Update [2017-1-8 3:38:15 by Oui]:
In reponse to the late addition from oaguabonita, self-righteousness …
while the 4s are well received from the two perpetrators …

After publishing two diaries on topic, I’m done with arguments …
The behavior of 2 bloggers nalbar and marduk continues unabated …
Position of proprietor can be found in a post below …
No other option to counter bullying tactics …
I will retaliate in kind … always!

A shame what has become of the pond, a murky swamp with predators …
Almost what we see daily in a divided state, town, community …

History is all there for anyone to read, or better abide by the rules and intent as set out by Martin in 2005. Standard SCOOP software was used, which unfortunately had the multiple ratings system to detriment of modern day (ab)users. There has been a discussion about the abuse before and Martin looked to change the software. Due to unnecessary expense, he decided not to adjust the ratings system.

Welcome to the pond

Booman Tribune has been around for some time now, and I have begun to get some questions. First of all, this is a SCOOP site, and many of the questions are common to all SCOOP sites.

I will be developing a community guide for BooTrib soon. In the meantime it may be helpful to refer to Pastor Dan’s dKos Community Guide. If you have a question about what Trolls are, Pastor Dan explains it well. [This is from a dKos article in 2004, many bloggers @BooMan fled in horror from big Orange]

    “Hang around long enough and collect enough 0s and 1s, and you become a troll, and are liable to get kicked off the board.  While Kos and some other users have the ability to summarily eject particularly difficult users, most banishees are removed by an automated system.”


As mentioned above, this site operates on a rating system; commonly known as `mojo’. Users are able to rate comments based on whether or not they feel the comment is helpful to the discussion. This does not mean that you should down-rate comments you don’t agree with.

The ratings are used to frog-march any trolls, or pond scum, from the site.

See the FAQ page for more info on trolls. The `mojo meter’ is as follows:

  • none – no rating given for the comment
  • 4 – Excellent
  • 3 – Good
  • 2 – Warning!
  • 1 – Troll
  • 0 – Mega Troll (only Trusted Users can give a Zero rating)

Users can give out mojo by clicking on the “Rate All” button that follows each comment on a thread. With this feature, you can submit all your ratings at once for a page after you’ve read through all the comments; rather than having to rate each comment individually.

For a fun post on the community’s thoughts on mojo, check out this diary posted by the Booman himself.  

I get pretty fed up with two vigilantes who remind me of the time at dKos, that’s not why I became a contributor @BooMan some 12.5 years ago …

Always find a reason to downrate comments they are not closely involved in:

    Well, according to Eric Barker for Time Magazine, these scatterbrained tendencies of yours may actually determine how smart you are. Citing Steven Johnson’s book “Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History Of Innovation,” Barker presents a theory that says messiness is an indicator of intelligence. The basis of the theory hinges on the idea that a more congested, idea-cluttered brain will lead to more potential breakthroughs.

After a post by oaguabonita, I replied as follows and added this diary as a response.

    I don’t have any beef with you … I surely don’t need an interlocutor.

    Yep I wrote that diary and have no regret whatsoever. Indeed, Booman wrote his comment and I heeded his advice!! Just look at the timeline for the facts. Both nalbar and marduk were at it again in a matter of hours as I recall.

    From the early months when Martin created the dream pond in 2005, I have been a steady contributor on a daily/weekly basis. In more than a decade, we didn’t downrate comments of fellow bloggers here at the pond. Surely we had our differences on policy and opinion, but we never, ever troll rated anyone!!

    These two assholes continue their policing of the blog and I can’t recall Martin has ever hired these two to intervene on his behalf in this community. If it has become usance and acceptable, I will vent my opinion to the contrary.