Author: albert

Evolution in America

I read the title of this article from National Geographic News and I thought to myself, fuck me, Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds. I knew that there are a lot of boneheads from coast to...

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The Case for Impeachment

I heard about an event at my local bookstore [Robin’s Books] about The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office, a newish book by journalist Dave Lindorff and lawyer for...

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Bastille Day: Philadelphia

A lot of heads rolled during the French Revolution. Many powerful people met their death in the modern day Place de la Concorde, among them, Marie Antoinette. But she wasn’t executed until October 16, 1793, but for the...

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Elmo’s Dad Goes to War

Things are getting bad when Elmo’s dad is going to war eh? Well, not really. Apparently, Elmo will be used in a DVD, and handed out for free, showing how Elmo deals with its [is it a she or a he? or just an it?] father...

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Halliburton’s No Bid Contracts

According to this WaPo story, Halliburton will no longer have exclusive, no-bid contracts to provide a boatload of services to our armed forces abroad. Oh great. Four years and $14.5 BILLION later [$7.3 B alone in 2005] the plug...

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