Booman wrote a piece called Radiation in our Milk and Water today. In it, he worries about the effects of the several Japanese nuclear meltdowns on North America and more specifically on his own young child. (By the way…let’s call a spade a spade here, OK? They are melting down faster than an ice cream cone on a hot summer’s day. Been melting down since Day One. Deal wid it.)
He writes:
I’m not sure what the EPA’s standards are for milk. I looked for a while, but I can’t find any standard. The alarmist article linked above claims that the Hawaiian number exceeds by six times the EPA’s Iodine-131 threshold for safety. I couldn’t verify that and, obviously, the Hawaiian Health Department seems unconcerned.
I note that Philadelphia is showing elevated Iodine-131 at three separate locations. I also note that water is in everything we eat and drink, and ingesting radioactive particles is not good for you, regardless of how little of it you are exposed to. We’re poisoning ourselves and our environment. I have to say, I am not thrilled about what the means for my fifteen-month old boy.
All’s I’ve got to say is:
Lord, Booman!
The EPA?
The entire system is rotted out, right to its core. Even if the EPA was not a PermaGov-controlled bureaucratic entity that is totally beholden to its corporate masters on every level, even if it stood up and said “Folks? You bein’ fucked here!!!”, do you actually think that you would hear much about it?
How many ways can I say this?
Have you been watching the path of the Japanese media’s reportage regarding this massive disaster?
It’s a delaying action. Step by small step they are being forced to admit parts of the magnitude of what is happening there. But they only do so when all possible lying has been made impossible by events on the ground.
How far will they go?
As far as they are ordered to go by a Permanent Government that is scared shitless of what might happen in Japan if the whole truth were to be known.
Massive unrest.
A literal revolt, quite possibly. Tahrir Square style, only so much bigger and so much more important to the rest of the world’s status quo.
The Japanese been fried in the service of their PermaGov, Booman. Once again. The vaunted Japanese “society?” Fucked by its obedience one more time.
Will they wise up this time?
I hope so. God love ’em; they are a great culture. But just a tinch too obedient, I fear.
And here? In the U.S.? The ramifications of this disaster will continue to affect us for decades to come.
Radioactive effects?
Bet on it.
Economic effects, for sure.
International balance of power effects.
And what does our media do?
Always the delaying action.
Like with the BP/Gulf of Mexico thing.
It’s what they do, Boo.
It’s what they do.
What disaster?
Oooohhhhh, that Justin Bieber!!!
Didja hear what that crazy Charlie Sheen/Donald Trump/Michelle Bachman just said?
How about them Yankees!!!
And another cloud of smoke obscures what is truly happening.
Want the truth?
About anything?
Man…I wish I could give you an applicable formula. I really do.
Why…here! It’s really very simple. Take a broad reading of what the mass media has to say on any subject that might have real importance to the survival and general wellbeing of the human species or of any political system under which said media work.
Then divide it by the square root of the GNP of that system, multiply it by its prisoners-to-population ratio, cube that and then divide by the average IQ of the population and…there y’have it!
The truth at last!!!
Only of course…it ain’t that simple.
Your child?
And mine?
And the other 300 million plus of us?
Teach them to distrust their rulers.
Teach them to distrust their media.
Teach them to disobey, goddamnit!
Teach them to go as fast as possible in whatever direction is the exact opposite of the one that they are told to go by the hypnomedia.
And then give ’em a big kiss and wish ’em well.
That’s all we can do.
I was successful in this endeavour with my son. He’s young man now and he believes nothing that he does not see for himself. I wish you the same success with your child.
That’s all we can give them, Boo.
Strontium 90?
Microwave radiation everywhere?
Poisoned food, water and atmospheric chains?
Human-caused earth changes?
Too fucking late, baby.
Too fucking late.
Our grandparents started that shit, and now it’s simply a fact of life.
Teach ’em to disobey, Booman.
It’s the least we can do.
And the most that we can do as well.
P.S. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Some shit just don’t change, Booman.
Some shit just don’t change.
Ol’ Charlie knew.
Only disobedience to the meant-to-be-received “wisdom” works.
Teach ’em to disobey.
It’s all we have to give them.
Bet on it.
Deal wid it.
But first…of course…we have to learn how to disobey.
Tips and recs, por favor.
Alla those so-called “illegal aliens” of whom the white fright right is so afraid?
Disobedient like a motherfucker!!!
That’s why they came here instead of condemning their children to yet more endless rounds of economic slavery.
And alla those other poor immigrants? You know…the ones who built this place from the ground up?
Where is that disobedience now?
Gotta be lurking in the gene pool somewhere!!!
Let us pray that it is.
And not in the gene pool ‘a dat sad Tea Party sinkhole, neither.
Joe Bageant knew.
I miss him already.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
good post, AG.
Greenpeace has consistently been about three weeks ahead of the Japanese government in it’s reporting, er, accurate reporting, of the unfolding nuclear disaster in Japan. Last I heard, and I get this info from Democracy Now! daily, is that the Japanese govt. raised the severity rating of the accident to a level 7. The highest rating given, and equal to the Chernobyl disaster in Russia.
Greenpeace independently came to the same conclusion 3 weeks prior to the official announcement. How many more lives will be lost, short and long term, due to the govt’s unwillingness to come clean about the severity of the risk to the Japanese public? Hundreds, perhaps thousands and more.
What I want to know is, who are the fools who vetted the construction of a nuclear plant in an area vulnerable to a Tsunami event? If I’m correct, the plant survived the initial earthquake, but was completely devastated by the waves.
Geenpeace/Fukushima Updates
Who are the fools?
The same kind of PermaGov/Corporate bureaucrats who run the system everywhere else, Supe.
The real “fools?”
The ones who continue to vote the bought-and-sold representatives of corporate bureacratism into power.
Left, right and center.
Bet on it.
And we are headed straight down the wormhole as a result.
Glad I bought that surplus drag chute a while back since I don’t imagine my fellow fools will stop voting in these bloodsuckers anytime soon.