This could get interesting:

Picture This: Ben Affleck, Senator From Va.

If you liked him as Bennifer . . . you’ll love him as Benator!

That’s the hot new idea being tossed around by Virginia Democrats, who are desperately searching for a big name to challenge the reelection bid of rising GOP star Sen. George Allen next year, now that outgoing Gov. Mark Warner has ducked out.

I’d love to see someone send George ‘Dingbat’ Allen packing. But I don’t know if Ben Affleck is the person to do it.

Chris Bowers thinks it is very bad idea.

Someone like Affleck would be a horrible, media sucking distraction from the 2006 campaign. This would be the equivalent media circus of the 2003 California recall election. It would destroy the generic advantage Democrats are poised to hold in 2006, and from which they will reap huge benefits if Bush’s approval rating stays low.

So, please God, no, don’t let Affleck run. The last thing we need in 2006 is for the star of Gigli to be our most recognizable national face.

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