Author: Alliance for a Better California

Arnold Breaks Law: Illegal Mail, Fake Union Bug

Originally posted on the BetterCA blog.

The California Recovery Team (CRT) has been violating the law by sending out campaign mail that illegally uses discounted non-profit postage and displays a fraudulent union bug.  Both actions are violations of federal law.  We have requested an investigation by the USPS and announced possible legal action unless they cease their activities.

From our attorney Lance Olson:

CRT’s use of a non-profit permit to get cut-rate discounts on their blatantly political mailing is outrageous.  This permit was either unlawfully issued or is being unlawfully used.  Only organizations that satisfy special standards and have received official authorization from the USPS may mail items using the Nonprofit Standard Mail rate.

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Arnold’s Off-road Adventure: New Flash Video

Arnold’s Off-road Adventure: New Flash Video

Everybody loves a good flash video.  This one features Arnold in a Hummer, the California Golden Bear and a nice big cliff.  Let’s just say the bear fares better than the yellow Reform 1.  Watch, laugh, smile and pass it on to your friends, because every Monday needs at least one bright spot.

(cross-posted on dailykos, MyLeftWing, Calitics and MyDD)

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Take Action: Stop Arnold’s False Ads

(cross posted everywhere)

Here is your chance to stop Schwarzenegger and his true lies.  Earlier today, the Governor’s campaign team began airing a new 15-second advertisement that says Prop 76 “will increase funding available to school districts.”

That claim is bogus: according to the nonpartisan Legislative Analysts Office, Prop 76 will slash education funding by $4 billion – and gives the Governor even more power to starve our schools of funding during a “budget emergency.” The California Budget Project came to the same conclusion yesterday.

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Wake Up: We have a battle on our hands

(crossposted at dailykos, MyLeftWing and Calitics)

We have been telling you for weeks now that this fight not only is extremely important, but we have a damn good chance of losing.  You want proof?  Well you got it.  SUSA just released their first poll of likely voters on the initiative fight and the numbers are horrible.

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