Eight Belles killing herself nearly choked me. This is a powerful metaphor.
she didn’t kill herself, she just broke her own ankles.
Superdelegatestrainers had to come out euthanize her.If Obama ekes out a win in the Indiana primary and a comfortable win in North Carolina that would add up to two ankles. Hillary should be careful.
Obama is fighting back:
I was there! It was electric in that crowd….
I’m jealous.
Details, details!
We heard Easley give his speech with his voice cracking all the way, AND he was booed.
C’mon, now…why’d y’all boo him??? đ
Oh hell yeah we booed him – for endorsing Hillary. And didn’t he seem inappropriately angry and red-faced throughout that whole speech? Almost like a caricature of a Southern sheriff…
He didn’t use the “You’re in a heap o’trouble, boy” line did he?
I saw the whole thing on C-Span. When Hillary mentioned that she’s thankful for the Governor’s support, they booed her and she went off on the “in America you’re free to support whoever you want” line.
When Obama was up, he thanked the Governor for “his tenure of service” – that’s it – and moved on to much more gracious thanks to his supporters in NC. Obama was the star of the evening. I wish I could have been there.
The whole thing is in the C-Span video archive if you can stand the wait for it to come up. Note that the C-Span video archive is undergoing renovations and has many bugs, even though they now (Finally) support Flash and MS Media Player.
I just got back from the track and was planning to write up the parallels between Big Brown/Obama and Eight Belles/Clinton. But I didn’t know until I was in my car about Eight Belles’ tragic end. That took the wind of the the light-hearted piece I had planned, including the defeat of “Colonel John”, the McCain symbol in the race.
But breaking both ankles – wow, that’s really tragic. Not the kind of thing I want to joke about.
She was a beautiful horse. It was too reminiscent of the filly Ruffian’s untimely end in a match race in 1975. Thoughbreds have such fragile legs. Just two years ago Barbaro injured his rear leg during the Preakness. His owners tried to nurse him back to health, but eventually the injury necessitated euthanizing him. Back in 1958, Tim Tam came close to winning the Triple Crown but fractured his leg just before the finish line in the Belmont. Fortunately, he survived and was retired to stud.
I’ll never forget that match race between Ruffian and Foolish Pleasure. It was another great “Battle of the Sexes” with two great horses as proxies.
But then the birds. They flew up from the track, startling Ruffian. She missed her stride and stumbled, snapping her leg. She tried to keep running even as her jockey tried desperately to pull her up.
As with Barabaro, there was an initial attempt to save Ruffian. But she shattered her cast coming out of anethesia, and reinjured the leg surgeons had just tried to save, and had to be euthanized.
I’ve been following the Kentucky Derby nearly every year since 1971, two years before Secretariat shattered records and took the Triple Crown, winning the last leg by over 30 lengths. That was a feat that has remained unrivaled.
There’s other news?
Obama supporters outnumbered Clinton’s by about 2-1, and we all stormed section 4 (per instructions from Obama campaign staffers) to be in one solid block in the middle. The Hillary supporters were mostly white women over age 50 – about what you’d expect. Some had their daughters with them. They all brought big Hillary signs but had to throw them in the trash can at the entrance and that pissed them off.
Obama campaign staffers kept finding Obama supporters in the line in the hot sun and bringing them cold bottled water – nice touch đ
Hillary came out and there was a nice round of applause from her supporters and mostly silence from Obama’s. She got maybe a 30 second polite ovation and then her speech, which you’ve probably heard.
Then Easely spoke and the crowd was so hyped up and anxious for Obama to speak that they booed him lustily and mostly talked through his speech.
As soon as the Secret Service amassed by the curtain and the crowd sensed that Obama was about to come out they started chanting O-ba-ma…and it just kept getting louder and louder and when the guy came out to introduce him I couldn’t hear a damn thing because of all the screaming. It was amazing. His ovation lasted 2.5 minutes without letting up.
I looked over to the Hillary section and most of them had left. They left without hearing Obama. I couldn’t believe it.
You gotta be pretty damn ignorant to not want to see a potential POTUS speak. I mean, damn…I listened Mike Gravel, cause…who knew?
Well, nobody could accuse the Clintonites of ever having any class and, maybe, all the Obama cheers made them feel bad.
Normally, it takes a special person to recognize a special person as special.
anyone who fails to recognize Obama’s specialness is somehow deficient or incapable of insight? How’s your theory apply to people who fail to see anything special in either Clinton or Obama? I’m kinda curious, despite my newly discovered density. I mean, I know it’s a high hurdle for me to clear, but fuck it, I’ll scrunch up my brain real tight and give it my best shot.
If you can recognize that other people think he is special (why is that a weird word?) then how can you deny his specialness?
I mean, I can totally see someone not being moved at all by the early Beatles. But with all those screaming, fainting teenagers at their concerts, it’d be pretty pointless to say they weren’t special.
Finding out now that I lack that certain specialness required to recognize Obama’s specialness is the last straw for me. I haven’t got a reason left to go on. What’s the point? Might as well jump off the couch head first and end this miserable, unfullfilled life.
But that “fainting teenagers” analogy ignited one last spark of irony in an otherwise useless and utterly wasted brain.
Don’t jump, please don’t jump. Remember, every one is special in their own special way. (I know this is lame but I don’t want to contribute to general depression, or individual either.) Gee, I didn’t realize that my epigrams were read so carefully.
A guy could get lost in the glory of her eyes. Such a magnificent blue.
Thanks for that report! Trust me, Mr. AP and I howled at the response the Gov. rec’d, and then laughed even harder at his voice cracking. Too, too funny. We kept flipping back and forth from the event to “Larry King Live.” (I don’t usually watch his program, but his guest was Sidney Poitier, discussing his book, Life Beyond Measure: Letters to My Great-Granddaughter.)
I continue to be impressed by “our” campaign with Sen. Obama–I like to take a bit of ownership every now and then. Everything, from giving people water when it’s warm to Sen. Obama speaking to those in overflow rooms or still waiting in line first, speaks to the intelligence and thoughtfulness of this campaign. They seek every opportunity.
And the campaign doesn’t stifle individual or group creativity, but encourages and guides it.
Now, I hate to admit this, but we actually fell asleep before Sen. Obama finished his speech. I can’t believe it, either, but after a week when I just finished a major project and two other assignments, I was just exhausted. I saw the first part of his speech and the last part.
But I gotta ask–why were you all up in the bleachers? Was this dinner moved from another location? It just looked kind of um…different–the VIPs on the floor eating, closer to the candidates, while everyone else is up in nosebleed section.
Thanks again for the recap. I feel like I can get the real sense of things that the cameras do not.
The “dinner” was for dignitaries and people who paid a lot for their tickets, local politicians etc….the bleachers weren’t far away at all, but the tickets were free for anyone who volunteered on one of the campaigns.
The event is usually at a local hotel ballroom, but with the added interest they moved it to a large venue. Normally about 400 people come to the JJ dinner, this year it was 5,000.
VERY well presented. It’s a bit long, but please watch and remember why he is running and so many of us are supporting. And consider sending in a few bucks. This is what it’s all about, folks, if you ask me.