Crossposted from MY LEFT WING
During a brief, albeit seismic argument with my husband this afternoon about l’affaire Edwards, some ideas crystallised; I realised just how cataclysmic the effect on Obama will be — in very short order — if John Edwards does not step up to the proverbial plate and take full responsibility for the entire goddamned mess. Right fucking now.
And that means take the damned DNA test and let the genes fall where they may.
Edwards’s ex-lover refused to countenance a DNA test, claiming it would be an invasion of her privacy. In an absurd leap of logic, the Washington Post posited that “If Hunter sticks to that position, it will ease the pressure on Edwards, who on Friday dropped his earlier denials and admitted to having an affair with Hunter in 2006 but denied being the father of the child.”
Apparently Hunter’s sister isn’t quite as idiotic as the Post…
Edwards, a Democrat who represented North Carolina, maintained in a statement that the affair ended too soon for him to have fathered her baby, Frances Quinn Hunter, who was born Feb. 27. Hunter and a former Edwards fundraiser, Andrew Young, have maintained that Young is the father.
“I would welcome participating in a paternity test,” Edwards told ABC’s Bob Woodruff on Friday. “Be happy to participate in one. I know that it’s not possible that this child could be mine because of the timing of events. . . . Happy to take a paternity test and would love to see it happen.”
ABC News reported on its Web site yesterday that Hunter’s younger sister Melissa said that Edwards should immediately follow through on his pledge to take a paternity test. “I would challenge him to do so,” the sister said. The network did not use a last name for Melissa.
The argument with my husband ensued after he asserted that the baby should have nothing to do with the scandal. I stared at him open-mouthed and began sputtering. Clarity crept in on… little pussy feet.
If, as I now suspect, there is some sort of pre-arranged agreement between Edwards and Hunter that she refuse a DNA test because he may actually be the father of the baby, then his mendacity goes deeper than I could ever have imagined. And he is not only a liar and a cheat, but a thief, as well. The moneys that were paid to Ms. Hunter for the maintenance of her lifestyle and the care and welfare of her self and her child may have come from his campaign funds. And if they did… which is simply corrupt… then he is a fool as well as a liar, cheat and thief. Because he is wealthy beyond belief. There was no earthly reason to have paid her moneys from his campaign — except to maintain his deceit of his wife. Which brings us back to his life of utter mendacity.
And the only possible redemption for this grotesque series of crimes against decency and basic common sense, for chrissakes, is to take a stand for the salvation of your self-respect, for chrissakes, stand up in front of the whole damned world and admit EVERY GODDAMNED BIT OF THE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, get it ALL out… and then slink away into the shadows, don’t let us see your pitiful face or hear your name uttered by ANYONE with a shred of self-respect for at LEAST five years…
and let Barack Obama get back to campaigning for the Presidency with enough time to let us all TRY to forget this horrible, horrible week.
You slimy, pitiful, pathetic embarrassment of an excuse for a man.
I guess the clarity only extends as far as my own skull.
What i mean Obama being “slaughtered” by this scandal is that the media attention is focused intently 24/7 on John Edwards and NOT on the election.
I do NOT CARE what he does with his cock.
I care what the fucking corporate news media are doing to the fucking campaign.
and Obama is getting SLAUGHTERED by the fucking story.
What I mean by this is, McCain? Who’s McCain?
In bed with Big Oil? Hmmm?
But did you hear about Edwards? Droool…..
Christ. Put this fucking story in the GROUND already.
I don’t see Obama getting slaughtered with this. I do see the potential for McCain’s affair(s) to earn some more attention.
Look, Edwards is an idiot. He risked Dems’ chances at taking back the White House by running. He used his supporters money to try to cover up the affair. And he lied about the whole thing.
Edwards is a phony. Obama won, thankfully. Now let’s let it go.
my own skull.
What I mean by “slaughtered” is…
by the fact that the media is intent on focusing 24/7 on John Edwards.
And NOT on the election.
Yes, true, but it’s pretty much dead to everyone but ABC, from what I’ve seen. I wouldn’t be too concerned, and if they cover McCain’s, erm, issues (as the Los Angeles Times is now doing), then I say we cheer them on. Fair’s fair, right? And at least Edwards is young and good-looking, whereas McCain is just a filthy old man.
And, really, who gives a shit about ABC? It’s a network whose main news anchor, Chuckie, thinks $200,000/year is a “middle-class salary.” and who thinks an increase in capital gains taxes is going to hit “working people”.
(See ya real soon!)
(Why? Because we like you!)
Oh, pssshhhh. I checked out MSNBC. Didn’t see Edwards stuff.
Faux News, well, you know….
Not the weekend, obviously, but tomorrow, gay-ron-teeeed.
Edwards and Hunter initially met each other sometime during the winter of 2006 in a New York bar, according to published reports. The first check cut to Hunter’s film company Midline Groove Productions was written on July 5, 2006, for the cost of $12,500, according to campaign finance reports.
Midline Groove Productions was incorporated in Delaware on June 30, 2006, according to business records.
In a four-month span, Edwards’ political action committee paid $100,000 to Hunter’s newly former video production company for four Web videos. That was followed by two smaller paments totaling $14,461 from Edwards’ PAC, the last one coming on April 1, 2007.
It was unclear why the campaign stopped contributing to Midline. It also was unclear what happened in late October 2007, when the company was listed as inactive.
The Intimate John Edwards / Rielle Hunter Video
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Couldn’t resist that one.
At first I wondered why he’d confess to the affair but lie about paternity. Then I realized that he had already fessed up to his wife and said it was over, and it really wasn’t. The kid is his, I’d bet my left nut, if I had one.
But really, the sex shit is between JE and his family. For the sake of Obama 08 I wish he’d just tell the whole truth and then figuratively fall off the face of the earth.
have the sex to have the kid… but he’s lying about the kid. And the money… follow the money.
THEY’RE following the money.
I believe that Elizabeth Edwards is in on this deception.She has been aware of his sexual dalliance with Rielle since at least 2006.Despite this she has enabled him to mount a Presidential campaign.
It stands to reason that she was also aware of Rielle’s pregnancy and the birth of John’s baby.To keep her knowledge and collusion away from the public’s eyes,John now says he did not love that woman and denies paternity.Conveniently, his girlfriend says she would not participate in a paternity test and fingers one of John’s campaign managers as the father.
The money tells a wholly different story.