Michelle Cottle on Sarah Palin:
Of course, unlike other categories of the rich and famous, political celebs (especially populist firebrands) cannot risk being seen as remote or out of touch. But here’s where Palin’s embrace of new media saves the day. Her perky, quirky tweets and chatty Facebook items make her fans feel as though they have a direct line to her—despite the oft-voiced assumption that Palin (like so many pols) does not write most (if any) of her own Facebook posts. Such is the beauty of social networking: It allows a public figure to avoid direct interaction with the public while promoting the illusion of personal connection and involvement.
For some reason I actually believe that Palin writes her own tweets and Facebook updates. What could that reason be? Well, basically, I don’t think you can delegate the kind of empty-headed crap that is presented as her ideas on current events. Only Palin is capable of coming up with that stuff, and no minion could possibly hope to mimic it.
You underestimate the capabilities of speech and script writers. Has she hired any sit-com writers recently?
I think the point is that no one would hire a speech-writer to make them look like an idiot. If her Facebook page were ghost-written, it would be trying to sound less stupid that it does. That’s either all her, or her entire staff really hates her guts and loves making her look like a moron.
She writes it I am sure, she’s not actually the one that posts it to Facebook(or Twitter). Basically, she acts just like any CEO.
Well, Sarah Palin might hire someone who makes her look like an idiot. But I don’t think anyone but her can produce her idiosyncratic style of syntax and buffoonery.
No, what I mean is that the first time the ghost-writer wrote something that mimicked her syntax and buffoonery and was lampooned for it, she’d get pissed that he was making her look like an ass and she’d fire him. When she gets lampooned for looking like an ass she blames it on liberals, but if she was paying someone else she’d blame him.
It’s got to be her, though I presume that Calvin Jones might be right and she pays someone else to post her drivel. I wouldn’t be surprised, though, if she had her own Blackberry or iPhone or whatever and was doing it herself.
What else does she have to do, after all? She raking in tons of money she’s parted from fools, doesn’t have a job, doesn’t give a shit about her family when the cameras are off. You can only watch so much TV. She can’t think. Twitter is the first resort for bored bimbos.
“Bristol at 19 is now a young adult. We obviously want what’s best for our children. Bristol believes in redemption and forgiveness to a degree most of us struggle to put in practice in our daily lives.”
This is RE: the Brisol-Levi “engagement” on the cover of US weekly. Sarah ain’t book smart but she’s got a doctorate in self-righteous and passive-aggressive parenting with minor concentration in phony piety.
You think she wrote THIS herself?? It’s got all these complete sentences and sourced references… I suspect there’s a team that helps her when she wants to “write smart” and that she shoves out of the way when she wants direct adoration from Her People.
I don’t know — I can think of a few 3rd graders who could get it just about perfect. Bimbo really isn’t a very hard language to translate to.
As I keep saying, stop knocking Palin. She’s the best gift the liberals could have for the upcoming election as well as in the 2012 presidential election. It will nullify her nomination in 2012 if the criticism is too strong. Lay back a little. Stop calling her stupid and ignorant, especially.
If I stop calling her stupid and ignorant will something change for the better? Or does everyone have to stop doing that for this benefit to kick in?