It’s probably good it’s full because if it were clean, he’d see his mug staring back up at him. But, here we go — a random menu of the peas, the blood-dripping meat, the mashed squash, and unjust desserts:
- “President Faces Supreme Dilemma” trumpets today’s Wall Street Journal (sub. only). “Bush’s Next Choice for High Court May Come Down to Which Side He Needs to Please Most,” says the subtitle. “We don’t want a stealth candidate,” announces the old John Birch bag, Phyllis “Shaft ‘Em” Schlafly.
- [Here’s a key “backgrounder” section, and a reminder that the WSJ reporter pages are pretty darn good.] Circumstances have changed significantly since Mr. Bush nominated Judge Roberts in July. Back then, the president’s energy bill was headed toward passage, the outlines of an Iraq constitution were emerging, and the deficit picture was brightening. Today, gas prices are at record highs, Iraq’s insurgency persists, and the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina is being criticized on Capitol Hill. While Democrats pounced on the government’s initial slow response, economic conservatives have balked at Mr. Bush’s decision to approve so much spending to rebuild the Gulf Coast.
With the president eager to marshal support on Capitol Hill, much hinges on his decision. This nomination “not only affects the court, it affects the whole relationship with Congress” and possibly the course of other legislative priorities, says pollster Richard B. Wirthlin, a former Reagan political strategist. “There are other battles he’s got to keep an eye on.”
Ah, the candidate from whom all blessings may or may not flow. (More on those possible choices below the fold.)
- [Here’s a key “backgrounder” section, and a reminder that the WSJ reporter pages are pretty darn good.] Circumstances have changed significantly since Mr. Bush nominated Judge Roberts in July. Back then, the president’s energy bill was headed toward passage, the outlines of an Iraq constitution were emerging, and the deficit picture was brightening. Today, gas prices are at record highs, Iraq’s insurgency persists, and the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina is being criticized on Capitol Hill. While Democrats pounced on the government’s initial slow response, economic conservatives have balked at Mr. Bush’s decision to approve so much spending to rebuild the Gulf Coast.
- And Nag has this “just in” bad news for Dubya: “Judge Releases Abu Ghraib Photos.” Will Bush and Rummie appeal, or find a new excuse to balk? They’ll have to!
- Then there’s big horsey white woman Karen Hughes gallivanting about the Middle East, providing what Sidney Blumenthal (via Pat Lang) says is “the exact proof for what Osama bin Laden has claimed about American motives.”
- “It is stunning … the extent [to which] Hughes is helping bin Laden,” Robert Pape [a University of Chicago political scientist who recently briefed the Pentagon and the National Counterterrorism Center] told me. “If you set out to help bin Laden,” he said, “you could not have done it better than Hughes.”
- And there’s the peculiar confluence of the National Enquirer story about Bush’s drinking and the rehiring of Michael “Brownie” Brown as a consultant, noted by both Atrios and Alternet’s PEEK.
- “according to sources within the Enquirer itself, the source for Bush’s drinking story is — an incredibly pissed-off, recently scapegoated head of a federal agency who thinks that BushCo. done him wrong.”
- Then there are other little morsels like “mafia-style contract killings now entering the mix” in the Jack Abramoff scandal that point to “a vast criminal enterprise involving every facet of the Bush Administration.”
- Taste the smorgasboard and don’t forget this is always a potluck! Bring your own favorites, and dish!
More from the WSJ on Bush’s Supreme choices:
For an all-out fight with Democrats, he could choose “Fifth Circuit Judge Edith Jones, who has publicly urged the Supreme Court to rethink its abortion-rights ruling; Tenth Circuit Judge Michael McConnell, who has called for a constitutional amendment overturning it, or Fifth Circuit Judge Priscilla Owen, who has a record of supporting restricted access to abortion …” or ” Fourth Circuit Judge Michael Luttig or Third Circuit Judge Samuel Alito. Both have written opinions upholding restrictions on abortion that came short of challenging the Supreme Court on Roe.”
Or he could “reprise the tone” of the Roberts hearings, and nominate “by nominating Michigan Supreme Court Justice Maura Corrigan, Ninth Circuit Judge Consuelo M. Callahan or Larry Thompson, the former deputy attorney general and now a corporate attorney. All have conservative credentials but no substantial record on abortion rights. … Mr. Bush also could prompt criticism from the left and right by nominating Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.”
Enter Susan Collins:
Meanwhile, Maine Sen. Susan Collins, a party moderate, has urged Mr. Bush to name a Roberts-like candidate who will express respect for precedents such as Roe v. Wade.
“The president is going through a difficult time, and I’m confident he will get through it,” she says. “If he chooses a nominee who has the kind of credentials that John Roberts has, it would be very well received, and that’s been my advice to him through aides.” If the president goes the other way, “that would concern me,” she said.
The White House is paying attention to concerns of moderates such as Ms. Collins because it will need nearly all Republican senators on its side if Democrats resist the next nominee and wage a filibuster.
If that were to happen, the Senate likely would see a return of the spring standoff between the parties with Republicans threatening to exercise the “nuclear option”: rewriting Senate rules to prohibit filibusters of judicial candidates. A bipartisan deal among 14 senators including Ms. Collins brought the chamber back from that brink. But Mr. Bush knows that he risks returning the Senate to that point by nominating someone committed to overturning Roe v. Wade.
The smorgasbord of shame.
BTW, Robert “I have the inside scoop but I never get charged with anything becasue I’m a Bush butt kisser” Novak has predicted that Bush will choose Priscilla Owens.
Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. Not only is she probably anti-choice, but she also believes that people are inferior to corporations. Sounds like she’d get a lot of votes from both parties!
This is getting better and more convoluted than a John Grisham novel. 🙂 Can’t wait for more explosive subplots to occur.
I just wanna say upfront right now:
If Bush nominates Abu Gonzales there are going to be some Dems that breath a sigh of relief. The logic will be that Abu is solid on reproductive rights. I don’t know whether that is true, actually. But I will oppose him regardless. I take torture very, very seriously. And I can’t put that aside because of the possibility that Roe stands in the balance. Maybe if you could assure me upfront that it was a choice between between Roe and torture-boy I would be willing to relent. But without such an assurance I will oppose Abu on principle.
The WSJ has a nice image with explanations i’ll try to put up .. i need to resize it in Photoshop.
ALSO! Yesterday, I read the best article — SOMEWHERE — about the mafia contract killings of a Greek guy in Florida who was involved with Abramoff et al. I can’t search my History in Safari (one drawback to the browser). Have any of you seen stories about this? It’s quite shocking.
it looks like it is possible that Abramoff put out a hit on the guy. But most of the facts are still unrevealed.
Exactamundo … and since the Mafia guys were ARRESTED after Abramoff and pals began to SING, one can only speculate, but perhaps ….
P.S. The Supreme image from the WSJ is up.
This Salon story has some links.
there are some other mouth-watering links on TPM (scroll down to the Abramoff stories):
Such as:
Oh, very good!
From that gambling magazie — in 2001 (!):
and from yesterday’s WaPo:
Let’s see … and it’s Kidan who’s been SINGING to the feds, right? And then those Mafia guys were arrested.
Trying to recall if I read that Abramoff is also likely linked and knew about the hit…
Good grief, Abramoff is down right dirty. How did he get involved with Kidan a guy that hires hitmen? Then he’s rubbing elbows with Delay. What the fuck?
I couldn’t remember where I read all that delicious stuff yesterday, then stumbled on it again.
Go to Crooks & Liars, and follow THE LINKS … here’s the snippet without the embedded links:
There’s more… there’s always more…
Fancy that…
Was Bob Ney involved in this deal?
Meigs County is home to Ted Strickland, who sits on the Subcommitte on Energy and Air Quality. He’s an ex-minister and psychologist and looks pretty clean, though. He’s running for Governor, maybe there’s hope for OH, yet.
Also, Josh Marshall has been on the story at TPM. Lots of stuff for the last week or so.
If Abu is nominated and the Dems cave, it’s time for a revolution. Big time.
(Note to FBI/CIA snoops: I’m not talking about armed insurrection you dolts so go back to reading the comics or playing with yourselves or whatever it is you actually do.)
Here’s another course
Judge orders release of Abu Ghraib torture photos
screwed up the link somwhere
click on the second link when page opens
This is huge!
Nag has already done a diary on it.
Good thing somebody’s paying attention :o)
VelvetRevolution Launches ‘Government Accountability Reward Fund’; $100,000 Reward for Information Leading to Arrest, Conviction of Corrupt Government Officials
“, a network of more than 120 progressive organizations seeking honest government, just launched the ‘Government Accountability Reward Fund’ to induce whistleblowers to come forward with information about criminal activity by high government officials.” [Read more]
— posted by Peter Daou today
— might be fun!
Gonzalez is Bush’s dog and George is very loyal to his people, but the ‘study group” conservatives hate Gonzalez for his stand on abortion and some other stuff. So which way does Bush go? Gonzalez is his guy, and his nomination might split the Dems. Or he can go with Pricilla Owens, please the true believers and unify the Dems. The convolutions going on right now are interesting. Wish we had some reports from inside the backroom and caucus room fights.
I’m lovin’ that. She got a lambasting from women in Turkey about the situation of women in Iraq.
In a similar encounter earlier in Saudi Arabia, some Saudi women did not like Hughes’ promise to support efforts to raise their status. The women charged that Americans misunderstand their embrace of traditions.
In Turkey, a Kurdish feminist leader told Hughes she was “ashamed” of the Iraqi war.
Hughes replied: “I can appreciate your concern about war. No one likes war.” She was quoted as saying “my friend President Bush” did all he could to avoid a war in Iraq, adding: “It is impossible to say that the rights of women were better under Saddam Hussein than they are today.”
You just keep regurgitating those Bushco talking points, Karen. You’re showing the world just how useless you and your “friend” are.
No doubt everything after that amazing lie fell on deaf ears.
Do they realize how dishonest and corrupt they make their country look when they spout this crap? Karen Hughes needs to go back to Texas and shut the fuck up.
that whoever Bush nominates for the next spot, it is going to be one of the judges that made it through on the filibuster compromise earlier in the year.
That way the Republicans have a built in argument against the ‘too radical’ claim by dems : If they weren’t too radical then, why are they too radical now?
I’m a big fan of yours but re: Karen Hughes (of whom I am no fan at all) can we let go of the horsey woman description? You rarely see derogatory references about appearance used with men (indeed, you rarely see men’s appearances described at all though God knows Alan Greenspan and Larry King are Prime candidates for comparison to some animal or other) and I’d like to think we can do better than the the dark side forces when discussing women.
Actually I’d be much happier if you just called her a horse’s ass rather than suggesting she might look like one.
Just a thought.
how masny times a day is bush compared to a chimp?
Bush doesn’t count.
But seriously, (and I have a selfish reason — my daughter) I’d like to see society move away from the easy use of physical appearance to disparage women we don’t like. Call her an idiot or a robot or a bigot, tell us her views are despicable, but calling her “horsey” is too easy and cheap a shot.
with all due respect, if making fun of appearance is verboten, it’s verboten regarding both genders. and bush.
; )
It’s a description of her Texas swagger style and utterly ignorant, bumpkin nerve in going into those countries to lecture THEM about rights.
Well, then say she’s arrogant and ignorant. Horsey suugests physical appearance (usually a many appearance) and in some cases refers to the “taint” of lesbianism. I don’t doubt for one second that you intended it in that way, but some could interpret it that way.
Oh how I wish I could learn to use spellcheck before posting comments.
Steve no I humbly disagree Susan described Chertoff as “skeletoid fuckwad” very descriptive and Chertoff is a male. Although I do like “horses ass” in reference to Hughes also.
Describing Karen Hughes as “horsey” is, I protest, an insult to horses everywhere. Horses are sleek, agile, clever animals, and frequently smarter than the average politican.
Besides, Dim Son is reputedly afraid of them.
If Absolut sold that bottle, it’d be the hottest item in every liquor store in America. Beautiful work!
if i could take the credit, i would. but i don’t know photoshop from a hole in the ground.
Seeing all those faces just emphasizes that the GOP crime family is in fact not just a vast right-wing conspiracy, it’s also a vast right-wing CRIMINAL conspiracy.
It seems to me that the RNC itself could be indicted alongside Bug-boy Delay. And if you look at the PATTERN of criminal conduct they’re involved in, from electoral law violations to bribery to even, perhaps, murder, I don’t know, I wonder when some enterprising prosecutor is going to start thinking about whether RICO could be used against some of these guys.
That the Bush administration did, in Katrina, precisely what all of the insiders say they do. First ran it through the sieve of politics. And the Mayberry Machiavellis saw the political opportunity of finding one rubric or another to delay relief and blame it on the Democrats in Louisiana, in an effort to dismantle the party there. Backfired a bit, but just you watch, they’ll be back with it.
Historians will write the ultimate verdict because there is no proof for the near term. But it is certainly consistent with their comprehensively amoral administration to date.
Another terrific diary Susan. The ordered release of those Abu Ghraib photos is huge. They allegedly depict the rape of teen-aged boys as well as murder. The main argument the government is giving for resisting their release is that they will cause world-wide riots. So I guess the rationale is that it isn’t the crimes that are bad. It is the act of exposing the crimes for all to see that is bad. I suspect the Justice Department will simply defy the judge’s new order just as they defied the last one.
Thanks again, Susan!
Don’t forget the final nail in the coffin, to come in the next few weeks…..
Indictments in the Plame case!!!!
The Photos! The Photos! The Photos!- I realize that this decision will be appealed all the way to scotus and they probably will not be allowed and this brings me to my point. Where the H are this generations’ Ellsberg? These photos are out there and for anyone who does not remember Ellsberg- just lets say that he didn’t help nixon!!!!!
Someone has copies of these photos and videos and they have to be gotten out! They Must Be Gotten OUT! These bastards Know- they know what these photos and videos will prove- they LIED!
Karma. Bring it on!
Saw comments on it in another diary. Turn sound off when he’s speaking, and watch especially when he’s listening. Thrusts involuntarily to the side.
Likely a side-effect of psychotropic medicines (mood regulating drugs). Possible lingering effects of prior drug use. It’s damage to the nervous system.
under “too much information” but back in the days when such things were a part of my life, my lower jaw did the exact same thing after a few good snorts of the white stuff….
I have been thinking that W looks like he just tooted a gram or two for a looong time now, but that speech on energy the other day pretty much nailed it for me.
I’m ignorant about this, but I believe you — you’re rather astute about such things.
Can you show me a photograph or video example? I’m curious. If you can’t, or haven’t the time, that’s cool.
(And, what do you think was going on in those debates? The first one, especially. He was just utterly lost.)
The video example is on C-Span’s site somewhere — Pres. Briefing at the Department of Energy, 2(?) days ago…can’t seem to locate it…
And I’m just speculating about the the reasons — psychotropic drugs sound just as plausible to me — or a combinations of both (which might explain that first debate — I’ve also heard that it might have been due to a minor stroke, but who knows).