Democrats that I noticed voting for torture: Menendez, Lautenberg, Landrieu, Pryor, Ben Nelson, and Rockefeller. Each one of them deserves to be put in a gulag.
Cheney is wiping the sheep’s blood from his smiling lips.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I was watching and I swear I heard Liberman first vote no and then change it later on and I think Lautenberg did as well. Could be wrong, because I have watched so many votes today. The one I really could not get was Rockefeller, with his own amendment turned down, and he seemed pretty adament that the bill was a bad product.
Look, those of you who live in VA & PA. Tell me how Webb or Casey are ANY DIFFFERENT.
Vote for them and you vote for this kind of betrayal. Vote for them and you help the Republicans paper over their crimes w/ “bipartisan” support.
Walk away if your candidate on the D line isn’t someone who shares your values. Their votes “for” us mean NOTHING when they continue to fund the likes of that bunch, and the new versions running in PA & VA. They are using you, nothing more. They are using you for their perks while they help the Republicans destroy this country.
They won’t even TRY to filibuster this monstrosity.
The ONLY way to save and rebuild this party, or to build one to replace it, is to walk away.
Vote for them and you tell Reid, Schumer, Clinton etc that vote trading and cynicism are just fine with you.
If memory serves, thereisnospoon (Get your own damn spoon) has used the same don’t-get-so-hysterical tone to the women who weren’t willing to hand over their bodily sovereignty i order to elect DINO’s.
This is what we get when we beat the Rebuplicans by electing our own Republicans.
Our way of life has just been buried kids. We are now officially a terrorist state. No more rule of law for this outfit. And it will probably take bloodshed to get the Bill of Rights back.
Lieberman too. But then again, he isn’t a Democrat.
(snaggled it from smintheus)
I was watching and I swear I heard Liberman first vote no and then change it later on and I think Lautenberg did as well. Could be wrong, because I have watched so many votes today. The one I really could not get was Rockefeller, with his own amendment turned down, and he seemed pretty adament that the bill was a bad product.
able to watch but if what you say is true, then they deserve to lose any elections for being spineless.
I watched Lieberman vote no. He must have changed it.
That did it!!!! Stabenow’s up for re-election this year. Hell if she gets my vote!
Look, those of you who live in VA & PA. Tell me how Webb or Casey are ANY DIFFFERENT.
Vote for them and you vote for this kind of betrayal. Vote for them and you help the Republicans paper over their crimes w/ “bipartisan” support.
Walk away if your candidate on the D line isn’t someone who shares your values. Their votes “for” us mean NOTHING when they continue to fund the likes of that bunch, and the new versions running in PA & VA. They are using you, nothing more. They are using you for their perks while they help the Republicans destroy this country.
They won’t even TRY to filibuster this monstrosity.
The ONLY way to save and rebuild this party, or to build one to replace it, is to walk away.
Vote for them and you tell Reid, Schumer, Clinton etc that vote trading and cynicism are just fine with you.
Walk away.
joined that choir several months ago as the rhetoric of the immigration debate grew nastier and more bipartisan.
but you put up the handy list. 🙂
We’re well screwed, and the Benedict Donks are helping.
it’s because I’m a neurotic Virgo and knew that there were more goons than the list BooMan provided 😉
After living through the last 6 years of this presidency, why would anyone vote to give Bush unlimited power with respect to detainees?
here’s the link to the Senate page.
Beware, dkos link to thereisnospoon’s take on this travesty.
you know that the answer to all of our ills is to send the millionnaire politicians more money!
Strangely enough I recieved yet another DNC solicitation in the mail today.
an email from Amnesty Int’l via about 20 minutes after the vote was cast urging me to contact my Senators, it was the height of irony.
Oh, boran2, I hope you share your answer with the rest of the class. Let me get my asbestos gloves.
Drink hearty, mates!
he’s a “netroots” consultant now, afterall. Pigs at the trough.
If memory serves, thereisnospoon (Get your own damn spoon) has used the same don’t-get-so-hysterical tone to the women who weren’t willing to hand over their bodily sovereignty i order to elect DINO’s.
This is what we get when we beat the Rebuplicans by electing our own Republicans.
Our way of life has just been buried kids. We are now officially a terrorist state. No more rule of law for this outfit. And it will probably take bloodshed to get the Bill of Rights back.
I’m hitting the streets.
Thank you, thank you!! :o)