Author: afs

White House tied pedophile busted FOR 2ND TIME!

A change in focus from a diary posted by Mike Stark at DKos based on ABC News story… “…An Ivy League business school professor is in federal custody for allegedly having videos of himself engaging in sexual...

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Hurricane Ernesto aimed at Gulf

The water N of the Yucatan are some of the warmest in the Gulf. Ernesto gets over that water, and that storm will be Cat 4 or 5 within 36 hours. If Ernesto gets to that water N of the Yucatan, there should be immediate mandatory...

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New weapon to whip Wal-mart

The city of Chicago is considering a new living wage law for big box stores. Walomart so made they are threatening not to open Chicago stores “In Chicago, New Pay Law Is Considered for Big Stores By GRETCHEN RUETHLING...

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John Edwards is now Iowa Front-Runner

John Edwards is leading the field in Iowa. Edwards at 30%. Hillary at 26. Kerry 3rd way back at 12%For the record… this is Kos/Armstrong’s worst nightmare. Mark Warner isn’t even an afterthought. Warner is way...

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Sept. 5th ’06 Direct Action Discussion

Since I’m the guy who opened the topic of setting the date for a large Tuesday, September 5th boycott/work stoppage, I guess I should open a thread for discussion of the topic. Why September 5th? It’s the day...

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