BAE Systems has on its board William Schneider Jr. who is also connected with
International Planning Services, Inc.: President
G2 Satellite Solutions: Advisory board
Defense Forecasts International: Member, Board of Directors
Defense Group, Inc.(DGI): Member, Board of Directors
Schneider was a signatory to 7 of the 13 most commonly referenced letters and statements which outline the goals espoused by the Project for a New American Century…the neocon manifesto.
One of these letters, written within 9 days after 9/11 states, in part,
“A serious and victorious war on terrorism will require a large increase in defense spending. Fighting this war may well require the United States to engage a well-armed foe, and will also require that we remain capable of defending our interests elsewhere in the world. We urge that there be no hesitation in requesting whatever funds for defense are needed to allow us to win this war.”
Then in Jan 2003,
“To rebuild, transform, and man our military adequately for its many missions and responsibilities, defense spending will need to be increased by an additional $70 to $100 billion.“
That’s money some people mightn’t hesitate to kill for.
Especially when they’re in the killing industry.
The other PNAC letters and statements that Schneider signed are as follows:
And, of course, the ever infamous
Dr. Schneider, (proud PNAC “New Pearl Harbor”, “spend multi-megaBillion$ because of 9/11” member) appears to be a uniquely positioned and connected individual.
BAE Systems — “an industry leader in flight control systems” — is a one-stop shop for everything you’d need to simultaneously hijack 4 jetliners by remote.
While DGI is a one-stop shop for Homeland Security solutions.
“Dr. William Schneider, Jr.
former Under Secretary State for Security, Science and Technology
Prior to serving on the (BAE) board, Dr. Schneider was formerly Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science and Technology (1982-1986). He served as Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget (198l-2) prior to being nominated as Under Secretary by the President.”
BAE Systems Inc. is the U.S. subsidiary of BAE Systems plc, an international company engaged in the development, delivery and support of advanced defense and aerospace systems in the air, on land, at sea and in space. Headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, BAE Systems, Inc. employs some 45,000 employees in the US, UK, Sweden, Israel and South Africa generating annual sales in excess of $10 billion. BAE Systems Inc. consists of three operating groups that provide support and service solutions for current and future defense, intelligence, and civilian systems; design, develop and manufacture a wide range of electronic systems and subsystems for both military and commercial applications; and design, develop, produce, and provide service support of armored combat vehicles, artillery systems and intelligent munitions.
BAE Systems Inc.’s products and services include:
Combat Systems: Electronic identification systems; infrared imaging; mine countermeasures; camouflage systems and signature management; and mobile operations towers.
Information & Electronic Warfare Systems: Electronic jammers and acoustic countermeasures; decoys; dispensing systems; radar warning receivers; laser warning systems; passive missile warners, radio frequency and IR countermeasures.
Avionics and Navigation: Precision landing systems; Doppler, GPS and inertial navigation systems; flight management systems; head-up displays; information processing; mission planning, acoustic communications, and underwater surveillance.
Aeronautics Products: Military and commercial flight controls, aircraft engine controls, avionics and vehicle management systems; unmanned air vehicles and targets; air structure modification and maintenance, threat warning systems, and missile seekers.
Systems Technical Support: Integration of shipboard combat systems; command, control and communications engineering; and range systems and support.
Information Systems: Mission management and strategic warplanning systems; imagery; mapping systems; test and space systems; information services; training and facilities management.
Communications and Data Links: Wide-band spread spectrum, Networking Packet Radio; common and tactical data links; antennas and apertures, and integration of C4I.
Reconnaissance and Surveillance: Theatre airborne reconnaissance systems, Advanced tactical air reconnaissance and EO reconnaissance, and Forward-Looking IR navigational system.
Space Electronics: Missile and satellite electronics, and radiation-hardened digital components.
Technology and Innovation: Future Combat Systems, Intelligent Munitions, Advanced propellant guns, Hybrid Electric Power Supply, and Automation & Robotics.
“With headquarters in Rosslyn, Virginia, the Customer Solutions Group provides the full-spectrum of support and service solutions for current and future defense, intelligence, and civilian systems, driven by its customers’ needs to ensure their front end operational requirements are supported and maintained.”
more at:
Other “outside” board members of BAE Systems include
(The “inside” board members apparently are a secret):
Richard J. Kerr
former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Mr. Kerr served in the U.S. Intelligence community for 32 years – from September 1960 until March 1992. He started as a country analyst in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and ended his career as the senior professional intelligence officer in the U.S. government serving as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence.
Dr. Robert S. Cooper
former Director, DARPA
Dr. Cooper is currently President, CEO, Director and co-founder of Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corporation. From 1981 to 1985, Dr. Cooper was Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Technology and simultaneously held the position of Director for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). As Assistant Secretary, he was principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense on the allocation of Department resources to research, exploratory development and advanced development projects.
General Anthony C. Zinni (U.S. Marine Corps, Ret.)
former Commander-in-Chief, CENTCOM
Gen. Zinni was formerly Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Central Command. While in the Marine Corps he held numerous command and staff assignments that include platoon, company, battalion, regimental, Marine expeditionary unit, and Marine expeditionary force command. His staff assignments included service on battalion, regimental, division, base, and service staffs in operations, training, special operations, counterterrorism, and manpower billets. Gen. Zinni most recently served as the United States Special Envoy to the Middle East.
General Kenneth A. Minihan (U.S. Air Force, Ret.)
former Director National Security Agency; Central Security Service
LtGen Minihan served more than thirty-three years of active commissioned service to the nation before retiring from the U.S. Air Force in 1999. On his final tour of duty, he served as the 14th Director of the National Security Agency/Central Security Service, a combat support agency of the Department of Defense with military and civilian personnel stationed worldwide. As Director, he was the senior uniformed intelligence officer in the Department of Defense. He also served as the Director of The Defense Intelligence Agency.
General J.H. Binford Peay, III (U.S. Army, Ret.)
former Vice Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army and Commander, U.S. Central Command
General Peay was a career U.S. Army officer who attained the rank of four-star general. His last two assignments were Vice Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army and Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Central Command. Peay currently serves as Superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute.
Lee H. Hamilton
former Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Lee Hamilton, currently president and director of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, served 34 years as a member of the U.S. Congress, Ninth District, Indiana. He served as Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and Chair of the Joint Economic Committee.
Admiral Robert Natter (U.S. Navy, Ret.)
former Commander of Fleet Forces Command and Atlantic Command
Admiral Natter retired in 2003 after a 41-year Navy career, most recently serving as the commander of Fleet Forces Command and the Atlantic Fleet. In May 2000, he was honored as the fifth recipient of the Naval War College’s annual Distinguished Graduate Leadership Award.
I can see the advertisement now:
“Hey kids, to put together 4 simultaneous hijackings and run them by remote there’s only ONE call you need to make!! (703) 907-xxxx”
Ask for Dr. Bill!
BUT, that requires the electronics of such a system to be worked out on paper…a schematic…or blueprint.
THAT means some average guy…an electrical engineer…would have to do that work.
You’d think an average guy might think to himself, “Oh…My…God. The drafting work I did at BAE is all of a sudden suspicious because it was designed to facilitate what I just saw those airplanes do”.
He’s freaked…he tells his wife. She tells her hairdresser. Before you know it, it’s all over the internet and eventually it’s in Time Magazine.
Schneider goes under the microscope. He cracks…the jig is up.
Robert Penninger was an electrical engineer. He had worked for BAE Systems, a defense contractor in Rancho Bernardo, San Diego. He worked for them for the past 11 years. He enjoyed taking motorcycle trips with his wife.
He died at age 63 in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack on board American Airlines Flight 77.He was survived by his wife Janet, and his daughter Karen.
Nice and tidy.
Considering some of the other passengers on Flight 77, maybe a little too tidy:
Dong Lee, Ruben Ornedo, and Chad Keller all worked for Boeing. Lee also worked for the NSA. Stanley Hall, “the dean of electronic warfare,” (along with Peter Gay, David Kolvacin, and Kenneth Waldie on other flights), worked for Raytheon.
William Caswell was a particle physicist who worked for the Navy. His job was so classified that his family had no clue as to what he did and did not know why he was flying to California.
Charles Droz, LCDR USN Ret, was a software developer for EM solutions (manufacturer of Wide Area Networks).
Robert Ploger and his wife were added “late” to the original CNN passenger list. He is the son of Major General Robert R Ploger USA, Ret, another “flag” link.
(this would require a look at Maj Gen Ploger…maybe he needed some “incentive” to stay quiet)
John Sammartino and Leonard Taylor worked at Xontech (missile defense), another company connected to the intelligence community, also with ties to Boeing.
Vicki Yancey worked for Vreedenberg Corp, yet another company connected to the intelligence community. Her father describes her death as a “planned murder.” Her widower works for Northrup-Grumman.
Mary Jane Booth was in a position to know what was going on at Dulles Airport as secretary for American Airlines general manager.
John Yamnicky, 71, Capt USN Ret, was a defense contractor for Veridian who had done a number of “black ops,” according to his son.
“In fairness, Washington, D.C. and it’s suburbs draw a great number of contractors for the military and intelligence communities in their normal course of business. It may be mere coincidence that these passengers were all on the same flight; however; the government refuses to release information which would relieve our concerns.”
The above names came from a FOIA request of the complete autopsy list for Flight 77.
NO Arab names are included.
Although the above is technically hypothetical, hard copies will be distributed upon the event of untimely demise….just in case. đŸ˜‰
the planes were not hijacked by remote control.
This diary would be interesting if it focused on the relationship between PNAC signatories and the arms industry. It’s not interesting because it focuses on a very lousy FOX movie of the week than aired in the spring of 2001.
I’ve not seen that movie so I wouldn’t be able to focus on it.
I’ve still not seen irrefutable proof that the planes were hijacked by people on board the planes.
They don’t show up in transmissions from the pilots reporting hijackers aboard.
They don’t show up on an autopsy list.
They don’t show up in witness reports from anyone at the airports who would have seen them as actually having boarded the planes.
They don’t show up on any credible flight manifests released to the public. They don’t show up on ANY manifests released to the public that were not first handled by a government that lies about everything.
Voice morphing technology is public knowledge so passenger and flight attendant reports are not airtight.
Cell phones, in 2001, were incapable of connecting to ground stations from an altitude of 30,000 feet and moving at airliner cruising speed.
I’m interested. As are many others. –
Many say that the names of the “hijackers” was picked out of thin air by the CIA… that many of them are alive and well.
Americans CAN’T look at 9/11… if you do ask questions about it – you get “conspiracy theory” and such thrown at you.
It’s a shame we don’t investigate it.
The names of the alleged hijackers have histories to them so they didn’t come out of “thin air”.
The histories have bodies attached to them prior to 9/11. The comings and goings of Muhamed Atta, for example, are well known. The same for others.
However, starting the day before 9/11 real evidence of their existence dwindles to nothing.
Some are purportedly shown passing through a security checkpoint in the airport but there’s nothing to absolutely show they boarded any planes.
So…in advance:
There need not even be a designated use for the name and history at this stage. The intelligence services constantly develop histories for names to be used for misdirection.
Once a use crops up that matches a pre-existing history:
Such a person may be told a false but believable purpose for these movements and activities.
5. The movements and activities are designed to place a high degree of suspicion on the person when related to the end result.
This is how a patsy is created.
Patsys are created all the time. In the comments section of my previous diary I showed how the British government turned the entire IRA into a patsy. Two people deeply involved with the scheme came forward to expose it and guess what….no more “Troubles” in Northern Ireland.
Another, non-governmental scheme of patsy creation is detailed here:
Debunking Popular Mechanics Lies
you’re spreading a rumor about remote control hijacking and you haven’t even seen the Fox show that started the rumor?
Total bullshit.
I’m not spreading a rumor. I’m pointing out that it’s entirely plausible for the planes to have been hijacked via remote guidance.
The technology is well established so the means exist.
The motive is obvious.
The opportunity was there.
It may be more plausible than the belief, or rumor if you like, that hijackers were aboard the planes and were able to find their targets from 100s of miles away with no aid other than visual reckoning when there is no proof of it.
Have you ever seen the range of visibility afforded from the cockpit of a 757? It’s extremely limited.
With zero inflight experience over the routes traveled and not having ever flown a 757 before, this ragtag bunch of “hijackers” flew 100s of miles away from the targets, then turned and made beelines directly at them.