Using civilians as shield … where have I heard that before … ALEPPO!
More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq
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Rescuers are still recovering bodies from a suspected U.S. airstrike in the Iraqi city of Mosul,
where more than 200 civilians are said to have been killed. (Los Angeles Times - photo gallery)Munatha Jasim watched Iraqi civil defense workers in red suits scurry among the ruins of her neighbors’ homes Friday, extracting the dead and zipping them into blue body bags.
The massive explosion that tore through Baghdad Street last week killed nine of Jasim’s relatives, including son Firas, 7, and daughter Taiba, 4. “We recovered half his body,” she said of the 7-year-old. “The rest is still there.”
The U.S.-led coalition in Iraq is investigating whether it was responsible for an airstrike in the west Mosul neighborhood of Aghawat Jadidah March 17 that local civil defense officials said killed at least 200. It would be the highest civilian death toll from an airstrike since the battle against the militant group Islamic State began more than two years ago and among the deadliest incidents in modern warfare.
“The coalition has opened a formal civilian casualty credibility assessment on this allegation, and we are currently analyzing conflicting allegations and all possible strikes in that area,” said U.S. Army Col. Joe Scrocca, a Baghdad-based spokesman for the coalition, who added that coalition forces routinely strike Islamic State targets in that area.
○ Iraq halts military operation in West Mosul after deadly strike
These investigations always get stretched out long enough that those paying attention have since moved on to several other atrocities/outrages and lack the energy to make any noise about the event covered by the investigation.
Kunduz MSF hospital airstrike Six months after the fact, a report was issued and claimed it was an accident. It’s always an accident on the part of the US military unless they can find a convenient low level scapegoat.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump has loosened the Rules of Engagement governing military force. Then again, mass casualty events still happened in the previous 8 years.
Russian and Syrian indiscriminate killing of civilians, which directly caused much of the refugee crisis and influx into Europe, has been much more common but oddly under-reported here.
The left will focus once more on Iraq and Yemen now that a Republican is in the White House.
“Russian and Syrian indiscriminate killing of civilians, which directly
caused much of the refugee crisis and influx into Europe …”
I see you fell for the UK/US propaganda machine of the Syrian civil war:
Role of Erdogan’s Turkey and open border policy for ISIL/Sunni jihadists/Islamic State fighters
Obama administration use of ISIL out of Iraq as proxy to put militant pressure on the Syrian Army of Assad (DIA report)
Delivery of tens of thousands of tons arms and munition from Libya to Syria though Turkey, thanks to Qatar and KSA
Russian intervention started in September 2015 after over 400,000 deaths, and the millions of displaced persons!
After six months Russian intervention sharp downturn in overall deaths in Syria
Just unbelievable how big the gap is between Americans abroad and domestic citizens getting spoon fed the propaganda from the White House and US mass media …
○ US government spent over $500m on fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos that tracked location of viewers
Oui, I don’t make a habit of regurgitating Russian (or US/UK) propaganda in my posts but I don’t care about convincing you, of all people, regarding this.
My point is that Russian and Syrian bombing of civilians, which they do intentionally as they do not care about civilian casualties, has helped with that crisis. I do not absolve the US or Gulf countries for their role.
You think there is a good side in this conflict and that’s why you justify these actions. It’s looks hypocritical when you then focus critically on similar US actions.
An observer of facts …
○ US ambassador Samantha Power blasts Assad regime, Russia, Iran at UN Security Council meeting
○ 62 dead, 100 wounded as US bombs Syrian army near Deir ez-Zor – Sept. 19, 2016 [Intent to derail the joint US-Russian-brokered ceasefire – Oui]
○ UK Confirms It Took Part in Airstrike in Deir ez-Zor When Syrian Army Was Bombed –
I don’t know. There’s been a lot of silence from the left with the indiscriminate bombing in Syria from US the entire time, focused on a non-existent regime change — so if there is a focus at all, it’s definitely to Yemen, even with Obama. What I’ve seen was a focus on Yemen because it fit the narrative they built (as Oui demonstrates in his comment) that Russia’s atrocities in Syria were in no way equivalent to US elsewhere, and Russia was “invited” so it’s ok. Because of this narrative they have built that Assad and Russia were just “going after terrorists”, they have ultimately accepted the War on Terror framework without admitting it. So now when US bombs in Syria in areas that Russia would normally be bombing, and now it’s silence.
The NYT reports imply this is a result of the loosening of the rules, but we will see what the investigation says:
“Before, Iraqi officers were highly critical of the Obama administration’s rules, saying that many requests for airstrikes were denied because of the risk that civilians would be hurt. Now, the officer said, it has become much easier to call in airstrikes. Some American military officials had also chafed at what they viewed as long and onerous White House procedures for approving strikes under the Obama administration.”
The data cited by Glenn Greewald are contested and his conclusion troublesome once you look beneath the graphs on the website of Airwars. It even stated on that webpage:
At Airwars we’ve been modelling Coalition airstrike data since the start of operations in August 2014, enabling us to comprehensively model over time the war against Daesh. All of our graphs and tables are based on official data releases from the Coalition, and from individual member nations.
The term airstrike is imprecise. According to AFCENT, [webpages deleted – Oui] an average of 3.65 weapons were released by allied airstrike to October 2015, with allies admitting that multiple targets, aircraft actions and even locations might be labelled under any one `strike’ report.
The US, France, Canada and UK prefer to report the number of strikes their aircraft carry out. In contrast the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia all report the number of weapons released.
CJTF-OIR intermittently issues overall figures for US and for allied strikes, for both Iraq and Syria.
The situation in Mosul-East is much more difficult than the earlier conquest of Mosul-West due to high density of population and the citizens used by IS as human shields against allied airstrikes. Can only be compared to the Fallujah raid in 2004 or the final month of Russian/Syrian bombing of East-Aleppo before the liberation from rebels and jihadists. In Mosul the attacking Iraq Army is made up of a substantial number of Shia, the inhabitants of large swaths if the Islamic State are made up of Sunni population, many who at first collaborated with the forces called ISIL and originated in the Sunni triangle of Baghdad-Ramadi-Tikrit.
Posted earlier in TarheelDem’s diary – Greenwald: Trump is Keeping an Enemy.
○ Counter-terrorism Pitfalls: What the U.S. Fight against ISIS and al-Qaeda Should Avoid