I have always been afraid of diaries since most of of the people writing them always seem to be able to produce so much. The best I can squeek out at any given moment are one liners and pithy comments. You know; short and sweet.
However, I want to break my vows of diary silence to ask about ‘signing statements.’ ON July the 24th Lou Dobs on CNN pretty much body slammed ol’ GWB (can I call him GWiB?) on this subject.
I was redirected to this video via Rawstory‘s website tell me what you think
The Video: signing statements
I had to link it to the referring page but for some reason I cannot embed youtube the way Booman can.
I think that ‘signing statements’ is pretty powerful. I had always heard that presidents in the past had wanted the line item veto and I had heard that Bush himself had at one time asked for it. Now I learn that he really didn’t need to ask. He’s had it all this time.
Thanks for the link, Syniel. I’m always happy to see somebody on television express the outrage. Comforting to know we’re not alone in that, isn’t it?
What is it going to take to end this unbelievable nightmare?
Anytime 🙂 maybe I should do more diaries so I can get better at them !
don’t ever be afraid of posting a diary.
I remember being petrified over at big orange for a while, and then realized that as long as I am not factually off base then the worst thing that could happen is that nobody reads them.
But I got a bit more knowledgable and a bit better at writing. And I even found it to be fun and therapeutic at times.
Here’s to more diaries!!!!
Thanks, C 🙂 I even made a new blog to try my hand at it and see what it’s like!
I did the same. Started the blog back in March, but it is basically the same stuff I post here, at kos, My Left Wing and at ePluribus Media