Of what use would the death of bogeyman Al-Zarqawi be, if he didn’t leave a little suicide note Safe-House Document? It must be fun being a spook. Thinking up ways to fool all the people all the time. In Craig Unger’s latest Vanity Fair piece, Milt Bearden gives us a little tradecraft. Milt Bearden served as the CIA station chief in Pakistan from 1986 to 1989, and he ran covert operations for the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan.
Unraveling a disinformation campaign is no easy task. It means entering a kingdom of shadows peopled by would-be Machiavellis who are practiced in the art of deception. “In the world of fabrication, you don’t just drop something and let someone pick it up,” says Bearden. “Your first goal is to make sure it doesn’t find its way back to you, so you do several things. You may start out with a document that is a forgery, that is a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy, which makes it hard to track down. You go through cutouts so that the person who puts it out doesn’t know where it came from. And you build in subtle, nuanced errors so you can say, ‘We would never misspell that.’ If it’s very cleverly done, it’s a chess game, not checkers.”
The most interesting thing about the Zarqawi forgery safe house document is that it seems to have been written by a CIA or DIA officer that is determined to keep the United States out of a war in Iran. For example, the ostensible Zarqawi theorizes:
In general and despite the current bleak situation, we think that the best suggestions in order to get out of this crisis is to entangle the American forces into another war against another country or with another of our enemy force, that is to try and inflame the situation between American and Iraq or between America and the Shi’a in general.
Specifically the Sistani Shi’a, since most of the support that the Americans are getting is from the Sistani Shi’a, then, there is a possibility to instill differences between them and to weaken the support line between them; in addition to the losses we can inflict on both parties. Consequently, to embroil America in another war against another enemy is the answer that we find to be the most appropriate…
We have noticed that the best of these wars to be ignited is the one between the Americans and Iran, because it will have many benefits in favor of the Sunni and the resistance, such as:
1. Freeing the Sunni people in Iraq, who are (30 percent) of the population and under the Shi’a Rule.
2. Drowning the Americans in another war that will engage many of their forces.
3. The possibility of acquiring new weapons from the Iranian side, either after the fall of Iran or during the battles.
4. To entice Iran towards helping the resistance because of its need for its help.
5. Weakening the Shi’a supply line.
The question remains, how to draw the Americans into fighting a war against Iran? It is not known whether American is serious in its animosity towards Iraq, because of the big support Iran is offering to America in its war in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Hence, it is necessary first to exaggerate the Iranian danger and to convince America and the west in general, of the real danger coming from Iran, and this would be done by the following:
1. By disseminating threatening messages against American interests and the American people and attribute them to a Shi’a Iranian side.
2. By executing operations of kidnapping hostages and implicating the Shi’a Iranian side.
3. By advertising that Iran has chemical and nuclear weapons and is threatening the west with these weapons.
4. By executing exploding operations in the west and accusing Iran by planting Iranian Shi’a fingerprints and evidence.
5. By declaring the existence of a relationship between Iran and terrorist groups (as termed by the Americans).
6. By disseminating bogus messages about confessions showing that Iran is in possession of weapons of mass destruction or that there are attempts by the Iranian intelligence to undertake terrorist operations in America and the west and against western interests.
Let us hope for success and for God’s help.
The whole letter is implausible on its face. Zarqawi has (supposedly) been blowing Shiites to bits by the mosqueload. And yet, in the letter, he is worried about “avoid[ing] mistakes that will blemish the image of the resistance and show it as the enemy of the nation.” Puh-leeze.
It looks to me like someone decided to have a good time with the Iran War Party by planting this clever letter in the wreckage. On the surface it supports the stay the course rhetoric of the administration by showing how effective we are in disrupting the resistance (which has next to nothing to do with some one-legged thrice killed Jordanian). That’s basic tradecraft. It’s makes it look like, if this is a phony, it’s a phony that supports the administration. In reality, it’s a phony of a phony. It only helps the administration make the case for staying in Iraq, but, in doing so, it mocks the administration for falling for the act that got us into Iraq and might be used to get us into Iran.
6. By disseminating bogus messages about confessions showing that Iran is in possession of weapons of mass destruction or that there are attempts by the Iranian intelligence to undertake terrorist operations in America and the west and against western interests.
Now, that is some funny, spooky, stuff. I bet a lot of intel guys are having a very private chuckle about the artfulness of this one.
I’ve given up BooMan. Dropping out of political discourse. Want to drop out of political awareness. Doing other things. Still doing the war. But Zarqawi. And Rove. And frankly, Democrats. All too much for me.
So I haven’t read or seen much from MSM or blogs for a number of days. And I was at bookstore. And saw the face of Zarqawi staring out at me ominously from the cover of about 50% of the magazines. And I was thinking mostly what you write here — what a fucking myth-making machine we have. It is incredible. There are stories on record in major publications that tell us that Zarqawi is to some extent a fabrication of our own psy-ops. And I see today, on the cover of the NYTs, that WE’VE named Zarqawi’s successor (something I’d usually think would be reserved for THEM). And I can’t help but think I’m living in a pathetic version of Orwell’s work. It is almost funny, if children weren’t being burnt to the texture of leather footballs. I just can’t take the “real world” of America. It is too much.
hey, don’t let it get you down. There are very bad people in the world, on all sides, in all countries, in all religious sects. But you knew that. Keep up the good fight.
Certainly there’s no basis upon which to trust that any of the intel the Bush regime purports to get out of Iraq is authentic at all.
The entire war has been the result of a PsyOps campaign right from the start.
Fascinating & funny take on this 🙂
If you’re right, there are some pissed off neo-cons now.
I imagine. But that won’t keep them from waving around the parts of the letter that say things are ‘bleak’ for the resistance.
After all, they have the exclusive on reading & interpretation.
And some Republicans did use this document in the house debate on the Iraq war today.
John Gibson over at FOX is quite giddy.
that’s why I bet the guys that do psy-ops are chuckling their balls off.
Maybe it’s just me but wouldn’t you expect the word “Americans” to be “infidels”? And where are the more lofty religious references to Allah? Does that really look like something written by a radical Islamic jihadist? I sure don’t think so.
And “bogus”? Zarqawi would use that word? WTF?
I also don’t think he would parathetically inform his people that the Sunnis are 30% of the population or have to explain to them that Sistani is the enemy.
No kidding! This is even wrose than the Niger forgery.
I’m sure Christopher Hitchens will be verifying the document in an extended series of articles that no one will refute!
They’ve been plastering his face all over the TV today. He is supposedly Bin Laudin’s hand-picked successor to Zarqawi. And he looks young too. Oh goody, more terror, more fear, if they play their cards right they could get many years out of this new myth.
I believe nothing anymore. I have no trust in the government or the media. They could tell us that Bono was in Iraq meeting with Masri right now, they could even produce photos of it, but basically we are living in times where nothing is real.
I’m reading a book right now called “The Lucid View,” by Aeolus Kephas, in which he discusses what might be characterized as “the wisdom of paranoia.” It may not be completely accurate to see vast conspiracies by the rich and powerful against the rest of us, but as a modus operandi, it’s really the only stance that makes sense to me anymore. Sure yearly Kos was a good thing, but I am rapidly losing any faith in the idea that we will be able to take this country back just by voting in Democrats.
I think the suspect pool should be broadened to include Iraqi Shiites or even Iranian intelligence assets. I’m sure there are those in Iran anxious for means to reduce tension with the US. Even if it is an obvious ploy, it is a ploy that is usable if someone wants an excuse to ratchet down tension.
i think that is entirely plausible except for the problem of access to the scene. I believe it was Sunnis that tipped us off.