I couldn’t update my old diary to include this, so I’ll just reference it.

Two old ladies in a supermarket – another anecdote

A young man from the cable company came out to replace the cable drop. He looked to be in his twenties. I could easily see him as a classmate of my grandsons. They didn’t equip his truck very well so I lent him my tools and we chatted a bit as he worked. He’s studying networks at the local Community College and did a stint in the Army. We weren’t talking politics just the general economy and his company in particular when he said, “That’s why I voted for Trump.” I told him, “I didn’t vote for either Trump or Clinton.” I didn’t mention Stein. Then said,”But I voted for Bernie Sanders in the Primary.” He quickly said,” Oh, he’s good too!”
I immediately recalled the conversation in my referenced diary.

What does this tell me? How can people, old or young, prefer either extreme but not the middle? The King James Bible tells us, “Because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.” So maybe, this is a common attitude, but I think it shows people (maybe only here in flyover country) under stress and looking for radical change, one way or another.

Democrats expecting a great surge to the middle in 2018 and especially those expecting a Clinton Restoration in 2020 (whether Hillary or Chelsea) are going to be very surprised again. I suppose they will start looking for Russian spies under the bed again. Maybe they can start a blacklist in Hollywood.