Melissa McEwan reviews Mitt Romney’s newest political advertisement, running in Michigan:
You know, I’m sure there are people in Michigan, even in Detroit, who support Mitt Romney and will vote for him and hope he becomes the next president, but I’m pretty sure exactly ZERO of them actually believe that the reason the auto industry, the state, and Detroit are in the state they’re in is exclusively (or even primarily) the fault of Barack Obama. NO ONE BELIEVES THAT. Not even diehard Republicans. That is a truly incredible claim. And no Republican in Michigan should vote for Mitt Romney, just because that ad imagines they are stupid enough to believe that shit.
Yuck, Mitt Romney. You’re gross.
Frankly, no one in Michigan should vote for a Republican who didn’t support the auto bailout wholeheartedly. Barack Obama should be sainted in Michigan. Barack should be the most popular boy’s name and Michelle the most popular girl’s. They ought to name a bad-ass car after him. He should have his own boulevards. When you google ‘Michigan,’ Obama’s smiling face should pop up.
I’m just saying, Michigan should never forget how lucky they are that neither John McCain nor Mitt Romney were in charge at their time of need.
Why do you think some of us riff-raff never bought the Mittens inevitability argument? The only reason he could ever win the nomination was that no one else could raise money, by hook or crook. We knew the GOP base disliked him with the heat of a 1,000 suns before primary season started. Mittens a fatally flawed candidate all around. It was just a matter of having someone to take advantage of it. And it’s why I say, even if Mittens were the GOP nominee, that it would take an huge act of political incompetence for the President to lose re-election given who his opposition will be.
R Money is so bad at this game that he’s now crossed the point where there’s no amount of money that will ultimately save him. The best he can hope for is to take Santorum down, which wouldn’t be too much of a problem for a politician with average skills and money to back them up. But even that’s in doubt. The Dems should concentrate on helping to finish R Money off now–It would be a really good time for Dems to put some ads up in Michigan that liken him to the Edsel.
Is there even a way for either Romney or Santorum to win at this point? I thought I saw something about how the delegate math breaks down assuming both of them stay in it, and neither can win enough to secure the nomination.
Michigan should never forget…..but they will.
Union members should never vote republican….but they do.
Michigan will vote in another Republican governor they first chance they get.
That’s because the Michigan Democratic Party refuses to hand the state GOP an anvil and instead offers them a lifevest.
I’ll be very very surprised is Romney wins in Michigan. The right wingers I know that are tied to the auto industry here will vote for Gingrich or Santorum or Paul. In other words ANYBODY but Romney. Social conservatives will look to Santorum (unless he falls out of fashion in the next few days). I expect Santorum will carry the state by a double digit margin.
it’s not just the workers in the plants.
or the workers in the parts places that supply the plants.
how about the small businesses that get the workers when they end their shifts at either place.
and so on.
Michigan would have been a ghost state without this President’s decision to save Detroit.
and anyone dumb enough in Michigan to vote for a mofo who not only wrote LET DETROIT GO BANKRUPT, but doubled down on it?
let them choke
Stories like this one are only going to help sink Romney here in Michigan, and later propel Obama to victory against whichever clown the Republicans nominate.