A noun
1 buffoonery, clowning, frivolity, harlequinade, prank
acting like a clown or buffoon
Category Tree:
act; human_action; human_activity
╚diversion; recreation
╚play; frolic; romp; gambol; caper
╚folly; foolery; tomfoolery; craziness; lunacy; indulgence
╚buffoonery, clowning, frivolity, harlequinade, prank
╚shtik; schtik; shtick; schtick
2 bagatelle, fluff, frippery, frivolity
something of little value or significance
Category Tree:
╚object; physical_object
╚triviality; trivia; trifle; small_beer
╚bagatelle, fluff, frippery, frivolity
3 frivolity, frivolousness
the trait of being frivolous; not serious or sensible
Category Tree:
╚frivolity, frivolousness
╚playfulness; fun
╚giddiness; silliness
A noun
1 buffoonery, clowning, frivolity, harlequinade, prank
acting like a clown or buffoon
Category Tree:
act; human_action; human_activity
╚diversion; recreation
╚play; frolic; romp; gambol; caper
╚folly; foolery; tomfoolery; craziness; lunacy; indulgence
╚buffoonery, clowning, frivolity, harlequinade, prank
╚shtik; schtik; shtick; schtick
2 bagatelle, fluff, frippery, frivolity
something of little value or significance
Category Tree:
╚object; physical_object
╚triviality; trivia; trifle; small_beer
╚bagatelle, fluff, frippery, frivolity
3 frivolity, frivolousness
the trait of being frivolous; not serious or sensible
Category Tree:
╚frivolity, frivolousness
╚playfulness; fun
╚giddiness; silliness
Gee… I wonder what this could possibly mean…
Tag! You’re it!
Tommy’s indicted! Tommy’s indicted! Tommy’s indicted!
because he done did lost his freaking squirrel tail.
You’re guilty of attempted blues talk. “Done did”? –In the blues that’s just “done” as in “done gone” or “My baby done changed the lock on her door”. “Done did” is said by people who mispronounce “y’all” as “youse.”
No. No. I LOVE the Blues.
I was still in my mocking Bush and his butchery of the English language π Should have heard me during the march. I slipped into Bush-speak quite a bit LOL
Ah. Excuse me then, that explains it. Yes, George is guilty of attempted southern-ness. Texans often remark on it.
We ought to have a Friday contest only for Texans: Texans describe George Bush with their best Texanisms! We’ll call it the Mollies. “Georgie, he’s just plain pitiful.”
I can keep my Sonny Boy and the entire Red White and Blue Scorcese collection. (I had no idea Tom Jones could sing the blues – but then again he does have Jeff Beck backing him on guitar)
From the Delta to England… it’s all good.
Well, we all know he could pour piss out of a boot if there were instructions on the heel….
Heh, if one squirrel sang out, most would call him a FREAK, but if two squirrels join together as one voice… then people will call em GAY, but if three, can you imagine three sang out together, they’d get arrested for DRUNK & DISORDERLY … but if a whole group, I mean, a whole nation of blues harpin’ squirrels sang out…
Oh wait… wrong Guthrie… sorry – move along, move along
I am kinda pissed that the last game isn’t going to be televised nationally. Instead I’m going to end up watching the Lions get smoked by the Bucs or some such crap.
You’re pissed? Try being an Indians fan in North Carolina for God’s sake and hoping to see the Tribe play the weekend series against the White Sox. Even down here it’s Yankees, Yankees, Yankees…..Gaaaaaa!
Or a Hokies fan in Texas!! (I know, I know, wrong sport, but the Orioles haven’t given me much to cheer about lately and I see them even less on TV here TX than the Hokies….)
No thank you, I don’t think I want to try being an Indians fan :p
I’m actually a Braves fan, but I think that when it comes to this point in the year, TV coverage should focus on the the exciting undecided races.
I’d gladly give up a couple nights of Braves coverage to see either of those AL series this weekend. They’re practically postseason series.
I think “Frivolous Friday” opens the door enough for me to introduce what is certainly a playful, silly, trivial diversion. One in which I am joined by apparently 4 million other earth dwellers: World of Warcraft.
Statistically speaking, some of you reading this must also have WoW characters. So spill it: who are you in the other world, why, and what do you enjoy about it?
I’ll start…and someone better follow or I’m going to feel stupid, not frivolous. π
I’m a level 12 female Undead Warlock named Hyllin on the Silver Hand RP realm. I get a big kick out of having a little imp dance around next to me all the time. (I don’t know if I’ll even summon a voidwalker, I like the little imp so much.) I really enjoy when so many people stay in character consistently, because with the richness of this multiplayer world, it’s the closest I’ve been to true escapism. And my favorite possession is a little mechanical squirrel that my engineer friend made for me after I collected some gems for him.
I call the squirrel “Boo,” but only the gamers may recognize that’s not a tribute to our good host here, but to another game, Baldur’s Gate…
Ok, you’re next.
I’m not a WOW player, but I know people who are almost as addicted to that as, ahem, some folks are to this blog. π
I suffer from both. Pity me.
sympathy 4…
Okay. Tell me. Can Macintosh people play? What does it cost?
(And please don’t supply any of that information because, in times past, I was known to get addicted to those kinds of games and so have steadfastly avoided buying any.)
I cannot be responsible for getting other people into WoW. I once knew a man who sold some heroin, and it didn’t end well for him.
Having said that, it works great on Mac. Blizzard takes both Windows and Mac platforms seriously and releases all patches and updates at the same time. (I’m actually a Linux guy, but we stopped whining for love long ago.)
The game is $49, then it’s $15 a month. But that fails to take into account the opportunity costs. I typed the “/played” command last night, and it came back:
Total playing time: 2 days, 19 hours, 32 minutes.
The other folks in my Guild consider me a bit uncommitted to the WoW cause. I don’t think they have kids, or jobs.
I suppose I should also add that it requires a decent computer of modern vintage, specifically a good 3D video card with at least 64MB video RAM, and a broadband internet connection. Pre-2005 Macs and PCs probably need not apply.
Oh, me too, Susan, I escaped into the Dark Age of Camelot for about 6 months….I’d say I spent about 20 hours a week there (mostly between 10 and 6 am — no, I didn’t sleep much) I promised myself I would avoid them until I finished my dissertation, and that was working really well for me until I registered for dKos in March and BMT in June — ahem.
about six hours this weekend playing WoW with my son, his buddy Jake, and two coworkers. We were all at different physical locations (I hate the term “meatspace”, BTW), but we met at Ironforge, the great city of Dwarves, for a dangerous and complicated mission.
Six hours later, we had stories to tell and gold to spend. Time passed in oblivion. For half a day I had absolutely no clue what was going on in the real world. I was just a badass Dwarf with a giant mace and a wee drinking problem, among friends.
So, as I said earlier, Susan, brin, everyone please stay far away from World of Warcraft unless you can manufacture time.
I will order two bagatelles and a cup of coffee.
Good choices. And to everyone else – back away from the cheesecake.
Sounds like a Scotch drinker I know.
for help with this?
For frivolity’s sake:
“Remember when Republicans, like Newt Gingrich and Bob Livingston, when they got in trouble it was for sex scandals? See Tom DeLay is in trouble for money. Or as Republicans would call it — this is a return to traditional values.” –Jay Leno More here
We only get to be frivolous on Fridays? Obviously, I didn’t get that memo. Oops.
you and me both. i can’t * ever * be serious.
I have to be sometimes or no one would ever take me…umm…seriously. π
Well, 2 of the birthday cards I received today had pictures of Bush. I wonder why? Is there some kind of inverse relationship between his low numbers and his picture’s placement in funny birthday cards? Hmm.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear boran2,
Happy birthday to you!
And back away from the cheesecake.
I seem to remember sometime back that you all had a yahoo group or some such — was that just for the march organizing or was there another one too?? I really need to talk, but it has to be in a smaller venue.
If I am recalling incorrectly and there isn’t such a thing — is anyone up for a late night phone call? Well, it will be late for me anyway, because it will be after the kids go to bed….let me know!
email me: Cabingirl05 yahoo
I still didn’t get it…did it bounce back to you?
No message undeliverable return…did you look in your junk/spam folder? Sometimes for unknown reasons things get put in mine that I never would have expected.
yahoo mail is slooooowwwwww sometimes.
Ok, well, I sent you another one (not the same one, but a reply — thanks for diggin through your addy book to find me, BTW) …. let me know when you get that one or just reply to it!
Thanks for being there, CG. Much appreciated!
you forgot froufery and folderol!
What are you? French or something?
Oh wait…I’m French…scratch that…
that means you’re a soviet canuckistan frenchie!!!
: 0
I know. I should just kill myself now. But I won’t. We canuckistanians are smarter than that. We live to annoy. π
This may not be frivolous enough:
A conversation today with the man who repairs my car–a rock-ribbed, conservative (small “c”) New Englander, lifetime Republican. He sometimes buys cars at the regional auction, resells them.
At last week’s auction, “I could have bought all the SUVs in the place.” No one wanted them.
“We are in deep shit,” I said.
“Yes, we are,” he agreed.
OK, so after that, I visited a friend and we goofed off all the beautiful afternoon. Frivolous enough?
Frivolous enough?
No. Do you have a pic of yourself in a tutu?
Yes, but the last such one was taken when I was about seven years old. And no, I’m not going to post it.