I originally wrote this as a comment on donkeytale’s fine recent My Left Wing  post Head of China’s Food and Drug Administration Sentenced To Death, but it seemed more…apropos to put it  up as a stand-alone post all by itself.

It is snark, of course…but I repeat:


Read on.
Imagine…death for as little as $800K’s worth of graft!!!

The mind boggles.

Here in Scamerica?

If we took that number as the bottom line for white collar crime death penalties?

Hoo BOY!!!

Almost our entire population of Ivy League MBAs would be dead within a fortnight.

Just for starters.

We would also lose:

Most of the upper echelon PermaGov hustlers.

Almost the entire ruling class of the Ratpublican/DemocRatic parties.

Every swinging Tom, Dick and Harriet who is a made [wo]man in the Wall Street mob.

And the beat would go on.

And on and on and on and on and on and on and ON!!!

Crooked lawyers.

(A double negative?)

Most of the executives of Big Pharma.

Most of the executives of Big Usury and Big Insurance.

Most of the executives of Big Corps(e), for that matter.

In fact, an across the board implementation of this policy would give the word “executive” a WHOLE NEW MEANING!!!


The cut-off point.

ABOVE $800K, we cut off their existence.

Below that point, we just cut off…other parts.

YOU know.

Like the Taliban?


I got yer Cultural Revolution, right HERE!!!



Over the rainbow.

Crooks will pay.


Over the rainbow

There’ll be a better day.

(Apologies to Harold Arlen. And…don’t hold your breath.)
