Yes, you read that subject correctly. The Blue Dot was chagrined last week to read the discussion of the Goosenecks of the San Juan and discover that dreadful error still had not been corrected. This formation was always supposed to have been named in honor of Gooserocks for his rock solid support of noble causes and unbelievably twisted sense of humor. Because of an error by a government (of course) cartographer, the wrong name was assigned.
The Blue Dot requires that you correct all your maps and guide books forthwith.
The humor’s straight–I’m just noting reality folks!
My second university support staff job 20 years ago started out as file clerk for the liberal arts career & placement office, but quickly evolved into dBase programmer. One of the office perks was free career counselling and job-application counselling for me and for Puget4.
First step was a personality profile some of you probably know well. I forget the name of the device but it pigeon-holes you into one of 16 categories (or cusps). Anyways I fell into the rarest category, which I’d come to know intuitively by my early teens, and one of the tiny, fortune-cookie-like descriptors included ‘flashes of unexpected humor.’
Over the subsequent generation, which included a growing understanding of my family as well us much involvement with related northern European immigrant communities, I’ve deduced that the test’s conclusion was a very clever, academic way of arriving at the same results as the observation “Finno-Scot.”
Well I see the Boss is still doing his morning’s publicity exercise so I’ll stick with the history channel awhile longer, which inexplicably is not reviewing Hitler or military technology.
I had a writing breakthrough yesterday that was so exciting to me that I’m going to bore all of you with it now. I’ll be the Host Who Talks Too Much.
So maybe you know I co-wrote a book about the writing process, right? It’s called Seven Steps on the Writer’s Path. The first “step” is Unhappiness. Yes, I know. . .soooo attractive.
So I’ve been blocked on my new manuscript since Xmas. Then two days ago I realized that I had been avoiding my own first step. I had been shoving down my own feelings of unhappiness about not writing. Self-Help Writer, Heal Thyself!
So I did it. Let down my guard and let myself feel it. My fear–the usual fear–was of descending into depression or of wallowing. But that’s not necessary if I just damn FEEL it. So I did. Didn’t end up wallowing. Just felt the depth of my unhappiness about not writing.
Guess what? Yesterday–24 hours later–I had an epiphany about the book! Now I know what to do with it structurally and in terms of a major character. It changes and improves everything! And now I feel the desire to write building up irresistibly inside of me.
Heh heh. Guess what Second Step is? “Wanting.”
Thanks for listening. Big whew from Kansas. I will disappear from the Cafe for a while today, because I’ll be WRITING.
i read that the first time as “cat killer” and I almost fell out of my chair… it all made a bizarro sense… Ductape is really Bill Frist in disguise… thank god I had another sip of coffee and re-read that.
Very glad for you but have an approach-avoidance conflict for the rest of us. Good that we will have another book to read; bad that you won’t be around as much to entertain us.
I won’t accuse you of being nice, since I wouldn’t want to make you grimace, :). Actually, I’ll probably be around more. I’ve been getting quieter and quieter as I have sunk deeper into Not Writing. Once the energy’s going, I tend to get lively again and only stop when I fall down pooped. I had a bf once who informed me that I get quiet when I get scared.
Thanks for asking, dear. Still under the weather, multiple reasons & manifestations, interior & exterior. ‘This too shall pass’, I s’pose. I’m currently gathering gumption for chores & errands — no backup, unfortunately & the cats, needless to say, couldn’t care less.
Hope to catch you later. I’m very pleased for you!
He’s been busy in Chicago indicting one of their top local elected officials. I went to Chicago a couple of weekends ago, turned on the TV and there he was, talking indictments.
The other big news in Chicago that day was that the FBI had apprehended Joey “the Clown” Lombardo and Chicago was safe again. That’s when I thought “Toto, I think we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
I’m so “jealous.” Here in KC we used to have a crime organization you could feel proud to loathe. But they blew each other up and things have been boringly quiet (or hidden) ever since. Now we’re stuck with telling our visitors, “See that empty lot? There used to be a building there. . .”
I want to know where mobsters get their nicknames. I mean, really. Who wants to be known as “the Clown”. I think your new book should feature a mobster with a really silly name.
I remember those days! When we first moved here my parents took us out to an Italian restaurant for dinner. One week later it was blown up in retaliation for something. People talked about it for years.
Sweet! I’m so happy for you kansas. I’ve been under the ‘writers block’ funk for over a month now. Here and there I have a breakthrough, but for the most part I’m just blank… one of those ‘too much bad news, where on earth to begin’ things…
Speaking of which, I ordered your highly recommended book from Chapters up here in Canuck land and it should be arriving today! Just in time for me actually as my new job requires a bit of copywriting and the way I’m feeling right now I could use all the encouragement I can get! 🙂
Don’t feel bad about feeling bad. Or maybe you’re saying you were feeling bad about feeling bad about feeling bad.
Glad your project is bouncing back for you!
My own work although in a traditional craft has been subject to the writers’ block syndrome because it calls for a lot of invention, especially in the modern world where craftsmen have to compete with the 3rd and 4th worlds if there is such a thing, and increasingly with artificial intelligence. I’ve spent months stymied on some problems and years on others.
Something intangible but that feels big has been stirring around the House of Gooserock & Puget4. If I find something to put it into words I’ll share it.
Also good news to know that you and others are doing gloom and doom over not-so-much writing, as well. When I get into that, I tend to think I’m the only one, that everyone else in the universe who has ever put words on paper is busily churning out deathless prose that will sound through the ages. Then I beat myself up even more. <sigh>
Dusted off my trusty AlphaSmart the other day, charged up the battery, and have started toting it around with me again. The better to take notes and write drafts, my dears.
Now, given the state of the real world, I will retreat back into my self-created fantasy world for a while. See ya later.
I guess all that lurking and waiting to pounce on the postperson each day for what seems like forever was just in vain. Humpfph! <flounces off in a huff>
N.B.: Only the best huffs have flounces. The inferior ones have only ruffles.
on January 26, 2006 at 12:11 pm
I’m working on the second novel of a two-book contract, and the thing is kicking my ass all around the room.
A two-book contract? You are just going to have to tell us more!
on January 26, 2006 at 3:26 pm
Well, I don’t want the worlds to collide, and I’m sure nobody’s heard of me … yet! A couple thrillers with Random House. Here’s hoping I’ll get another contract after this hellride is done.
Hi everyone, I definitely am a cool customer as I sit here shaking in the early morning chill. I’ll take a cupa hot chocolate and some dream cleaner to wash that dream I had this morning out of my mind. Actually in the dream I was cleaning house for someone else and couldn’t seems to get the job finished, new dirt/messes popped up everywhere, now I really need to get that out of my head.
I’ll drop by when I can but I have 3 meetings to day…including a ‘review of what went wrong’ meeting. So here’s to cool customers and we’ll see what happens at the smackdown meeting today.
taking penguins around to malls & schools. When she said this at a party, everyone understandably said “AWWWWwwww! They’re so cute–that must have been FUN!”
Her reply: “Think about it folks: they’re birds!“
What should we expect a summer job to be? Mostly following along behind….
Just a quick hit and run this morning. I’ll stop back longer this afternoon.
Kansas, congrats on the book epiphany! Not knowing what needs to happen next sucks, and that light bulb moment is such an enormous relief. Way to go!
Vacation was fab. The boogie boarding rocked–perfect 3-5 foot waves every day for a week. I love Hanalei bay!
The conference was also good. Laura’s this time instead of mine, but it generated two invites to come talk science and science fiction at Universities, and a possible reading and signing at the next one of these meetings this summer. Have to follow up on that and see what comes of it. Physicists are great for SF writers. Oh, and I just found out that the NSF work I did is now actually out in book form as an illustrated collection for middle schoolers as part of the curriculum project.
Yeah, it’s definitely got its pluses. Though the jetlag implications of Wisconsin to Hawaii to Wisconsin to Alaska to Wisconsin in 14 days, with 10 planes, 7 airports in 6 states, and on 5 airlines are little boggling.
Again, only going to be here briefly.
The extended implications of the actual publication of the curriculum short-story-collection/serial-novel just came home to roost. It’s eligible for a number of awards where it has an excellent chance of at least making the final ballot due to the hybrid nature of being both fiction and education. Unfortunately, all the various juries need info ASAP because the ballot finalization season is upon us. I do wish I’d gotten an earlier heads up on this, but hey it’s a wonderful problem to have. So, I’m currently running around like a chicken sans head trying to introduce an educational publisher to the wonderful and Byzantine world of SF awards and light a fire as far sending out review copies.
I was looking up the publisher of Lies My Teacher Told Me (in order to request interlibrary loan so I can read it in advance of the next BooBooks), and found that he has a very interesting web site. Take a look.
Now, I’m really outta here. Will be back later to sprinkle some 4s around.
but you guys will probably have to bail me out of jail. At least the puppies bring some joy, but they are getting a little smelly so I head out to clean up their box.
We still have the 3 progressives. Two are very petite and one is catching up a bit. Then we have four gargantuan bloated “things”… fat their faces are all wrinkled up. One of them nurses so hard my husband calls him pile driver, he attacks her.
it has been posted that Kerry leading a filibuster has been confirmed by calling his office! He is attempting to round up the 41 he needs! Whomever the Alito 8 are you better pack yer fuckin bags and get the hell out of town by sunset…….hee hee hee!
At times like these it’s hard to keep up with real life (micro) when real life (macro)is so important. You have to live your real life (micro) to pay your bills and do the things that need doing to sustain life — eating, sleeping, doing the laundry. But then you have these HUGE political moments and you are called upon to give of your time and energy, making phone calls, sending faxes. No real profound thought here; just a moment of exasperation.
The good part about being home alone all day is that I can watch Chimpy and swear to my heart’s content, but today I just didn’t have the heart. I just watched him and sighed…that’s all I could muster, a sigh. Why can’t some people see how stupid and arrogant he is?
Then my new kitty pooped on my bed and suddenly I forgot all about how he’s fucking up the country.
She’s white with tabby markings on her head. And, boy, you’d never guess something that tiny could leave such a big pile.
Apparently, the big mean cat was between her and the litter box at the magic moment. Luckily, it was on my husband’s side of the bed. He’ll never know. 🙂
SN, just my .02 here: I’m assuming this is a new kitty. If it were just a litter box problem, she could’ve ‘let go’ just about anywhere. Letting go on the bed shows that she’s trying to establish her presence a a member of the household, by marking a prominent spot with her ‘signature’, so to speak.
Make sure she gets plenty of attention in front of the other kitty (or kitties — don’t know how many you have). This will help her establish herself socially in your home. Also make sure she gets her own food bowl!
Thanks for the advice! I’ve tried to figure out a way to give her her own food bowl, but the other one keeps snarfing it all down. And the little one eats the big one’s weight control food!
Hey, good lookin’! What’s ya got cookin’ today?
Have YOU recommended your Cafe today?
Newcomers welcome. First croissant is on the house.
Yes I have thanks! Have you checked your email?
Yes, I have. Talk about cool!
Yes, you read that subject correctly. The Blue Dot was chagrined last week to read the discussion of the Goosenecks of the San Juan and discover that dreadful error still had not been corrected. This formation was always supposed to have been named in honor of Gooserocks for his rock solid support of noble causes and unbelievably twisted sense of humor. Because of an error by a government (of course) cartographer, the wrong name was assigned.
The Blue Dot requires that you correct all your maps and guide books forthwith.
The Blue Dot ponders the errors of humankind
Trans-Atlantic road bridge gaffe accidentally bulldozes everything but Africa.
Must have been a right-wing cartographer.
…tea bags…
The humor’s straight–I’m just noting reality folks!
My second university support staff job 20 years ago started out as file clerk for the liberal arts career & placement office, but quickly evolved into dBase programmer. One of the office perks was free career counselling and job-application counselling for me and for Puget4.
First step was a personality profile some of you probably know well. I forget the name of the device but it pigeon-holes you into one of 16 categories (or cusps). Anyways I fell into the rarest category, which I’d come to know intuitively by my early teens, and one of the tiny, fortune-cookie-like descriptors included ‘flashes of unexpected humor.’
Over the subsequent generation, which included a growing understanding of my family as well us much involvement with related northern European immigrant communities, I’ve deduced that the test’s conclusion was a very clever, academic way of arriving at the same results as the observation “Finno-Scot.”
Well I see the Boss is still doing his morning’s publicity exercise so I’ll stick with the history channel awhile longer, which inexplicably is not reviewing Hitler or military technology.
History channel just said the words “Allied war machine.”
I don’t call it the Hitlery Channel for nothing.
The Blue Dot notes that you are keep trying to wriggle out of this honor. She is not moved.
The Blue Dot accepts. And admits that she thinks you rock.
I had a writing breakthrough yesterday that was so exciting to me that I’m going to bore all of you with it now. I’ll be the Host Who Talks Too Much.
So maybe you know I co-wrote a book about the writing process, right? It’s called Seven Steps on the Writer’s Path. The first “step” is Unhappiness. Yes, I know. . .soooo attractive.
So I’ve been blocked on my new manuscript since Xmas. Then two days ago I realized that I had been avoiding my own first step. I had been shoving down my own feelings of unhappiness about not writing. Self-Help Writer, Heal Thyself!
So I did it. Let down my guard and let myself feel it. My fear–the usual fear–was of descending into depression or of wallowing. But that’s not necessary if I just damn FEEL it. So I did. Didn’t end up wallowing. Just felt the depth of my unhappiness about not writing.
Guess what? Yesterday–24 hours later–I had an epiphany about the book! Now I know what to do with it structurally and in terms of a major character. It changes and improves everything! And now I feel the desire to write building up irresistibly inside of me.
Heh heh. Guess what Second Step is? “Wanting.”
Thanks for listening. Big whew from Kansas. I will disappear from the Cafe for a while today, because I’ll be WRITING.
of course she means that the villain in her next book will be a killer cat based on me.
It’s Marmotdude in the library with a candlestick!
Na, it’ll turn out to be the husband.
Oh, right, the plotting comes easy now! Where were you guys when I really needed you?
i read that the first time as “cat killer” and I almost fell out of my chair… it all made a bizarro sense… Ductape is really Bill Frist in disguise… thank god I had another sip of coffee and re-read that.
Very glad for you but have an approach-avoidance conflict for the rest of us. Good that we will have another book to read; bad that you won’t be around as much to entertain us.
I won’t accuse you of being nice, since I wouldn’t want to make you grimace, :). Actually, I’ll probably be around more. I’ve been getting quieter and quieter as I have sunk deeper into Not Writing. Once the energy’s going, I tend to get lively again and only stop when I fall down pooped. I had a bf once who informed me that I get quiet when I get scared.
So it’s approach-approach. Yay! (It’s so great to get to use terms from that worthless soc 101 course I took in 1968).
approach-approach sounds like something a really confused flight-controller might say.
really confused flight-controllers would have been a model target audience for that class.
Hey! Wonderful news, kansas. Write on! 😉
Thank you! How’re you feeling? Didn’t I read that you’ve been Under the Weather lately?
Thanks for asking, dear. Still under the weather, multiple reasons & manifestations, interior & exterior. ‘This too shall pass’, I s’pose. I’m currently gathering gumption for chores & errands — no backup, unfortunately & the cats, needless to say, couldn’t care less.
Hope to catch you later. I’m very pleased for you!
Cats! The most utterly useless creatures that we can’t live without.
I call mine the ‘spirit doctors’. They’re wonderful — ergo I’m very forgiving if they wish to be as lazy as I am 😉
Congratulations! I vote for colonel mustard in the library with the rope.
Ha! I vote for Karl Rove in the Conservative-ory with the rope
I’ll take Pat Fitzgerald in the foyer with a subpeona.
You win!
She does win! Best line of day. And where the hell is Pat these days??
He’s been busy in Chicago indicting one of their top local elected officials. I went to Chicago a couple of weekends ago, turned on the TV and there he was, talking indictments.
The other big news in Chicago that day was that the FBI had apprehended Joey “the Clown” Lombardo and Chicago was safe again. That’s when I thought “Toto, I think we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
I’m so “jealous.” Here in KC we used to have a crime organization you could feel proud to loathe. But they blew each other up and things have been boringly quiet (or hidden) ever since. Now we’re stuck with telling our visitors, “See that empty lot? There used to be a building there. . .”
I want to know where mobsters get their nicknames. I mean, really. Who wants to be known as “the Clown”. I think your new book should feature a mobster with a really silly name.
How about Joey the Smurf?
I remember those days! When we first moved here my parents took us out to an Italian restaurant for dinner. One week later it was blown up in retaliation for something. People talked about it for years.
It really used to piss me off when they blew up places or neighborhoods I liked. Selfish bastards. 🙂
Like the entire River Key (can’t remember the spelling)!
Sweet! I’m so happy for you kansas. I’ve been under the ‘writers block’ funk for over a month now. Here and there I have a breakthrough, but for the most part I’m just blank… one of those ‘too much bad news, where on earth to begin’ things…
Speaking of which, I ordered your highly recommended book from Chapters up here in Canuck land and it should be arriving today! Just in time for me actually as my new job requires a bit of copywriting and the way I’m feeling right now I could use all the encouragement I can get! 🙂
New Job?? You’re such a good writer, spider. I wonder if they have any idea what a great deal they just got in you.
Don’t feel bad about feeling bad. Or maybe you’re saying you were feeling bad about feeling bad about feeling bad.
Glad your project is bouncing back for you!
My own work although in a traditional craft has been subject to the writers’ block syndrome because it calls for a lot of invention, especially in the modern world where craftsmen have to compete with the 3rd and 4th worlds if there is such a thing, and increasingly with artificial intelligence. I’ve spent months stymied on some problems and years on others.
Something intangible but that feels big has been stirring around the House of Gooserock & Puget4. If I find something to put it into words I’ll share it.
I wasn’t “feeling” bad enough. 🙂
Ooo, something exciting chez Gooserock/Puget4. I can’t wait to hear more.
Such good news! Was wondering where you were.
Also good news to know that you and others are doing gloom and doom over not-so-much writing, as well. When I get into that, I tend to think I’m the only one, that everyone else in the universe who has ever put words on paper is busily churning out deathless prose that will sound through the ages. Then I beat myself up even more. <sigh>
Dusted off my trusty AlphaSmart the other day, charged up the battery, and have started toting it around with me again. The better to take notes and write drafts, my dears.
Now, given the state of the real world, I will retreat back into my self-created fantasy world for a while. See ya later.
Ooo, I’ve never even heard of one of those before. You swear by it, huh?
P.s(hhhh). guess what’s still in my car with your address on it? I will, I will, I will today. Promise.
I guess all that lurking and waiting to pounce on the postperson each day for what seems like forever was just in vain. Humpfph! <flounces off in a huff>
N.B.: Only the best huffs have flounces. The inferior ones have only ruffles.
I’m working on the second novel of a two-book contract, and the thing is kicking my ass all around the room.
The good news is have ‘Unhappiness’ mastered …
“unhappiness mastered”
slol! (sympathetic lol)
A two-book contract? You are just going to have to tell us more!
Well, I don’t want the worlds to collide, and I’m sure nobody’s heard of me … yet! A couple thrillers with Random House. Here’s hoping I’ll get another contract after this hellride is done.
This is wonderful! You have to keep us informed about titles, pub dates, etc. I’m at RH, too, now–Ballantine, to be specific.
Another author at BT, WOW! I’m fine with hearing more about the whole process of writing. I’m sure there are many here with writing dreams…
All of you successful authors/writers give us hope, especially when we see Boston Joe doing well on the road to Ludlumland.
Hi everyone, I definitely am a cool customer as I sit here shaking in the early morning chill. I’ll take a cupa hot chocolate and some dream cleaner to wash that dream I had this morning out of my mind. Actually in the dream I was cleaning house for someone else and couldn’t seems to get the job finished, new dirt/messes popped up everywhere, now I really need to get that out of my head.
I’ll drop by when I can but I have 3 meetings to day…including a ‘review of what went wrong’ meeting. So here’s to cool customers and we’ll see what happens at the smackdown meeting today.
Stocking up on St.Johnswort Tea…for after lunch.
The March of the Cool Customers.
Love the photo.
Good luck today, SC.
taking penguins around to malls & schools. When she said this at a party, everyone understandably said “AWWWWwwww! They’re so cute–that must have been FUN!”
Her reply: “Think about it folks: they’re birds!“
What should we expect a summer job to be? Mostly following along behind….
Hey all,
Just a quick hit and run this morning. I’ll stop back longer this afternoon.
Kansas, congrats on the book epiphany! Not knowing what needs to happen next sucks, and that light bulb moment is such an enormous relief. Way to go!
Vacation was fab. The boogie boarding rocked–perfect 3-5 foot waves every day for a week. I love Hanalei bay!
The conference was also good. Laura’s this time instead of mine, but it generated two invites to come talk science and science fiction at Universities, and a possible reading and signing at the next one of these meetings this summer. Have to follow up on that and see what comes of it. Physicists are great for SF writers. Oh, and I just found out that the NSF work I did is now actually out in book form as an illustrated collection for middle schoolers as part of the curriculum project.
Kelly!! We missed you! I’m off to lunch right now, but more later. . .
Okay, back for more. That sounds like the world’s best vacation–you not only have a marvelous time, but you line up appearances to help pay for it.
Yeah, it’s definitely got its pluses. Though the jetlag implications of Wisconsin to Hawaii to Wisconsin to Alaska to Wisconsin in 14 days, with 10 planes, 7 airports in 6 states, and on 5 airlines are little boggling.
Again, only going to be here briefly.
The extended implications of the actual publication of the curriculum short-story-collection/serial-novel just came home to roost. It’s eligible for a number of awards where it has an excellent chance of at least making the final ballot due to the hybrid nature of being both fiction and education. Unfortunately, all the various juries need info ASAP because the ballot finalization season is upon us. I do wish I’d gotten an earlier heads up on this, but hey it’s a wonderful problem to have. So, I’m currently running around like a chicken sans head trying to introduce an educational publisher to the wonderful and Byzantine world of SF awards and light a fire as far sending out review copies.
I was looking up the publisher of Lies My Teacher Told Me (in order to request interlibrary loan so I can read it in advance of the next BooBooks), and found that he has a very interesting web site. Take a look.
Now, I’m really outta here. Will be back later to sprinkle some 4s around.
but you guys will probably have to bail me out of jail. At least the puppies bring some joy, but they are getting a little smelly so I head out to clean up their box.
Hey, I saw those cute puppy pics of yours the other night…they are so sweet, especially that little underdog progressive!
We still have the 3 progressives. Two are very petite and one is catching up a bit. Then we have four gargantuan bloated “things”… fat their faces are all wrinkled up. One of them nurses so hard my husband calls him pile driver, he attacks her.
to puppy pix? Warming up the Awwwwwww Machine even as we speak.
Here’s a link to a thread with two pictures.
another Thursday with no pictures of Luna. What’s the deal with Keres?
Maybe they decided to go off somewhere to celebrate whatever they decided to call their new legal relationship. just got a scoop that Kerry is going to attempt to lead a filibuster! Come on you shitheads, JUST DO IT!
it has been posted that Kerry leading a filibuster has been confirmed by calling his office! He is attempting to round up the 41 he needs! Whomever the Alito 8 are you better pack yer fuckin bags and get the hell out of town by sunset…….hee hee hee!
Oh, man!! Oh pleasepleasepleaseplease!
Senile old bird.
Say it ain’t so Joe D.
At times like these it’s hard to keep up with real life (micro) when real life (macro)is so important. You have to live your real life (micro) to pay your bills and do the things that need doing to sustain life — eating, sleeping, doing the laundry. But then you have these HUGE political moments and you are called upon to give of your time and energy, making phone calls, sending faxes. No real profound thought here; just a moment of exasperation.
Cherry pie and a cup of coffee please.
Cherry pie and ice cream for me!
The good part about being home alone all day is that I can watch Chimpy and swear to my heart’s content, but today I just didn’t have the heart. I just watched him and sighed…that’s all I could muster, a sigh. Why can’t some people see how stupid and arrogant he is?
Then my new kitty pooped on my bed and suddenly I forgot all about how he’s fucking up the country.
A la mode! Great idea.
Hmmm maybe the kitty isn’t so ladylike after all.
I forget what color she is? Grey? or Tan?
She’s white with tabby markings on her head. And, boy, you’d never guess something that tiny could leave such a big pile.
Apparently, the big mean cat was between her and the litter box at the magic moment. Luckily, it was on my husband’s side of the bed. He’ll never know. 🙂
darn, if she was gray you could name her “gray poopin”
sigh — I know, I know, but its been a long day. At least I didn’t have to watch Bush though. That would have put me over the edge.
SN, just my .02 here: I’m assuming this is a new kitty. If it were just a litter box problem, she could’ve ‘let go’ just about anywhere. Letting go on the bed shows that she’s trying to establish her presence a a member of the household, by marking a prominent spot with her ‘signature’, so to speak.
Make sure she gets plenty of attention in front of the other kitty (or kitties — don’t know how many you have). This will help her establish herself socially in your home. Also make sure she gets her own food bowl!
Sorry, that’s: ‘.. she’s trying to establish her presence as a member of the household ..’
(Just came in from the 12 degree winds, fingers still thawing.)
Thanks for the advice! I’ve tried to figure out a way to give her her own food bowl, but the other one keeps snarfing it all down. And the little one eats the big one’s weight control food!
Have you tried putting both bowls down at the same time?
No wonder New Kitty’s trying to establish herself — it’s pretty crucial that she does, or (to her mind) she’ll starve!
Your wish is my command!
Come on over to the new cafe!