I watched this morning’s debate on Meet the Press between Markos Moulitsas and Harold Ford Jr. It was hosted by MC Rove’s BFF, David ‘Stretch’ Gregory. I have to give kudos to Markos. He wiped the floor with Ford. I was particularly surprised with Markos’ tone, which was so far from respectful that he actually called Ford a ‘shill’ at one point. Not only that, but he forced Ford to bow down and kiss his ring, promising to attend next year’s Netroots Nation conference.
I noticed that Markos has learned the art of answering the question that you want to answer, rather than the question that was posed. In doing so, he was able to keep up the attack and not sound defensive. When Ford got frustrated he accused Daily Kos of making hateful remarks about Jewish Americans. Markos parried that ridiculous charge with ease and then asked Ford why he goes on Fox News and attacks Harry Reid.
Markos repeatedly alluded to the DLC’s incredibly small membership, lack of movement support, and embarrassment with core progressive values. The funniest part of the segment was when Markos blamed the DLC’s policies for the collapse of the New Orleans levees and the bridge in Minneapolis. Ford didn’t like that, but Markos didn’t back down…telling him that slashing taxes was no way to upkeep the nation’s infrastructure.
Gregory tried to paint Markos as a liberal, but he wouldn’t take that bait either. He insisted that his personal politics were not very important to the movement, and then he pointed out that the movement has supported candidates from the full spectrum of the Democratic Party…both true.
It was an excellent performance by Markos. He made Harold Ford look slightly clueless and incredibly weak, as he groveled and spouted meaningless platitudes, in an apparent effort to suck up to the netroots. The DLC needs a better spokesperson. And no wonder Harold Ford couldn’t beat Bob Corker. He is not a good debater.
“When Ford got frustrated he accused Daily Kos of making hateful remarks about Jewish Americans.”
That of course never happened and likely referred to the Ben Heine controvery, when Heine posted a cartoon fusing Hitler and Avigdor Lieberman images, and posting it with an otherwise excellant article about the IP situation. Daily Kos staff immediately distanced itself from the diary, but by that time it was picked up Little Green Footballs. Lieberman of course is a virulent racist, but the association was previously listed on the not-allowed topics of discussion concerning Israel.
It is otherwise the case the Jewish-Americans in the US and internationally and Israelis themselves that have been at the forefront of criticism of Israel’s colonial policies in the West Bank as well as discrimination against Israeli Palestinians within Israel itself. The claim by Ford was therefore absurd.
What is perhaps sad about Ford’s comment was that it reflected the new DLC, which is better understood as a DLC/AIPAC constituency, that retains a right wing stance on foreign policy (stay in Iraq, hit Iran, alienate Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, continue the Clash of Civilizations propaganda), which is likely to keep the US in a wider war on terrorism against Islam for years to come. All of this of course benefits the Israeli right wing Zionists, i.e., AIPAC’s constituency. And who pays for it all, ask Hillary.
Palestine is dead. The problem now is how to tell this to the world. Thanks for the try, Jimmy.
people make intemperate remarks about Israel all the time on these public forums. You can’t judge a site by the most intolerant members of its community. Daily Kos aggressively protects itself from accusations of extreme anti-Israel bias. So, yes, Ford’s comment was particularly off-base.
It would serve Daily Kos and the Left Wing principles it espouses if it were to stand up for a fair and just solution of the IP conflict, rather than being concerned about being biased against Israel. The polls in both Israel and the US overwhelmingly support a two state solution, and by that I don’t think most responders meant that Palestinians should be offered a group of bantustans.
For Left Wing Democrats to support an extremist right wing Israeli government solution that refuses to apply international or American civil/human rights principles or writes off Palestinian rights is pure DLC/AIPAC politics biased on AIPAC’s right wing project to annex Judea and Samaria into Israel.
As far as anyone can tell, there is no difference between the Republican and DLC/AIPAC foreign policy. Should the Left Wing conform here for fear of AIPAC or fear of being labeled antiSemitic? How rediculous given the fact that it is Israeli, American, and international Jews who are in the forefront of the fair and just peace movement.
I too thought that he did well, much better than I had expected. He stayed focused despite the best efforts of Gregory and Ford.
I was truly impressed with Markos on MSNBC and his way back-slapping of Harold Ford. Especially, when he made the point of saying if the DLC tactics work why wasn’t he addressing Sen. Ford.
And Ford’s, spewing the words of O’Reily is exactly why the DLC is out-of-tune with the public.
I’d have to go back and double check, but I believe Kos phrased his remark something like: Beleive me, I wish I was sitting here talking with Senator Ford.
That is what I heard too
I think this was the time when Ford really broke down. He looked really desperate at this point.
well that’s what he probably meant? maybe I should stop reading between the lines
4)gregory is a shrill as well. he was trying to over talk markos…he just could not stand getting the type of conversation away from Harold the water boy. god forbid.
5)what do you expect coming from the nbc affiliate that is all over the corporate board with shrilling..it does not take much to debunk that kind of reporting from this station or nbc, now does it??!!
((((( Not only that, but he forced Ford to bow down and kiss his ring, promising to attend next year’s Netroots Nation conference. )))))))
I would not hold my breath on this one. If ford actually attended, he would not make it first the first hour w/o bing ambushed, IMHO. if I understand it correctly, this is the kind of person that would slice his own throat and blame it on others…:-)
what are the perspectives of others regarding markos’ revelations about his cia involvement that he revealed in his commonwealth club appearance…? does that cause anyone any heartburn…?
listen here…
Why is that a big deal? He started the process of becoming a CIA operative and then bailed out. Countless people have done the same thing. It doesn’t mean they have any relationship with the CIA. It means they don’t.
Kos did pretty good. However, there were two things that bothered me: 1) When defending the anti-Jewish thing he said that he couldn’t control what everyone said, and that is what democracy is about,(paraphrasing), and then said that he supported both the right and left sides of Dems. If I didn’t know better…
Other than that he did pretty good.
The “that is what democracy is about” part was in reference to Cindy Sheehan using Dailykos as a soapbox. Which is precisely what the site is supposed to be for.
As for the anti-Jewish part. Kos first denied any such thing which is true. It never happened, except maybe in comments by users which he doesn’t have any control over.
And Kos has never been an idealogical purist so I don’t know what your gripe is there either.
Whatever he said, the fact remains that his p[lace is the last place I would consider “democratic” He bans people right and left. And he has the guts to say he supports the left wing of the Dems (I consider him to be a conservative Dem) and ironically those that have been baned are most of them from the left (if you leave otu all the Republican trolls, of course).
I agree with everything everyone is saying here from an ideological perspective, but I could see a huge deficit in Markos’ skill as a public speaker. Even though I didn’t agree with any thing Harold Ford said, and I could see that he was at a total disadvantage politically, I still think he handled himself in a more polished way as a public speaker.
Markos has a lot of mannerisms and makes faces and wiggles around a lot and it made me feel uncomfortable to watch him. I have no idea if he intends to go more into public speaking but–if so–my recommendation would be for him to get himself a coach. I don’t know him personally, and this is not about him personally, but to the extent that he advocates for progressive causes in the broadcast media, I would like him to have all the tools he needs.
Overall, though, I have to say I was very impressed with Markos. When it comes to party politics, he knows his facts. He was also able to stay “on message” under fire, which is not an easy thing to do.
He’s going to be on Colbert again next week, and as Markos put it, “Get my ass handed to me by the master,” so that should be interesting. He should test Colbert on “Better Know a District” and see who knows the districts better…. LOL! (My money would be on Markos.)
Quite often that trick of “not answering the question posed” is simply answering the subtext. For example, if someone says something like “are you mean little weenie or what?” I would respond with “what have I said to make you angry?” instead of directly responding to the letter of the question.
anyone got a linky to the video?
Maybe crooks and liars? I’ll check there…
yup: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/08/12/kos-on-mtp-stop-attacking-democrats/