This isn’t really an effort to look for a silver lining, but one side effect of a global quarantine is that there are a lot fewer people dying from things like car accidents and falling tree branches. Fortunately, murder rates are plummeting, too, along with violent street crimes. This is most notable in Central America which has recently been dubbed “the murder capital of the world.”
Over in northern India, there are places where the Himalayans are reportedly visible for the first time in decades because there is so much less pollution in the air without people driving and engaging in a normal level of industrial activities. When people are locked in their homes, they cause less mayhem and do less environmental damage. But it’s also possible that the common threat caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is causing people to be a little more civic-minded. The are even reports of Mexican drug gangs enforcing social distancing and curfews in areas where they are dominant.
One day, we’ll walk out of our homes and out into the streets, on foot or in cars, and we’ll begin causing mayhem and damage again. Is it possible we’ll do a little less of it though? Maybe we’ll see more humanity in our neighbors and be less willing to assault strangers on the street? Maybe we’ll see a little more how collective action can make a real difference with climate change?
I’d like to think so. I’d like to think human nature includes to ability to learn and improve.
Depends how much people value their newfound clean air. Going back to business as usual will erode that.
I do hope we manage to connect more and keep those connections intact.
Just saw a post that claimed we’ve gone a month without a school shooting…
Hi Martin – just want to drop a line to say thanks for providing this bit of big picture optimism. It is very much appreciated during this challenging time for all of us, along with your usual excellent political analysis. And by the way I agree – our species really can change for the better and hopefully will in response to this disaster.
I’ve no doubt this will change us. How is hard to predict. Greed being what it is, I don’t imagine less pollution will be long term unless it motivates people to value it enough to vote and protest and rattle cages for it. Our values have been so materialistic; people seem to care primarily about their bank accounts and their stuff.
For me, a lot is changing. Just to see the extent to which I can work from home and connect with people I love without leaving my home is rather staggering. That insight will certainly carry over into a post Covid-19 world, at least for some.
Someone wrote today that LA now has the clearest air on the planet. Hard to believe but once the smog is gone it must be stunning. But it won’t last sadly.
So long as the dingbat runs the country and chases after more money we can be pretty sure it will come back to pre virus days. And he will brag about how great he handled it all being a great general and all.
They are now starting to talk about the old folks in nursing homes. Many of them have died and may not even be reported as virus deaths since they were never tested. Someone figured there may be thousands of them. Our air and other such may go back to normal but death is final and the old folks have little defense. It makes me ache, as if we sent them off to a death house. It is going to hurt some little people.
your headline appears to lack a verb.
industrial activity will have to resume, but at least where I am I think a lot of people should be able to continue working from home and not driving, the reduction in smog and traffic would be nice.