OH MAMA MIA! Barron’s Calls for Impeachment Hearings on Wiretapping …
MyDD blog (via Daou Report) reports that:
Barron’s calls for impeachment (via Barry Ritholtz at The Big Picture)
“AS THE YEAR WAS DRAWING TO A CLOSE, we picked up our New York Times and learned that the Bush administration has been fighting terrorism by intercepting communications in America without warrants. It was worrisome on its face, but in justifying their actions, officials have made a bad situation much worse: Administration lawyers and the president himself have tortured the Constitution and extracted a suspension of the separation of powers . . . […]
Barron’s ain’t exactly a commie rag … [No shit! – Susanhu]
MyDD’s Matt Stoller also comments on an attack on Rockefeller.
‘[W]e’re beginning to get a little more clarity on what, exactly, the NSA’s carefree warrantless wonderland entails” …
It’s bothered me since this story first broke that, initially, we didn’t have much of a picture — yet — of what really has gone on with Bushco spying on Americans since 2001.
I quoted NSA investigative expert James Bamford telling Amy Goodman on Dec. 19, “Well, there hasn’t really been very much revealed at all.”
I assumed there was much more nastiness lurking in the shadows. Indeed. Reports the Poor Man blog (via Daou Report):
… DefenseTech notes a new Times article, and its claim that the NSA’s program revolved around large scale snarfing (technical hax0r term) of data at switches:
The volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged, the officials said. It was collected by tapping directly into some of the American telecommunication system’s main arteries, they said.
As part of the program approved by President Bush for domestic surveillance without warrants, the N.S.A. has gained the cooperation of American telecommunications companies to obtain backdoor access to streams of domestic and international communications, the officials said.
Well, duh.
The fact is none of this is particularly secret; the FCC has been quite publically trying to promulgate rules that would make VOIP (internet telephony) and internet service providers provide the same level of access that telephone companies have been cheerfully offering up for eleven years: … Do read all at Poor Man Open Source blog.
Toss THESE in Your Festively Red “PomPom” Martinis (For non-BooTrib regulars, those are martinis with pomegranate juice) …
- “NSA Spying Much Larger than Reported” by Dr. Tom More here at BooTrib
- CNN has been promising all morning to go after every source they have to give us more on the NY Times story (“Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Trove, Officials Report”) … Susanhu taps foot impatiently, sore that it’s Saturday (isn’t that interesting), not to mention C’mas Eve (hmmm), and her trusty NPR shows like “To The Point” aren’t on …
- “The Necessity Defense” from Armando at Daily Kos
- “Bush spies with his big eyes…” from The Carpetbagger blog: “After 9/11, the Bush administration went to the FISA court to expand its surveillance efforts considerably. Judges asked the Bush gang for two things: to name a target and give a reason to spy on it. The administration balked. In case there was any doubt, the New York Times explains why …”
- “Data mining” from Fixer at Alternate Brain blog
Spike Your Eggnoggins With These Hard Spirits (er, Souls?) …
- “More on NSA” from John Cole at Balloon Juice blog: “Look- I can not be the only person who ever read the Puzzle Palace in the 90’s. I am not saying I like this, but the idea that this is ‘news’ is, well, silly. …”
- “NY Times Treasonous Tips To Terrorists” from Strata-Sphere blog: “You would think the NY Times would think twice about leaking details about how we are trying to trace and track Al Qaeda, and Bin Laden especially. But no …”
- “They’re Not Going To Stop” from Just One Minute blog: “The NY Times escalates its war on America with its latest revelations …”
Um, don’t any of you dudes remember Judy Miller’s and Bill Keller’s major help in getting you your insane Iraq war? Sigh. How soon the ungrateful ‘wingers forget …
Saving some of the best for last, our own Patrick Lang writes on his blog, Sic Semper Tyrannis 2005, about “Unintended Consequences on the Road to Democracy” (those pesky elections in the Middle East) …
I have been telling myself not to write anything else for a while about the FUBAR mess that the arrogant enthno-centric utopianism of the Bushies, the Caesarist types at “The Weekly Standard” and the more or less transparently ethnic politicians in the Jacobin movement are creating in the Arab World. “Let the situation ripen,” I told myself. I have no idea who Diana West is, but this column of hers struck me as so RIGHT ON THE MONEY that I just could not resist putting it up here. Thanks, Diana, whoever you are. Pat Lang … Read all.
Note: Diana West’s article, critical of the recent outcomes of elections in the Middle East, is in the Washington Times: “Freedom and Jihad.”
P.S. ‘member the Mao’s little red book story? Well, the “UMass Mao library book story is a hoax,” via fpc’s diary at DailyKos, front-paged by Plutonium Page with an alert to spread the word. We have enough real issues to deal with and don’t need to propagate the made-up stories. This was also reported today by the Moderate Voice blogger (who says he’s a professional ventriloquist).
by Glenn Greenwald. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide:
Who is this guy?
Definitely worth the read.
There’s so much out there right now that I just closed my eyes and threw a dart, trying to catch some of the great writing on this.
But your addition sounds like a must-read.
Thank you!
Did The Big Picture have a forecast guess of a possible 6,800 Dow in the next year? Anyone else see that?
You mean here at the end of his Barron’s revelation?
Here’s a snippet from his explanation of his forecast low for the Business Week survey:
Yeah, I saw all of that. Is there anything else he has posted about that forecast? It sounded like that was done before any thought of this current scandal.
It’s always been my theory that the ‘great economy’ under GWB is a manipulation to keep some people happy. Given the evidence of deteriorating standards for so many people, the current economy is only good for a few.
Part of what is helping, oddly enough, is the corrupt money behind the scenes that disperses on lower levels legally. Removing those factors-Corruption/Abramoff and GWB-(Fortunate Son) and the big powers would have fewer reason to float us. It could be worse if we piss them off and they decide to punish us with the economy.
Although the 911 crunch was pretty bad it was a drop from absurd levels and a lot of us think it never got to a point where it was undervalued, never fully corrected the irrational exhuberance. The speculation in shares just kicked right in again.
And it, a full correction, is still coming, just put off for another day.
It is also impeachable to bankrupt our nation too…see how they are doing it?
Can anyone explain me the difference between the NSA’s actions and that of Green Lantern and Echelon? Aren’t these all similar???
Echelon might best be described as the original template for the initiation of the worldwide total surveillance program.
Aside from thechnological changes, Echelon’s main difference with the Bush regime’s current activity is that Echelon was a joint operation between several governments, including Britain, Canada, Australia, and I think New Zealand. NSA set up the computers to process all the intercepts.
Here’s a useful link to info on Echelon.
I don’t know Green Lantern but I know a bit about “Magic Lantern”. This was an FBI software based spy program designed to monitor computer use by anyone whom the FBI could trick into maling it possible for the spyware to be installed on their computer. I don’tknow the status of the program but I think it was officially scrapped.
More generally, I don’t know any thinking person with a healthy general distrust of government who doesn’t sortof just assume the govt. will spy on any one of us at any time if they so desire. I certainly have always assumed, since the days of Tyrannosaurus Nix, that the govt. might be listening to my communications. And, if I were a devious criminal sort, it would never occur to me to communicate with collaborators by traditional electronic means, even in code.
thank you.
Inspectre.com seems to be a forensic computer ata examination software service that helps locate and recover hidden and deleted data on a computer. I don’t exactly know why going to their site doesn’t lead anywhere however.
You ask about how to copy a list of your files into a word document.
I’m not a computer expert by any means but I can direct you if you tell me what it is you want to do exactly. Do you want to copy a list of the names of all your files? Do you want to copy the content of all your files? Do you want to copy a list of links to articles or web pages you’ve read on the internet? Or something else perhaps? It might be good also to know what is the purpose of your wanting to save things in the way you ask about in case there’s an alternative way to accomplish the same objective in a better way? Let me/us know in a reply here and I’ll see if I can be of help.
As to your question in the other commentas to what companies might be involved in willingly providing this government access to their systems for data-mining and pattern-tracing, no one is naming anyone by name as yet. There is considerable informed speculation ndicating there might be telecom equipment manufacturers, (i.e. cell phone and switching equipment makers), that might also be involved in engineering both hardware and software items in their units to enhance and further facilitate the ease with which these surveillance tasks are carried out.
I want, in a word document, a list of all my files and their details… date, name and size.
These are my files, not my web links, refs and wanderings.
Thank you.
That’ll be a very long list.
Do you use Windows? I’m on a Mac these days, so am trying to recall … the first thing I’d do is open the C drive in My Computer, and click on each folder.
Each folder has its own list of contents, which you can convert from those annoying ICONs to a plain text list in — I believe — the “View” command.
You could, at the least, print out that list.
But you’re going to have to do so for each folder and subfolder, of which there are a countless number because of all the programs likely on your computer.
(I really don’t think you can do it easily … perhaps I’m wrong. Hope so.)
the only way I can figure out to do this list is;
right-click on each file you want to add to the list;
then click on “properties” in the drop-down list;
then select text you want,(i.E. file name, size and date created);
then copy and paste into your open word document.
(I can’t believe there’s not an easier way to do this more efficiently but I’m no computer whiz so this isas much as I’ve been able to work out.)
Doing it this way involves you copying and pasting several times for each file since you apparently can’t select each line of text you want all together. Each one needs to be done separately. If you have lots of files this could take a very long time.
I figured out another way that’s less time consuming.
You can use the “print screen” (PrtSC key) to put a copy of whichever page is showing onyour onitorscree onto the clipboard where you can then use “paste” to insert it into a word document.
So if you have youdocuments in folders within the My documents folderfor instance, you can use the “view” command on the toolbar at the topto change theview of the screen to “detail”. Then, also in the view menu you can click on “choose details and a screen pops up letting you selct the characteristics you want displayed. Simply select the specific details you want to appear on the screen click ok, and thats how the page will look. Then hit the print screen key once, (nothing happens to indicate it’s done anything), open your word doc, move the cursor to a blank space below any previous entries and click paste.
That should do it. (I’m not sure if you can edit out text in these screen images or not, but if that’s not something you need to do, this method of making your list is much easier.)
Let me know if it works out for you, or if you need any clarifications.
I’d be tempted to call NSA and ask them to just fax me a copy of all my files to make it easier.
…sorry, couldn’t pass that one up.
Good one!
What I did was install print list, then read it in through scanning the list… Optical Character Reading…. then used the clipboard…..
I’ve got a print screen button, but what do I use it with… control? Alt?
The print screen button works alone without any other button. When you push it, whatever is on your screen is put on the clipboard, ready to be pasted anywhere you choose. (It’s an image of the entire screen.)
I don’t know what “print list” is that you say you installed, but it sounds like a handy thing.
3. What companies have facilitated these illegal taps?
Here’s an example of what they were doing. This is a random help wanted ad listing off of the net.
Just in case I get hired: I quit!!
This to me was planned all along from the get go of 1999. This administration had it planned. Mine my words. Kids we are not dealing with Americans here. We are dealing with fascism. The Bushes know well what they are doing! This is why they had to get the WH in 2000, come hell or high water. Do you get me on this one!!??
Now this TIA thing was in progress and was in progress before and right after 9/11. They are not only trying to spy on others outside of America, they are spying on us here in America. They want to know who all is not going to be with them when they damn the world to kingdom come….which has just about been done, with a few exceptions.
I am not a rocket scientist, but I can see the writing on the damn wall. Why can’t you all?
Yet we have been sitting back in our chairs bloggin about how bad thsi regieme is and not once giving a thought as to the REAL badddddnesssssss of them.
They minipulate everything vrom a to z and yet we sit back and let them. This shit has got to stop!!!!! When we have a man who thinks he is a dictator and declared himself so…weren’t y ou all listening? He hit the trifectia…didn’t you hear him say so????
This guy we call president is nothing but shere evil. I really believe he is from the depths of evil we all fear…are you listening to me??!!
I think he is cohoots with binladen. I think he knew all along what was going down. When it did, he just did not know how to handle it right then…if it werent for dick cheney, he surely would have blown that one too….are you listening to me? They have planned on this for many many years. GHWbush was gonna do it but bill clinton stopped him for a short while, but bill sucome to some of their demands too. Look beyond the trees to see the forest if you will.
Oh well, now I have said my piece. Poindexter is the crux for all of this in his TIA and I do not think I am wrong. I think the congress has been taken once again…all of them..they are all wimps IMHO!
YOu bet ya we need impeachment and jail time too for them ALL!!!!!
This is why I have been so damned depressed for going on 6 years now….
PSS: booman, reference Able Danger, if you will….
How do I copy a list of my files into a word document?
http://www.powells.com/partner/30079/biblio/0385499086 wordle unlimited
said that he did not need to read newspapers. But of course, his staff, including the CIA-FBI-NSA keep him informed. The Bastard!
A good place to start is with James Bamford’s excellent 2002 book, “Body of Secrets”, a sequel of sorts to his groundbreaking 1982 book “The Puzzle Palace”.
Perhaps Booman would like to link from this book to Amazon and get some money every time somebody here buys one? A few coins in the piggy bank at the holidays couldn’t hurt!
I’ve read the book, but here’s a much more concise description from Amazon’s editors and Publisher’s Weekly (taken from the Amazon.com site):
Everybody knows about the CIA–the cloak-and-dagger branch of the U.S. government. Many fewer are familiar with the National Security Agency, even though it has been more important to American espionage in recent years than its better-known counterpart. The NSA is responsible for much of the intelligence gathering done via technology such as satellites and the Internet. Its home office in Maryland “contains what is probably the largest body of secrets ever created.”
Little was known about the agency’s confidential culture until veteran journalist James Bamford blew the lid off in 1982 with his bestseller The Puzzle Palace. Still, much remained in the shadows. In Body of Secrets, Bamford throws much more light on his subject–and he reveals loads of shocking information. The story of the U-2 crisis in 1960 is well known, including President Eisenhower’s decision to tell a fib to the public in order to protect a national-security secret. Bamford takes the story a disturbing step forward, showing how Eisenhower “went so far as to order his Cabinet officers to hide his involvement in the scandal even while under oath. At least one Cabinet member directly lied to the committee, a fact known to Eisenhower.” Even more worrisome is another revelation, from the Kennedy years: “The Joint Chiefs of Staff drew up and approved plans for what may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government. In the name of anticommunism, they proposed launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their own country in order to trick the American public into supporting an ill-conceived war they intended to launch against Cuba.”
Body of Secrets is an incredible piece of journalism, and it paints a deeply troubling portrait of an agency about which the public knows next to nothing. Fans of The Sword and the Shield will want to read it, as will anybody who is intrigued by conspiracies and real-life spy stories. –John J. Miller –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
From Publishers Weekly
The National Security Agency (NSA), writes Bamford, has made the United States an “eavesdropping superpower,” capable of capturing, deciphering and analyzing “signal intelligence”communicationsin whatever form it may exist and from whatever nation it may be transmitted. Yet with a budget ($4 billion a year) and staff (numbering in the tens of thousands) that dwarf its more famous cousin, the CIA, and with a headquarters, known as “Crypto City,” that is its own self-contained community, little is known of NSA among the public and, more troublingly, even within other parts of government. Uncovering the secrets of NSA, its history and operations, has become Bamford’s life’s work, first begun in his now classic The Puzzle Palace (1982) and continued in this significantly revised and expanded present volume. With remarkable access to highly sensitive documents and information, Bamford takes the reader from the beginnings of NSA during the early cold war, through its roles in such watershed events as the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War, to the amazingly sophisticated developments in information technology taking place within NSA today. What Bamford discovers is at times surprising, often quite troubling but always fascinating. In his conclusion, he is at once awed and deeply disturbed by what NSA can now do: ever more sophisticated surveillance techniques can mean ever greater assaults on the basic right of individual privacy. In a computer system that can store five trillion pages of text, anyone and everyone can be monitored. Writing with a flair and clarity that rivals those of the best spy novelists, Bamford has created a masterpiece of investigative reporting. (On-sale date: Apr. 24)Forecast: Bamford will be doing national media, including NBC’s Today show and NPR’s Fresh Air. This is the stuff spy thrillers are made from: The Puzzle Palace was a bestseller, and this will be, too.
Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
–This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Link to buy the book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0385499086/ref=pd_ecc_rvi_1/103-3176046-8400646?%5Fencoding=UTF8
What a great idea! I’ve meant to get that book for a while now! Now is the time.
We chose to sign up with Powell’s because they’re a blue company, and Amazon is red.
So, I used your great idea, and added the book jacket image and links in the left column!
Or just CLICK HERE to get Body of Secrets at a great price — there are used copies also at Powell’s.
I didn’t realize Amazon was a “red” company.
Well, they’re off the list. It’s Powells for me.
What about Barnes and Noble?
Yes, it’s a bummer about Amazon, especially since it’s a Seattle company, and they have a great site.
Before we’ve signed up with anyone, I check buyblue.org.
Happily, Barnes & Noble is more blue than red. But we decided on Powell’s because it’s one of the last successful “indy” bookstores in the U.S.
(ALSO: We have an affiliation with Overstock.com — click on one of the ads in the left column or in the banner ad at the bottom of this comments section. Overstock.com has LOTS of books, CDs, DVDs, etc. for sale at major discounts. _
Per usual, I checked, and Overstock is a blue company. As are Patagonia and Apple iTunes.
The Echelon program was setup in the aftermath of WWII and forms the foundation for the global spying done by NSA. Recently deceased columnist Jack Anderson, as well as others whose names I don’t recall right now, were writing about and exposing the existence of Echelon quite a while before the Bush criminals usurped the throne here in the US.
Here’s a useful link to an Anderson piece from 1999 that gives a broad overview.
I’va always asumed the government had access to any “electronic” or even postal communications I might have with others, and while I myself have no specific reason to be concerned for my own sake about this, I have always been careful when speaking with friends or associates who might be in more sensitive positions to not speak too directly about subjects that might get them in trouble; (like I wouldn’t criticize Nixon or Hoover when they were alive in a talk on the phone with a friend who might have been working in government at the time.)
Usually, by the time they let us ‘find out’ about a program, it’s obsolete and they’re on with something else.
Echelon also had a bad reputation for being abused for industrial espionage. That fits in with claims of the leaks of technology to foreign countries and the upper hand some US companies had in dealings.
We need to remember that these programs are contracted out to private companies. These companies own our information as aggregators and brokers.
In many cases since 9/11 and including the Able Danger/hijacker info, it appears that the data was used to fit a profile and pull the suspects even though it wasn’t a perfect match….like, they didn’t commit a crime. This can also explain the numerous inconsistencies in the 9/11 hijacker names/data/existence.
Checking out Mao’s Little Red Book may not get you an FBI visit, but scrawling “PLO” on your binder might if it’s noticed by the wrong person.
This local story passed me by ’til Common Dreams picked it up today (via the Progressive).
I’m feeling reassured & safer.
Lodi is small town between Sacramento & Stockton where a young Muslim, Hamid Hayat & his father were arrested on charges that Hamid had gone to Pakistan for terrorist training. Two others from a local mosque have been deported. There’s a collection of SacBee articles here.
2nd the Greenwald recommend & Landesman, who I also mentioned yesterday for legal analysis. We read the Youngston decision out loud last night — there’s some really inspiring stuff in there that’s is so relevant to what’s happening today — Jackson’s opinion in particular.
There’s also a nice piece on James Bamford at Truthout. Seems he’s feeling a little misled as well these days by his sources over at NSA.
O well, I was only going to post poetry today . . .
should read:
FBI Talks to Muslim High School Student about “PLO” Initials on His Notebook
IThe US has been fighting it’s natural ally….the insurgents for the purpose of putting into power it’s natural enemy, SCIRI or the islamic government of IRaq.
I wrote about Iran taking over in Iraq long ago in February.
Before it starts dawning on the American public that this war in Iraq (as guided by Bush) has produced a government in Iraq that is sympathetic to the goals of those who took down the Twin Towers…he might do something rash like bomb Iran to cut off support and distract Iran from gaining more power in Iraq. The Iraqi governments only support comes from Iran, not the US. They are allied with Iran and against the US…even though the US has put them in power and protects them from the insurgents…many of whom are more inclined toward a secular government and who the US should have supported all along.
If Bush does nothing. This information that Bush has put into power a government allied with “terrorists” (Iran) will be inescapable, undeniable and lead to the conclusion that Iraq is lost, the war a failure. This has been so obvious….but the public will slowly start to put it together. Iran is heralding the election as a great beggining for Islam.
He cannot escape this reality. The reality of an Islamic government created by the U.S. that is allied with Iran, who Israel and the United States want to bomb in order to prevent them from gaining nuclear status. Status that weilds great energizing influence all over the Islamic world. Status that creates a major power opposed to the United States that cannot be attacked because it is an invincible NUCLEAR POWER.
Why did Bush do This?
I believe he did it intentionally. He is self destructive. He may not allow himself to be conscious of his intentions. Intentions do not have to have words attached to them. They are urge like directive feelings. This is his observable behavior and therefore it can only be concluded he is working against the interests of the United States.
I have long said he is very disturbed. There is a reality at work in our world that exists below the level or rationality, of words, of thought.
Just look at what Bush has done….then you understand his intention.
Yes, he’s anti Christ like.
Can you explain to me who it is that took down the Towers? I think that’s where the start of the problem is. There is very little evidence of the official story being true. What little there is loses credibility by the day.
Rumi…..you are so far ahead in the game…
I have no idea….but it wasnt’ whatever they are calling “AL Queda” a name that sound like something you order your meat to be cooked as in a restaurant that offers, french, italian and “thousand island” food.
I would guess it was sponsored by elements in an unitilllegence agency in another country like Pakistan and supported by maniacs in Egypt.
It was a crazy, stupid thing to do. But of course the U.S. has overreacted.
I read the 911 report…most of it….there is NO iNFORMATION in that report.
They attacked their secular ideological ally in Iraq, a nation under Husseien that promoted rape, torture, fear, and loathing for a government that endorses these same ideas under a religous banner.
There’s no real proof any of the alledged hijackers were actually on any of the planes.
There’s no credible evidence othat many of the arrests since then had actual ties to Islamic extremism as claimed.
9/11 changed everything
The ultimate psy-ops.
1992, 1998, Executive Outcomes-Sandline-The plane held in Africa that held the mercenaries a couple years ago-Madrid-London-
The FBI field agent in Lackawanna said ‘The 6’ had to be a sleeper cell only if it’s a snoozing sleeper cell. Is Derwish the mysterious one that always escapes the shootouts and arrests? hmm,…the drone-fired missile zeroed in on a cell phone GPS and all in the car were fried….but one escaped,…
Hey, pull over, I gotta run behind that sand dune for a minute and water the camel, if you know what I mean,……4,…3…2…1…
Maybe he did get liquidated in Yemen but still, he seems to pop up more than Abramoff, who also had money ties to A/Q same as Chertoff…
9/11 changed everything.
The ultimate psy-ops
Where did you get this information? I hear about it, but it escapes me.
I didn’t pay close enough attention to some parts of this whole tragedy that’s known as the Bush administration. I regret that mostly for the large number of instances I’m now finding of feeble cases against otherwise people. Besides changing all of our lives, the actions of rendition, torture, denying due process and then allowing the govt to dominate/persecute/prosecute others based on that is a genuine tragedy.
I was researching technology patents that were appropriated in part with the intervention of J Ashcroft. I started noticing similarities in events of specific times that showed a pattern of corp technology events, business events and claims in the advancement or gains in the GWoT. I started tracking backward from the cases that were obviously controversial..the first being that of Maher Arar. His was based on evidence supplied that claimed the link to terrorism was the signature of a work associate’s brother as a lease witness in 1997. In the first of many harsh interrogations, before the torture, he was asked of knowledge of people and didn’t admit it. When the govt threw a copy of the lease at him, I believe the claims he made to have forgotten an insignificant incident in his life. There is much, much more and all of it points not only to his innocence but the credible possibility that it was deliberate due to his occupational expertise the govts of several countries wanted to silence.
So, basically, we have the first innocent (for my discovery) that will turn out to be just one of far too many. From there I searched back on the claims, trials and circumstances surrounding each accused ‘terror suspect’ in as many sources as I could find. Comparing the govt claims over several years and beyond, with the ‘actual verifiable facts’ that are all found in news and web sources, the truth is found in several places.
The same thing happened as I followed the anthrax investigations which are another tragedy of curious origins.
Pick any name, event, or situation and search the trails of forgotten media accounts that didn’t get any press at the time. Alpizar, the man shot on the airliner recently…..the London attack….Menezes…all of the misinformation is contradicted after the hype quiets down but it seems nobody sees it at that point.
Unless,…you were just asking for a link…heh.
It’s never been as nutty as the WSJ editorial page adn has usually been as reasoned as the reporting on the WSJ front page. So let’s not think there is some kind of right wing neocon revolt going on here.
In the past, some of the most damning national news stories appear on Christmas Eve, one of the least-read days of the year. So I’m busy sailing around the papers trying to catch up. The LA Times has FINALLY spoken out re electronic voting machines, albeit in an AP article about ES&S. The NY Times reports that Alito wants to give the President more legislative control than Congress! And now Barron’s is calling for impeachment? Indeed this is a merry, disturbing day!
The Government Admits They Can Track What You Print
It’s old news but some didn’t get to see it before.
I’m fairly sure that ‘they’ eventually ‘fessed up to other printer types as well.