The Republicans are so convinced that they are going to lose HUGE in 2008 that they are beginning to take precautionary measures. Rep. Mike Pence (R-Indiana) is trying to force a vote to officially do away with the Fairness Doctrine. Here’s the wiki on the Fairness Doctrine.

The Fairness Doctrine was a United States FCC regulation requiring broadcast licensees to present controversial issues of public importance in a manner deemed by the FCC to be honest, equitable and balanced. The doctrine has since been withdrawn by the FCC, and certain aspects of the doctrine have been questioned by courts.

Actually, the FCC got rid of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 and within a few short years our national discourse was polluted with Rush Limbaugh and various copycats. It’s almost unthinkable that the current Congress, even with a Democratic president, would restore the Fairness Doctrine. But what if the Dems pick up another 20-30 House seats and a filibuster proof majority in the Senate?

That must be weighing on Mike Pence’s mind.

“To my colleagues in Congress I respectfully say: If you oppose the Fairness Doctrine, sign the petition. If you cherish the dynamic national asset that is American talk radio, sign the petition. If you simply believe that broadcast freedom deserves an up-or-down vote on the floor of the people’s House, sign the petition,” Pence said.

Republicans strongly oppose the Fairness Doctrine, saying it is a tool Democrats use to attack conservative talk show hosts.

They are worried that forcing stations to make equal time for liberal talk radio would cut into profits so severely that radio executives would choose to scale back on conservative programming to avoid rising costs and interference from the government.

The Fairness Doctrine has been a dead letter for 20 years and Pence wants a vote opposing it. What does that tell you about the Republicans’ mindset?