Beto O’Rourke-When The National Review and WAPO SIMULTANEOUSLY Attack You…

You’ve gotta know you’re on the right track!!!


Beto O’Rourke is a walking, talking Generation X cliche.

(Look it up if you want to do so. I won’t pay Bezos and his handlers a fucking penny for their lies.)


William F. Buckley’s neo-fascist National Review rag keeps the faith:

Beto is Preposterous, Cont.

(At least it’s free…all the better to entrap the little flies, Dracula/Renfield-style.)

You will be known by the enemies you make.

Bet on it.

So far?

Beto’ s getting the heat from all the right (wrong) places.




Author: Arthur Gilroy

Born. Still working on it.