Women on the Daily Show

So what’s the deal with so few female guests on The Daily Show? My friend Ms. Biffles noticed the trend and told me it was a topic of conversation of late out in San Francisco lately. I immediately noticed the trend as well as I watched for the last month or so with [I’m 99% sure] zero female guests. Until last night when Torie Clarke, author of Lipstick on a Pig: Winning in the No-Spin Era by Someone Who Knows the Game was on.

It’s not like women can’t go blow for blow with Jon. It’s not like women aren’t funny. It’s not like there is such a scarcity of notable women that the bookers can’t get them on the show. What’s the deal?

Maybe with the birth of his second child [Maggie Rose] Jon will push for more female guests.

Hated the Super Bowl? Blame the Right Wing.

Hated the Super Bowl in general? Blame the Right Wing, I’m serious.

My dislike of the Super Bowl has a lot to do with the quality of the commercials and the halftime show. Yes, I know that the central point of the Super Bowl is the actual sixty minutes of punishment called the gridiron, but through the years, it has been the commercials and the halftime show which have taken center stage. Everyone knows that the thirty-second spots go into the six figures [right?]. And everyone knows about Janet’s tit flopping out in 2004 [right?]. Well, those commercials used to be good and the halftime shows used to be at least halfway decent… until some fuckers got around to rewatching the quarter-second exposure of a tit on their VCRs/DVRs.

There was no fucking outrage until several days later. There were no form letters emailed [they didn’t even bother to cite their own anger? They had to all use form letters?] en masse to the networks and their advertisers. There were no mass call-ins to talk shows and radio shows until days later. Manufactured outrage by those bullshit “American Family” groups. It wasn’t genuine. These fuckwads were told that it was an outrage, they had missed the actual live tit; but it was replayed [blurred out] almost 24/7 in the next week.

Since then, things have become more and more sanitized. Paul fucking McCartney played the halftime show last year. And this year, the Rolling Stones? I’m not saying that these two acts weren’t culturally relevant thirty years ago and didn’t have an impact on my life that I don’t even know I was aware of. I’m saying who the fuck cares about them now aside from people who are over forty. In this hip-hop generation we live in, there’s no chance in hell that Kanye West, Eminem, 50 Cent, Jay-Z or some other multi-multi-multi platinum selling artist would be seen on that halftime show platform. And oddly, the ABC NFL censors thought that the Stones were too raunchy for the viewers. Chroist.

If we can’t have some geriatric geezers talking about how they can’t get no satisfaction, who the fuck are we supposed to watch FOR ENTERTAINMENT. Is next year’s show going to have a Catholic boys and girls choir chant hymns? Fly in a gregorian chant group from Eastern Europe? Why not just black out the video feed for the forty-five minute halftime? Just leave it blank. Because god forbid you’d show a girl in a fucking bikini in a beer ad. It’s not like they’re not doing it for every single other football game for the entire season. Why not during the Super Bowl? I’m not saying that beer ads should all have girls in bikinis, but that girls in bikinis are what seem to dominate beer ads, and why censor them during the commercial orgasmothon that is the Super Bowl?

I didn’t watch a second of the halftime show. I hate all Budweiser beers. I miss the Bud Bowl. And it didn’t help that this game was one of the sloppiest that I can recall.

The Blinq commentary on the ads. And he liked the geriatric performance.

Just had to vent.

Philly DfA Endorses…

philly dfa


It was a packed house last night, but tons of first timers who were not eligible to vote. The returns out of forty eligible people who voted:

To the five or six people who voted for Bob Casey, what the fuck are you doing in this progressive group.

To the fifteen or sixteen who voted to not endorse anyone, blech.

I should add that for the group to endorse, the candidate would need 75% of the vote.

As it stands right now, the national DfA will not endorse anyone in this race. I learned last night that national endorsements must start at the local level, I like that. But if Chuck Pennacchio fails to win the primary [and if Alan also doesn’t win] and we’re stuck with candidate Casey, if Philly DfA votes to endorse him [I WILL NOT], national DFA will not endorse him. Why? Because Jim Dean, Chairman of DfA, said so awhiles back. He started a national pledge drive which asked people to sign on to the following:

I pledge to only support candidates who:

  1. Acknowledge that the U.S. was misled into the war in Iraq
  2. Advocate for a responsible exit plan with a timeline
  3. Support our troops at home and abroad

Not only would Casey have voted voted for the war, he is against pulling out with a timeline. Pennacchio wants out and never wanted in in the first place. His Iraq exit plan [.pdf].

Now I mull the decision whether or not to become a member of the steering committee for Philly’s DfA. I told them that I would not be on the committee if the group endorsed Casey. I may have said that I wouldn’t sit on the committee unless they endorsed Chuck, but I forget. They do some good things. Good things I’ve taken part in. But I’m not sure how much energy I could devote to it anyways if I’m going to be volunteering for Chuck’s campaign through May.

PA Zogby Poll

[not to start a war with Kos, but I hope he takes a long look at these results and reconsiders his latest comments about the PA senate race- Boo]

He’s not well-known. His name sounds like Pinocchio. He’s a teacher. He doesn’t have money… All of those things have been said about my candidate for US Senate Chuck Pennacchio. Well, fuck that shit.

OpEdNews.com commissioned Zogby International to poll Pennsylvanians about the issues at stake. The Senate race, Alito, paper ballots, W, the War… The results are in and the analysis has begun.

The Santorum Casey race: When people find out about candidate positions on key issues Casey plummets from a twelve point lead to a dead heat, with a non-significant two point lead.

Santorum loses when matched with any of the democratic candidates. Both of the self identified progressive democratic candidates draw higher percentages than Casey, with Pennacchio having the largest percentage of votes against Santorum, at a not quite significant 4.4 points higher than Casey. Casey, at non-significant levels, actually gets MORE votes from Republicans once they find out more about him and Santorum.

[emphasis added]

There’s goes that whole name recognition thing. And this more than reinforces Chuck’s “viability” and “electability” two words I loathe, but some people like to use. People will vote for Chuck Pennacchio.

The poll found that an overwhelming number of respondents want some sort of paper record of their votes whether it be in the form of paper receipts or sticking with lever machines.

And on the national issue of Presidential wiretapping, respondents said that if W is found guilty of violating the law by wiretapping American citizens, 53.7% said they agree that he should be impeached.

This is only a preliminary analysis, there’s a shitload of data go to through and more findings will be released by OpEdNews.com in the next few days.

If your excuse in not backing Chuck was that he had no name recognition, you no longer have an excuse. If your excuse in not backing Chuck was that he has no money, open up your wallets and give it to him, he’s WINNING IN A HEAD TO HEAD POLL AGAINST RICK SANTORUM. If your excuse in not backign Chuck is that he’s a teacher, well, he’s a damn professor of US History, we need more people with that kind of background serving us in government. If your excuse in not backing Chuck was that his name sounds too much like Pinocchio, well, a friend of mine told me that it means “lucky” and penacho, the root of Pennacchio’s name means “pen feather / quill” so don’t sweat it.

This is great news for the Pennacchio campaign. Spread the word. Learn more about Pennacchio on his website. You can find his stances on the issues here.

Bob Casey’s Stage Presence

So with all this talk about candidate Casey, I decided to watch the first extended clip of him on live TV. I had seen teensy clips of him and heard him on the “conference call” last week, but never saw him on live TV. I watched this clip of then Treasurer-elect Casey on PA Newsmakers hosted by pollster Terry Madonna. It was the 11.28.04 show, a few weeks after the election. It’s about a three or four part interview with Casey with a runtime of about fourteen minutes [the whole clip is twenty-three minutes, but Casey isn’t on the last nine minutes of the show].

One of the very first things Casey spoke about were the six debates he had. Yes, this was during the general election, but he lauded the fact that they had so many, he [or Madonna] said that he thinks it was a record. Why not set another record and flush out all the details in this all too important primary we have now? Chuck Pennacchio and Alan Sandals would love to debate him. I think Pennacchio would trounce all of them in a big debate. But Bob Casey is scared to open his mouth in fear that his ever shrinking lead over Sen. $antorum will shink some more with each word spouted from his lips. So he stays at home. And as far as I can tell, he never leaves home; he doesn’t have a calendar/events page up on his site to show for.

Madonna asked Casey for his thoughts on the growing culture gap in the Democratic party, the gap between the elites and everyone else. He said that they needed to change the [paraphrased] “same old thing” way of going about things. If that “same old thing” way of going things is being pro-choice, pro-privacy, pro-balanced budget, pro-environment, pro-healthcare for all, I’d be all for it. But Casey doesn’t stand for all of those things. Chuck Pennacchio is a pro-choice candidate who believes in the rights of the private citizen. He stands firmly against the Alito nomination whereas Casey has backed the nomination [I got my eye on you too Hoagiemaster Rendell].

Casey then went onto suggesting that we need a bigger tent in the Democratic party; I’m assuming so that he’ll feel more comfortable since he’s almost out the door anyways. He said that if the Dems had a candidate who had all of the same stances on the issues as Kerry has, including being pro-choice, but got up to the podium and said that s/he agreed with the anti-choicers that “we should ban partial birth abortion, that alone would be progress” [he used that phrase which is a fallacy, it’s a late term abortion]. Casey wants to ban third trimester abortions without regard for the life of the mother, as inferred from that comment. That is not progress, that is regression. He wants to overturn Roe v. Wade. As stated in this Inky article:

It would seem obvious: Democratic Senate candidate Robert P. Casey Jr., who opposes abortion, believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned.

“You can’t say you have the position I have and not believe that,” Casey said in a recent interview about the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that made legal abortions available nationwide.

And that’s that. With his backing of Chief Justice Roberts the last time around and his backing of Judge Alito this time, I see that it is crystal clear that it is on his agenda.

It’s actually quite hard to concentrate on him while he speaks. Monotonous. Phlegmatic. Snoozefest. But I got through it, I felt I needed to. If you’re trying to fall asleep late at night, I suggest clicking on the video of this interview.

Supporting Chuck Pennacchio, the Progressive chioce for a Progressive Pennsylvania, is what I’ve been doing for months now. The rest of the blogosphere turned their heads after the word got out on his backing Alito. I hope that the pressure is kept on. We don’t want another Joe “Alf’s Dad” Lieberman on our hands. Well, even Alf’s Dad may vote against Alito. Only Sen. Ben Nelson (D-ND) as of right now would vote to confirm. Casey would further weaken the Democrat’s efforts to can this nomination.

So, in the end, I’d have to agree with Chris’ assessment of Casey‘s presence:

a sandwich bag filled with lukewarm Vaseline and crushed Valium

And how.

$antorm Blames Librulz

This Sunday, Sen Rick $antorum was here in Philadelphia preaching to the choir, literally, during Justice Sunday III [photos of the protest outside]. Thursday, he was in Valley Forge speaking to the military academy cadets, basically, another choir. While the cadets may have opinions of their own, they are literally pawns in the political game pushed from one country to another and Kimberly Hefling was there for the AP.

Speaking for about an hour to more than 300 cadets at the Valley Forge Military Academy, Santorum said public support for the war has been difficult to maintain because of “biased coverage of the war and the political left demagoguery of the war.”


And towards the end of the article, the Casey campaign was brought up.

The Casey campaign released a statement saying Santorum should have offered a real critique of the administration’s policies in Iraq instead of just blaming the media.

“Santorum has voted with President Bush 98 percent of the time and now he’s trying to copy his PR tactics,” said Larry Smar, a spokesman for Casey.

I thought that was quite laughable. Why? Let’s see what Bob Casey Jr has said on the Iraq War:

Once it was under way, like a lot of Americans, I was supportive of what our troops were trying to do there, based on what we were told by our government. We found out later the intelligence was, at best, faulty and, at worst, misleading. We can learn a lot of lessons from that, but the key thing now is to finish the job.
Inky 4.29.05

Casey said he would have voted for the war considering the evidence at the time, and supported the spending bills that funded the effort. But when asked to outline his plan for Iraq, including whether he favored a deadline for pulling troops out of the country, Casey would not offer specifics.

“I don’t think you can, as a matter of policy, articulate a long-term strategy if you don’t have the facts to make that determination,” Casey said.
Inky 8.20.05

Some people think that pulling out is a good idea and a timeline is a good idea — I don’t agree with that.
Centre Daily Times 10.23.05

Chuck Pennacchio was always against the Iraq War and wrote up this document [.pdf] calling for withdrawal with an exit strategy timeline. A timeline to get out of this debacle.

Jim Dean, Howard Dean’s brother and Chairman of Democracy for America started a pledge drive to only support candidates who 1. Acknowledge that the U.S. was misled into the war in Iraq, 2. Advocate for a responsible exit plan with a timeline, 3. Support our troops at home and abroad. Check, check and check for Chuck Pennacchio.

The Nation‘s editors pledged in their November 28, 2005 edition:

We will not support any candidate for national office who does not make a speedy end to the war in Iraq a major issue of his or her campaign. We urge all voters to join us in adopting this position. Many worry that the aftermath of withdrawal will be ugly, but we can now see that the consequences of staying will be uglier still. Fear of facing the consequences of Bush’s disaster should not be permitted to excuse the creation of a worse disaster by continuing the occupation.

We firmly believe that antiwar candidates, with the other requisite credentials, can win the 2006 Congressional elections, the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries and the subsequent national election. But this fight, and our stand, must begin now.

In the coming weeks and months The Nation will help identify–and encourage support for–those candidates prepared to bring a speedy end to the war and to begin the hard work of forging a new national security policy that an end to the Iraq War will make possible.

And in their January 2, 2006 edition, they acknowledged Chuck Pennacchio’s call for withdrawal from June of 2005.

$antorum and Casey Jr are both wrong on choice and on Iraq. Chuck Pennacchio is more than simply a step in the right direction, he’s the best candidate with the pulse of the people. Read his stances on the issues and make an informed decision.

Justice Sunday III: Photos

act up justice sunday III

Act Up Philadelphia was there in full force. They stormed up Broad St from Fairmount Ave with a venegance. I ran into the street to meet them with my camera and backpeddled with them for half a block. I like this shot the most. Red flares creating a very noticable scene for I’d assume blocks. A fifteen foot wide banner lead by three folks trailed by about twenty or thirty demonstrators with banners, placards and their loud voices.

jerry foolwell justice sunday III

With the Act Up group was this huge puppet of ‘Jerry Foolwell’ it was eggcellent. Just like the ones I’ve seen at protests in the past, spared no expense. The three puppeteers and one directioneer worked very well together.

bible is a horror justice sunday III

Even with the time I put into four posters, this was my favorite one of the night. It’s quite true, the Bible, taken literally, is a horror. Have you read that thing for like five pages?

chuck pennacchio

And my favorite candiate for Senate in this state of Pennsylvania was there too, Chuck Pennacchio. He was working the crowd, speaking with demonstrators who turned a dilligent ear to hear his seasoned words. And as you can see, he was holding up a sign too!

alan sandals

Alan Sandals was there too, another Democrat in the running for the nomination for the Senate run. He brought along a gigantic video van as well which played his new commercial. Which Democratic Senate candidate wasn’t there in solidarity with the people? One Bob Casey Jr. But then again, he doesn’t care much for the notion of choice and furthering womens rights. Not one for socializing with the hoi polloi either from what I’ve seen, or I should say, not seen.

Fifty-five of the shots I took at the protest are up on my flickr. I fucking love photojournalism.

I’d say that there was about 200 people there. I forgot to ask a cop because I’m so used to them not giving out crowd estimates at protests from the last few I’ve been to. But I think this one was small enough [under 500K and all] to warrant one. Arg. It was a decent mix of races out there. I’ve noticed that many protests tend to be mostly white, why, I’m not sure, but this one had a good mix of black, white and brown. As far as trouble, I didn’t see any. Didn’t see anyone getting arrested. Didn’t see anyone getting physical. Peaceful. Loud, but peaceful.

As the people from the first program were leaving the church, I noticed that it was mostly white. I’d say 60% to 75% white and 40% to 25% black. I’m assuming that those numbers aren’t reflexive of this church’s actual membership, but when white folks like $antorum, Dobson and Fallwell come to town, the crazies will follow from the ‘burbs.

I can’t wait until the reports from inside with transcripts come out from the papers in the morning. I heard from a secondary source that $anitorum said that if Alito were to be appointed to the SCOTUS bench that it would be a true act of god. Pricele$$.

Justice Sunday III

It’s two days away!

Justice Sunday III
Greater Exodus Baptist Church
714 N. Broad St
1st program: 7p-8.30p
2nd program: 8p-10p.30p
Featured speakers: Dr. James Dobson [Focus on the Family], Tony Perkins [Family Research Council], Rev. Herbert Lusk [Greater Exodus Baptist Church], Bishop Wellington Boone [Fellowship of International Churches
The Father’s House], Dr. Jerry Falwell [televangelist / Liberty University], Dr. Alveda C. King [King for America, Inc. / MLK’s neice] and last, but not least, Senator Rick $antorum (R-PA) meddling with politics and religion.

Max Blumenthal has a nice writeup over at HuffPost giving a little background on the event and some of it’s speakers.

The NY Times has a witeup focussing on the Reverend who is hosting this event at his church, The Greater Exodus Baptist Church [714 N. Broad St]. Rev. Herbert Lusk II used to be a Democrat according to Blumenthal’s piece, but switched teams to the Republicans around 2000 when he gave a speech which was broadcast live at the RNC, which was in Philadelphia that time around. And since then he has received around $2M in faith-based program money from the White House.

This Philadelphia Inquirer article highlights the activities in the past few days here in Philadelphia rallying against the Alito SCOTUS nomination [which JSIII is basically about]. Julian Bond [Chairman of the NAACP] and others brought a petition with over one million signees to the office of Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) here in Center City Philadelphia.

There will be protests, starting with Planned Parenthood of SE PA earlier in the day and then Act Up Philadelphia will help lead a demonstration right before/during the two programs.

If there are any Boo-munity members in the Philadelphia area, I’d love to see yous at the demonstration. I’ll be taking photos and rabble rousing along with tons of other people. My favorite candiate for PA Senate Chuck Pennacchio will be there as well joining us in the fray.

Update [2006-1-6 15:56:32 by albert]: and I just got an email with some more info for the weekend via World Can’t Wait:
*11am: Joe’s Coffee Bar 1100 Walnut Street Orientation and discussion
*1pm – 6pm: neighborhood canvassing door to door
*10:00 AM: Meet at Friends Center 1501 Cherry Street for an Orientation Meeting and plans for canvassing and Justice Sunday event
*3:00 PM: Planned Parenthood Rally Against Alito Market btw. 5th & 7th St. – agitating, networking, chanting,
creating public opinion; team with banner, 6-8 people, someone to speak to press
*6:30 PM: Meet up with ACT-UP Philly & March from 1515 Fairmount Ave to the Greater Exodus Baptist Church at 714 N.Broad Street.

Local Contact: philly@worldcantwait.org, 215.888.7563

$antorum’s Hypocrisy

I wanted to share the latest post co-signed by the Pennacchio gang here with the Boo-munity. Looking down the line, we all know that $antorum is the evilest of evil here in PA, and arguably, in the Senate and he had the gall to write a book. So it’s all out there, ready to be taken apart…

Oh, the Hypocrisy

Last week we showed how Bob Casey’s stands on the issues conform neatly with the wishes of his special interest PAC donors. This week, Rick Santorum.

We’ve had a look at Santorum’s new book, It Takes a Family. Funny thing. While the biblical strict constructionist spends many pages wheezing about the hazards of gay union, he says nary a word about the evils of alcohol. Now in real terms, which is more damaging to families, alcohol — which according to the Centers for Disease Control increases violent crime, spousal and child abuse, birth defects, injury, disease, and death — or two mommies? Santorum wants you to focus on the two mommies, but then he takes money from six PACs (heh) that sell alcohol, including the National Beer Wholesellers Association PAC. Maybe that’s why Senator Sanctimony introduced a bill to halve the excise tax on beer, which would increase rates of the problems above. Clearly, Heather’s Mommies need to form a PAC and pay some tribute!

And that’s not all. Righteous Rick takes money from gambling giant MGM Mirage (via Daniel Webster PAC!) and big tobacco (Altria (Phillip Morris), Lorillard (Daniel Webster, again) — hey, is that why he voted NO on increasing tobacco restrictions? And, wait for it . . . PORN! (Comcast, Fox, Adelphia). Sin just isn’t what it used to be.

On page 54, Santorum pauses for an odd meditation on the social benefits of bowling leagues. Was this reverie induced by a $5000 donation from the Bowling Proprietors Association of America PAC? He spends two whole pages singing the praises of Wal- Mart. But then Wal-Mart gave $20,000 to Santorum in 2004, and has given through at least seven different PACs in this election cycle. That’s got to produce a heck of an afterglow. But should a sitting US Senator act as a corporate huckster?

In the saddest irony of all, this book ostensibly focused on the poor spends dozens of pages fretting about abortion and declining first-world (mainly white) birth rates, but not a word on America’s rising infant mortality rate, the 29 percent of US children who had no health insurance for some part of last year, and 30 thousand of the world’s children who die each day of hunger and preventable disease, about whom Santorum proposes to do, well, not much.

From the sacred to the profane, from the sublime to the ridiculous, it’s not about God, it’s about greed. And it’s better for Santorum to be thought a sincere zealot than seen for what he is, a hired gun. Santorum isn’t the problem; he’s the symptom. The problem is a system that lets special interests run our country to advance their own narrow goals, goals that don’t even serve them well in the end.

Casey or Santorum. Either way, you get no universal health care, no reproductive choice, and an Iraq War without end, amen.

If you want your country back, take charge now. Choose Change, Choose Chuck. Please share this message with your friends and family using our forwarding feature.

Best wishes and thanks for all you do.
Julian, Stephanie, Sabra, Dan, Liz, Albert, Danie, and Dave

P.S. Santorum will be participating in Justice Sunday III at the Greater Exodus Baptist Church in Philadelphia. Planned Parenthood will be demonstrating earlier in the day. ActUp is planning demonstrations beginning at 6:30PM. For more information, contact ActUp Philadelphia at: (215) 386-1981 or Jose DeMarco at (215) 756-4756.

* * * * *

For a chapter by chapter look at the book from a Liberal fellow Philly area blogger, please check out Above Average Jane‘s posts. Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and the conclusion. Oof. But rest assured, she didn’t buy the book and send $antorum any money, she borrowed it from her local library branch.

Otherwise, I hope to see some of the gang here at the protest/demonstrations on Sunday for JustUs Sunday III up at 714 N. Broad St on Sunday the 8th. First program starts at 7p! I’ll report back with photos.

Supporting Candidates

It’s 2006 now, mid-term elections. Seats in one third of the Senate and the entire House are up for grabs come May and November. I have a vested interest in one particular race, that of the Senator for this wonderful state of Pennsylvania. The seat Sen. Dick $antorum currently holds. He has one challenger on the Republican side, John Featherman. On the other side of the aisle [my side and most of Philadelphia’s side] we have Chuck Pennacchio, Bob Casey Jr and Alan Sandals. Two liberals and one not so liberal.

What’s my vested interest? I don’t want my country and my state to go to shit. I don’t want a senator who will vote for judges who will vie to overturn cases like Roe v Wade. I don’t want a senator who will vote for unlawful wars. I don’t want a senator who wants to lobby the courts on the behalf of a single person like Terri Schiavo. I don’t want a senator who wants to tax the poor to fund tax cuts for the rich.

I want a senator who believes in universal health care. I want a senator who believes that every child who wants to further their education is entitled to do so. I want a senator who wants to change our energy dependence of the Middle East. I want a senator who will work to further womens rights. I want a senator who is serious about the generational debt my generation is facing and will pass along to the next generation and the next… I want a senator who will hold this corrupt adminstration accountable for getting us into the Iraq War. I want Chuck Pennacchio as my senator.

I’ve met Dr. Pennacchio numerous times around town. At Drinking Liberally, at Philly for Change meetups, at volunteer organizational meetings. I like him so much I started to volunteer for his campaign to become my senator. I like him so much, I’ve given some dough to his campaign. I like him so much, I’m encouraging people to do the same.

This guy is the real deal. He’s worked on winning Congressional campaigns as Deputy Campaign Manager for Sen Tim Wirth (D-CO), as Iowa-Illinois field campaign manager for Sen Paul Simon (D-IL) and statewide field organizer for Sen Tom Harkin (D-IA). He’s also served as Personal Aide to Sen Alan Cranston (D-CA) and as Military Personnel Advocate for Congressman Ron Dellums (CA-09). No, he has never held public office before, but neither have these senators:

To name a few.

Duncan has raised money for worthy candidates in the past and has started to put out the call for candiates for the 2006 mid-term elections. I hope that Dr. Pennacchio will make that list sooner than later, he deserves to be on that list.

The Pennacchio campaign raised $25K in a couple months at the end of 2005; that will go a long way in this grassroots campaign, but that’s not enough. I wish that elections were publically funded so that there would be no need to ask for money, candidates have more important things than to do so. Candidates would be able to run more on the issues instead of running ads saying one thing and then doing another. Ugh. But that’s another story in another life [or country if you look at it one way]. I live in the U.S. and candidates have to ask for money. Their supporters have to ask for money. Their supporters have to work for no money. But I believe in this guy and I’ll continue to work for nothing and ask my friends for everything in return.

I hope that everyone in Pennsylvania will take a good look at the issues each candidate has listed on their respective websites. I hope that everyone in Pennsylvania will get a chance to see/hear each of the candidates in person to see what they’re like one on one. I hope that every eligible voter in Pennsylvania will go to the polls in May for the primary and then take a friend in November. Get this fucker $antorum out of office. Vote Chuck Pennacchio into office.

The issues – Chuck Pennacchio, Bob Casey Jr, Alan Sandals.

I know that there are other great candidates out there across the U.S. in this Boo-munity. I’ve read about them here and there, but it’s now 2006 and it’s time to get more serious about it. I’m not in a position to shell out $100 to every candidate I read about and feel good about, oh I wish I was in a place to drop $2100 to each of them without a worry, but I’m not. Most people aren’t. But it doesn’t take much time to discuss the candidates, why they’re viable and to tell friends about these candidates and tell them to tell their friends and some of those within that growing network will drop some much needed cash in much needed campaigns.