…The house of cards built by our modern day politicians has reached its pinnacle of weakness. It founded itself on the shifting sands of half-truths (half-lies.) Any mason can tell you: “weaken the mortar and build a disaster.” Now the challenge stands ready. A knife fight between the citizens of the United States that love their country as it once was and those that dare lie to deceive it and abuse it is in the making. The weapon of the lowly citizen? The keenly sharp knife of truth. This weapon is the fear and dread of the bloated, flabby, fatted politician….

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“The easiest way to defeat your enemy is to befriend him.”  These words of treachery were my indoctrination to a time in my life that seems a million years past.  Nevertheless, the words ring strong and true even for the hatred of such truth.  “Get close, get inside, grab your opponent, hold him close and you have the advantage to drive your knife up and in to his very heart.”  These are the words that echo from a time past during Close Quarters Combat Training.  “Exvert the blade, sharp edge out to your opponent.  The common instinct is to hold the sharp edge in, the correct hold is edge out!  Sharp edge to attacks from and to your opponent.  Get inside and work your way back out!”  These were the continued instructions from days I try to vaguely remember.

These are the words of an instructor and words of wisdom from a field of combat.  The tools of building and destroying, depending upon the hand that holds them.  A knife can slice bread to feed.  It can cut loose an entanglement of vines rapped around the ankles.  It can cut the rope that stretches between an inanimate beam of wood and the neck of a choking, dying man.  It can also be the tool that liberates in the hand of a man fighting for his very existence on a mortal plane and in the corridors of dark, one-on-one battle for survival.

I write these words and share these thoughts at great risks for my own ability to sleep tonight.  My desire to share overcomes my fears.  Yet, my fears are real.  Why do I share these thoughts from time past?  Simple answer.  I equate these instructions, these memories to how life is now lived in our present day society.  It would appear that our present political situation in our beloved Country has entered into a “knife fight” on a jungle floor where men have been reduced to animals.  Where the best beast beats and the to the victor belongs the spoils.  Whether we like it or not, this is our political landscape.  It is not for the faint of heart, the weak, timid nor the uncommited.

Just as mentioned above, it is time to take the edge of the knife, so to speak, and turn it from the inside out.  Put the sharp edge against the enemy and all their flailing, thrashing, fury inspired attempts to keep control of the battle cause them cuts beyond bearing and sustainability.  Their very own throws for survival cause them mortal wounds.  Why?  Because their “scatter shot” resistence and violent attempts to regain control of the situation are based on a false sense of self.  A self built upon lies, the backs and strength of others and their own words of wizardry.  None of which have strength when the true test of battle comes.  When truth and trust face lies and disgust.

The house of cards built by our modern day politicians has reached its pinnacle of weakness.  It founded itself on the shifting sands of half-truths (half-lies.)  Any mason can tell you: “weaken the mortar and build a disaster.”  Now the challenge stands ready.  A knife fight between the citizens of the United States that love their country as it once was and those that dare lie to deceive it and abuse it is in the making.  The weapon of the lowly citizen?  The keenly sharp knife of truth.  This weapon is the fear and dread of the bloated, flabby, fatted politician.

The basic instructions I received in the aforementioned course ring true to today and this analogy.  The hardest and most difficult level of combat, the hand-to-hand, requires finding the “easiest way” to defeat the enemy.  Thus applied in the present arena, kill the bastard with the truth.  Let their words run like their own blood from the record of all they say and don’t do.  Let them hang themselves and better yet, let them thrust themselves into the grasping arms of those who dare to hold in hand a blade of truth.

Written by Lonnie D. Story, (email – sail44free@aol.com) who is the author of The Meeting of Anni Adams and is working on “Without A Shot Fired: The Dustin Brim Story” Lonnie writes a column at www.populistamerica.com