This isn’t about child porn… This is about shutting down the Blogosphere. That’s it in a right-wingnut-shell. That is all there is to say. McCain has completely and totaly lost his effin’ mind.
“Because “social-networking site” isn’t defined, it could encompass far more than just, Friendster and similar sites. The list could include: Slashdot, which permits public profiles;, which permits author profiles and personal lists; and blogs like RedState that show public profiles. In addition, media companies like publisher CNET Networks permit users to create profiles of favorite games, gadgets and music.
“This constitutionally dubious proposal is being made apparently mostly based on fear or political considerations rather than on the facts,” said EFF’s Bankston. Studies by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children show the online sexual solicitation of minors has dropped in the past five years, despite the growth of social-networking services, he said.”
Not only will the left blogosphere start pounding McCain on this BUT the right-wingnuts will spazz out on this in their typical fanatical fashion. CT Bob has already found some signs of the twitching in right-wingnutosphere.
More Below
Think Progress has more on this:
– Commercial websites and personal blogs “would be required to report illegal images or videos posted by their users or pay fines of up to $300,000.”
– Internet service providers (ISPs) are already required to issue such reports, but under McCain’s legislation, bloggers with comment sections may face “even stiffer penalties” than ISPs.
– Social networking sites will be forced to take “effective measures” – such as deleting user profiles – to remove any website that is “associated” with a sex offender. Sites may include not only Facebook and MySpace, but also, which permits author profiles and personal lists, and blogs like DailyKos, which allows users to sign up for personal diaries.
This could wreak havoc on sites like Booman Tribune, dKOs and other big communities. Nevermind the fact that little Blogs like your Blogspot could end up shutting down completely. How many of us can afford a $300,000 dollar fine?
Imagine MLN or dKos if they had to turn off the comments features for fear of one person adding a link to the wrong address? The entire freeflow of thought that has built the left’s internet think tank would effectively be muzzled. And how the hell do they stop this in other countries? They can’t enforce this here unless they cut the American internet off from the rest of the world.
The moronic McCain has just surpassed Kerry by a longshot as the biggest joke in the Blogosphere. Unlike Kerry’s botched joke, McCain has willfully chosen to commit political suicide. I guess that will makes him the punchline too!
And if that isn’t enough they are also attacking us from everywhere on other Blogging issues! Kidspeak has an excellent piece on how the politicians (on both sides) will be taking the failed federal attempts at muzzling us down to a state level in “Net Neutrality: Strangling netroots state by state.” Figure the odds that “we see the political power of the netroots begin to be strangled, with the fine help of a DLC-approved Democratic governor.“
We have to pay close attention to these issues. We will only get one shot at stopping all of this madness and after that the Blogosphere as we know may cease to exist.
As I read this story, two Senators proposed this ridiculous bill: John McCain and one Chuck Schumer. I didn’t see Chuck’s name anywhere in the Think Progress article. Did he withdraw his support after joining McCain in the Press Release?
Nice find there!
I didn’t see Schumer’s name mentioned before anywhere I was reading on this. But it still wasn’t the thrust of this diary. McCain wants to run for president and he has just taken on every side of the Blogosphere? That is lunacy IMHO.
And Schumer needs to be challenged in his next primary… But I have thought that since before the previous elections. And I still think that, regardless of his position on this particular piece of legislation.
You know that a DEMOCRAT wouldn’t want to shut down the blogospeere.
Why…they;re good guys.
Chuck and Rahm and them?
I mean…aDEMOCRAT!!!???
Like Holy Joe Schumer!!!???
Why…that would mean that the DemRats and the Ratpubs were in…were in…
Were in COLLUSION!!!
Hold the phone!!!
You mean…you mean BOTH sides may be crooked?
Say it ain’t so, Joe.
Say it ain’t so.
We ALL got to wake the fuck up.
I agree with you there 100% AG. The establishment does not like what was they have witnessed in the era of Blog politics. A bunch of little guys can kick a wise and powerful leader like Doh! Lieberman to the curb? Candidates handpicked by the likes of Schumer and Emanuel can actually be challenged effectively in primaries?
This amounts to insubordination on a grand scale in their eyes. They want to stop this trickle of activity before it becomes a flood that drowns them all.
You betcha they do.
Democracy is a great idea as far as they are concerned,
As long as it’s run by the right people.
By them.
He lost his mind a long long time ago but the MSM treated him like he was some kind of ‘maverick straight shooter’ and foisted that idea on the general public. Few people looked behind the ‘maverick’ mask and practically idolized him..this is just his true colors bleeding through…and it’s ugly.
It is not a pretty site, and hopefully he will be totally outed before his meglamaniacal plan to become King John the First is realized.
As I have said elsewhere (no, I’m not linking to my own diary), the people in DC/ NY etc. don’t like the netroots. They want to continue to be the power brokers. So Chuck Schumer’s a co-sponsor? Didn’t we savage Chuck Shumer for dictating who should run against Santorum? How about his lame treatment of Lamont? We aren’t being nice little flyover citizens, so flick-flick let’s watch them try to kill us off any way they can.
If they make it impossible for anyone except the very wealthy to communicate in large numbers to other members of the public, well, they’ve kept their power. This is likely THE issue that we must fight over and over again. And not just from the right wing.
I agree with ya there! I also agree with any reason to go after schumer… I am not a Dem, even if I H do use their resources.
The point of this diary (the main one) is that McCain has lost his mind. He has just taken on EVERY side of the political Blogosphere and he wants to run for president? Liberals (me), Progressives, radical centrists, and conservatives, far right-wingnuts… everyone!
Not a bright maneuver on his part.
No doubt that schumer sucks as well. I ain’t kidding on that one. He is one of the next candidates I’d like to see get Lamonted. One of many…
In addition, Sen. Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, and McCain said that they’ll introduce similar legislation dealing with sex offenders and social-networking sites in January.
I don’t know what part chuckie had in this one but he planning on doing something in January.
MCCain is a nut job to say the least. He tries to act like he is a moderate and anyone who has kept up or met him knows he is a rabid dog conservative.
If they get this law, then THEY can post illegal links on your blog or website and then close you down for it–fines, jail, whatever. If you try to comply with the law, (which may be physically impossible anyway) they can have YOU click on an illegal site and get you that way. The mere threat is meant to shut you down.
Not exactly subtle, but then they are desperate, not clever.
But surely they mean to do it.
If you try to comply with the law, (which may be physically impossible anyway)
CT Bob goes into some detail on this in his diary. Little guys that may own a website for their Blog, or act as a webmaster for their friend, etc., could all be left spending so much time chasing down links and crap on their Blogs/sites that they will have no time for anything else. And even complying with it, if you have the time, is frought with difficulties.
This legislation is designed with one thing in mind. To shut down the little guys completely, and to silence the free flow of ideas on the big blogs as much as possible.
Clicking on a poisoned site is a good way to download a virus. So if you are trying to comply, they can get you that way too.