In my fantasy, Dancing With the Stars will have an all-Republican season, with two teams: the indicted and the convicted:
Tom DeLay, the former Republican majority leader in the House of Representatives, will be a contestant on “Dancing with the Stars” when the popular ABC show premieres Sept. 21. And, before you laugh or think this is going to be a joke, I know first-hand that DeLay, 62, can cut a rug.
When I called his home this morning after the announcement was made, his wife, Christine, said he’d call me back after he finished working out.
“Tommy is so excited and he’s been working out to get in shape for the show before rehearsals even start,” she explained.
According to his daughter, Dani DeLay Ferro, Tom has already lost 12 pounds from his new workout regimen.
I’m not going to watch this, but it continues a rich tradition (G. Gordon Libby Liddy, Ollie North) of disgraced Republicans getting rewarded with mainstream media access.
G. Gordon “Libby?” Scooter “Liddy” perhaps? Anyway, who gives a shit…
let me fix that.
No worries… actually rather humorous on a certain level. It’s not that difficult to confuse one republican asshole from another (or meld them into one giant virtual sphincter, as it were).
No doubt Libby will get his, too, and not the way he should.
They’ll have to retitle it Dancing With The Thugs.
I want Vitter there, dancing the cha-cha in a diaper.
Usually, it’s not the fact that they are right-wing that helps them, it’s that they helped the CIA, e.g. Gordon Liddy, Ollie North, and several others who went on to fame and fortune after disgrace. Makes me wonder about DeLay.
Well, of course. Conservatives only consider crimes serious if they involve a gun, a penis, or flag desecration. Everything else is a “technicality”.
Never mind that democracy — and, for that matter, civil society — is built entirely on such technicalities.
Let’s see. Who should be his partner?
Ann Coulter ??
Michelle Malkin ??
Michelle Bachmann, maybe ??
Bay Buchanan ??
There are so many quality candidates, ya’ know.
My money is on Jean Schmidt (R-OH)
Ahhhh yes, my esteemed representative in Congress.
How could I forget about her.
This should be his dancing outfit.

It`s really his actual booking picture, that I put a new outfit on.