There is no grey area for me on voting for Chuck Pennacchio in this upcoming primary here in PA on May 16th. One of the reasons for this is Pennacchio’s strong stance on the issue of choice. There is no grey area for me on the issue of choice. It is legal and should remain legal. That is that. No ifs ands or buts.
He believes that a woman’s right to have control over her own reproductive choice is inviolate, and as our Senator, he will stand up to protect this fundamental Constitutional guarantee.
Pennacchio would have voted against the appointments of now Chief Justice John Roberts and now Justice Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court of the United States. Both Justices have a record of blech. Both Justices would most likely vote to overturn Roe v. Wade when it comes to the SCOTUS; I have no doubts that it will. There are so many people out there who believe that the issue of abortion is the bread and butter of the Republican party and their single best way to get out the vote. They have plenty of other issues they can and have ramped up as the downfall of humanity, I don’t think they’ll have a problem energizing their fanatical, wingnut, batshit fucking crazy base.
The most chilling remark candidate Casey has said on the subject of choice is this rabidly anti-choice and anti-Roe v. Wade statement from a December 18, 2005 story in the Philadelphia Inquirer:
It would seem obvious: Democratic Senate candidate Robert P. Casey Jr., who opposes abortion, believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned.
“You can’t say you have the position I have and not believe that,” Casey said in a recent interview about the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that made legal abortions available nationwide.
And Senators Schumer and Reid assured all their friends that Casey wouldn’t let his anti choice views influence his votes for extremist judges to be appointed to things like, say, the SCOTUS. But then Casey went and opened his mouth to do just that.
On September 29, 2005, Casey told the Inquirer, through his campaign, that he would have voted to confirm Roberts. Not only that but his campaign manager, speaking on Casey’s behalf, stated:
[Casey] was initially concerned that Roberts would “bring an ideological agenda to the bench.”
“Based on his testimony and statements, Bob Casey believes Judge Roberts adequately addressed this concern,” Reiff said.
Yes, Roberts’ incredibly frank testimony. And Reiff added:
Judge Roberts is clearly a conservative, but it would be difficult to argue he is out of the mainstream
Riiiight. Casey’s version of “mainstream” that is.
And then fast forward a few months to January 25, 2006 and the Alito nomination for another Inquirer story where Casey chimes:
The arguments against Judge Alito do not rise to the level that would require a vote denying him a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.
I recall people like Sen. Schumer going bonkers over how extremist Alito was [and most likely currently is]. The Inquirer remembered too
Top national Democrats, including Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D., N.Y.), who personally recruited Casey to run, singled out Alito’s past statements on abortion as evidence of his being too extreme.
I wonder if Schumer and Reid gagged when they heard that Casey had come out in favor it the nomination. I wish they just puked all over Casey. Told him that he had family business to attend to and bow out of the damn race and then get fully behind the Progressive Pennacchio campaign. But then they swallowed hard. Like a chunk of gristle in a bad cheesesteak. Yeah, I guess Casey is like that hunk of shit in a bad ‘steak that Schumer and Reid are trying to force down our throats here in PA. Me, I like to spit that shit out.
An excerpt of Pennacchio’s statement on the confirmation of Alito:
I stand with the overwhelming majority of Democrats in the U.S. Senate and Independent Senator Jim Jeffords and pro-choice Republican Lincoln Chaffee who opposed the Alito nomination. It’s revealing that Bob Casey stood with the far right today instead of with the Democratic Senators who voted 40-4 against Judge Alito’s confirmation.
My reasons for opposing the Alito nomination are clear. Judge Alito’s decisions and earlier work in the Reagan Justice Department demonstrate that he favors broadly expanding the power of the President and corporations while he would weaken individual rights and our constitutional system of checks and balances. On the U.S. Supreme Court Judge Alito will be a serious threat to privacy rights, abortion rights, employee rights, and minority rights.
I’ve been an obedient Democrat for sometime now. But fuck that. My political views and philosophies have grown and become much more complex. I want candidates who will stand up for things. I won’t simply pull the D lever anymore. I won’t vote for whomever I’m told to vote for. I won’t simply vote against someone either. I will vote for people I believe in. I will give money to candidates I believe in [give to Pennacchio here and specificially through Act Blue here]. I think lazy apathetic Americans should get off their asses and inform themselves of their candidates’ stances. I think that newspapers should inform their readers and stop making excuses over whom and what they cover.
Sen. Man on Dog is about as batshit fucking crazy as they come, and on paper, Casey isn’t too far behind, especially on the issue of choice. We need to get Sen. as Batshit Fucking Crazy as they Come out of office. Putting Sen. Almost as Batshit Fucking Crazy as they Come does not help. Senator Chuck Pennacchio has a nice ring to it.
The ongoing Pennacchio Online Petition Drive/blogswarm. More from The Hippo and The Sideshow.
Conviction wins.
I doubt he has much of a problem with Casey’s views. I admire Reid for his backbone, but he’s a moderate. He isn’t much of a standard-bearer for progressive values. Neither is Dean (someone else I admire), regardless of how much the media tries to paint him as an extremist.
Yes, Reid is anti-abortion, but not rabidly so as it seems Casey is. Reid did vote against the nomination of Alito [but didn’t vote for a filibuster]. I didn’t mean to imply that Reid was a Progressive.
Reid did vote for the filibuster. He just made public comments that the filibuster wouldn’t work, thereby undermining our efforts.
ah, got me confused with all that voting but saying it wouldn’t work crap
crap is a nice word for it.
maybe crap is too nice a word. bullshit.
fyi i’ve been told that the American Sign Language sign for ‘bullshit’ is your arms crossed and one hand making a closed-to-open gesture facing down below one elbow and the other hand making a bullhorns sign facing up above the other elbow. it’s a fun sign.
Anti-choice is a Casey family legacy, don’t forget. Father and sons (yep, plural).
First, a little background on one of Dad’s contributions. Planned Parenthood vs Casey 1992:
Bob’s brother Pat is on the board of Democrats for Life. From the Democrats for Life Board of Directors page:
That Reid and Schumer can pretend to have thought Bob Casey would do anything but try to overturn Roe shows that they are either stupid or lying, possibly both.
eggcellent. i forgot all about his smarmy brother, but not his father who had so much “courage” and was the “inspiration” of anti-chioce Dems. blech
former Pennsylvania pro-life democratic Governor Robert Casey
Major pet peeve, though I don’t know if it applies to Robert or Bob Casey: If you support the death penalty then you’re not pro-life, regardless of your stance on abortion. Democrats for Life, my ass. It’s amazing how many anti-abortion people are also pro-death penalty people. If blatant hypocrisy caused spontaneous combustion, the world would be a far less religious place.
So true. “Pro-Life” and pro death penalty go together quite often. And in addition, the pre-natal care and programs to help children once born [like not cutting billions in education funding] are often missing in their “culture of life” mindsets.
And you’re clearly backing the right candidate in my opinion. My digression about progressives is because I earlier read that some key Democrats want the NSA story to go away because to them it is a losing issue. It seriously pisses me off that they are so stupid. The only reason I care about Democrats winning this year is that it might mean investigations into administration crimes next year. If they don’t have the spine to vote in favor of hearings on obvious illegal warrantless wiretaps now, then nothing is going to happen next year regardless of which party controls Congress. You don’t compromise with liars, how hard is that to grasp? There are no real progressives on the national scene anymore, and nobody seems to see beyond their own narrow political self-interest. That Pennacchio is such a huge underdog to someone like Casey is a depressing sign of how far we have fallen.
Excellent! That’s exactly why I won’t vote for Ritter here in Colorado. Giving an anti-progress dem a vote is like giving meth to an addict- the Dems won’t see any reason to change their behavior.
You see here we are again. I just have been reading some background, i wasn’t familiar with the candidate.
He seems to be doing well in polling, have a more progressive agenda but Schumer et al want the other guy, and are helping him fundraise. And at some point down the road they will ask Chuck Pennacchio to step down as he is not an effective fundraiser (read.. did not have their help).
Which now makes 5 districts they are playing this game in. I just do not trust their judgment. The more I look in to these cases the more I find Schumer, Rahm or Reid picking a very marginal candidate.
I have $50 for him after this evening, as does anybody who promises not to back down and not run in the primaries, no matter what the DCCC say.
I find it annoying and ridiculous that they’re quashing all primaries. They flat out do not want contested primaries. Especially stinging is the one here in my state of PA where they pushed a guy who had no intentions of going beyond running for Gov.
They are trying for sure. It’s not working everywhere.
One piece of good news;
In OH-06 Rahm picked an amputee from Iraq to run. He asked the Cegalis to drop out before any polls, so they cannot use that excuse there. What it has done is really created a backlash in the grassroots, who are now flocking to Cegalis in droves.
The problem is, now money WILL have to be spent. Rahm has created a situation where he is going to have to spend lots of money to offset Cegalis’s grassroots support.
So he shot himself in the foot. I only hope he realizes that what he has done is not save money or picked a winner, so his stated objectives have been blown away. Obviously that’s not the way he wanted it, he wanted her to drop out like Hackett.
A primary can;
Anyway good luck, i promise to donate $50 tonight.
Also i am really hope that Booman can be the first high profile blogger to speak up AGAINST this tactic of subverting primaries.
he’s done so several times
My bad. I missed it, appologies to booman.
so here is my question
why cant chuck get traction?
why couldnt scoles ever get traction?
why is it that some people (like brian lentz) can announce and hit the ground running, even though no one knew who he was or what he stood for and had no organization behind them, and some people flounder forever?
Well, Lentz is another war veteran who is running for Congress and that immediately makes him a Fighting Dem or member of the Band of Brothers [stupid name] and people have been flocking to them in swarms.
I don’t know anything about Scoles.
Chuck is getting the shaft nationally by the ‘leaders’ of our party and that’s hard to overcome. I think he’s getting more traction everyday. The Zogby Poll was a big step and when Casey sticks both feet into his word hole by endorsing Batshit Fucking Crazy people like Roberts and Alito, he provides traction for Chuck too.
why did chuck get the shaft….this is what perplexes me.
why did he get the shaft from progressives too?
why didnt kos support him?
why didnt dfa (national)?
why did tons of political groups like liberty city dems etc bow down to the almighty rendell and go with the casey annointment so easily?
why did the editor of pgn and gay leaders everywhere not take up the mantle of chuck and get some action going for him?
but while there are tons of scared casey apologists out there, there are lots of people who are becoming stong pennacchio supporters.
I just wrote a letter to the editor of the Morning Call (Lehigh Valley) and it should be printed Friday or soon after about the Chuck Pennacchio issue. His views reflect my own–pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, pro-universal health care. He needs support. We don’t need Casey, a Lieberman from PA.