Author: alohaleezy

SoCal Possible Meetup w/poll w Update

Okay all you Tribbers. A few of us have been threatening a meetup on the West Coast. This doesn’t mean it is just for West Coasters either. Man Egee, SallyCat, Shirlstar, Diane are all considering it. March is being tossed...

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My Letter to DiFi re:Alito

This is it folks. The hearings start this week on Alito and I feel we must do whatever possible to stop this nomination or we will rapidly see our once great country sprially rapidly into that deep dark hole of Fascism. This is...

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Bush Wanted to Bomb Al Jazeer

Another revelation to come out of the Downing Street Memos this morning. AFP has the story here. “US     President George W. Bush planned to bomb pan-Arab television broadcaster al-Jazeera, British newspaper the...

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BREAKING:Meirs withdraws her nomination

[Promoted by Susan] MSNBC live now. They are saying the reason is most likely that WH/Bush unwilling to release papers asked for. More to follow when more becomes available.

Who will be the next crony nominated?

Update [2005-10-27 9:35:30 by alohaleezy]: From AP article Bush says””It is clear that senators would not be satisfied until they gained access to internal documents concerning advice provided during her tenure at the White House — disclosures that would undermine a president’s ability to receive candid counsel,” Bush said. “Harriet Miers’ decision demonstrates her deep respect for this essential aspect of the constitutional separation of powers — and confirms my deep respect and admiration for her.”

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This Is Not a STFU Diary w/poll

So, I take a vacation and come back home to find a brouhaha going on here at the pond. That is to be expected from time to time in such politically charged times is it not? It was the opinions and philosophies of many that I thought I knew where they stood that took me by surprise.

I decided that I needed to go back and read FAQ to clarify in my own mind what the mission statement was for this site. I needed that to be clear as I was getting somewhat confused.

In Booman’s own words, for those of you that may have never read FAQ or simply have forgotten I will quote our esteemed host:

What’s This Site All About?

“This site is not affiliated with the Democratic Party. However, the Democratic Party is the only institution in this country that is capable of combatting the Bush administration’s agenda, or of offering a realistic alternative to the GOP’s control of both houses of Congress.

Therefore, this site is committed to building the Democratic Party, raising money for the Democratic Party and its candidates, finding and promoting promising candidates for state and local offices, helping to shape the Democratic Party’s agenda, and holding Democratic office holders to account for their votes and their ethics.

The site is also committed to doing some of the investigative work that is so desperately needed with the GOP in control of the oversight committees.”

Do we here have this common mission in mind? Can we agree to disagree of some issues? Can we find the common ground and work within the Democratic Party to make the changes needed to over throw what we are currently handed from the GOP?

In my ever so humble opinion the future of our country is at stake. The future our children and grandchildren will be straddled with. Can we work together for the betterment of the whole not just the democratic party but for all Americans? I believe we can and believe it is imperative to start now. We cannot afford to wait any longer. The ’06 and ’08 elections will be here before you know it.  

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