What have you seen lately..

What is going on around our world? As I have been practicing htlm and it is a little diffent than writing a program for an Apple IIe. I have gathered a few pictures from around the world.

Maybe a few others could give me a few other hints on how to use htlm on this site. Thanks:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Where  the Pictures are from:

The top pictures from a garden in the Phillipines.
Cat is from a park in Signapore.
Ground Zero
Car Bomb Iraq
Rummy and the Presdient of Iraq
Marine Funeral from Michigan

Cessna Aircraft Co….landing on the backs of undocumented immigrants.

I believe it is a rare event when the public can see a company take advantage of an undocumented immigrant. (1). However, you will notice that Cessna Aircraft Co. of Wichita, Kansas has provided us with a front row seat to what few companies allow to see the light of day. In the news article listed below, Cessna Aircraft with the assistance of Foulston & Seifkin–Kansas Largest Law Firm have allowed us this rare glimpse. (2).

Cessna Aircraft Co, is now a known employer of undocumented immigrants and has “realized” they hired an undocumented immigrant after one of them filed a claim for workers compensation. (3). Cessna offered their injured employee, Rogelio Ortega, $6,000 thousand dollars to settle his case and was warned not to talk to the media about his accident. Which to his credit, Mr. Ortega refused to do.

And this is not the first time a worker’s undocumented status is used as a means to lower the “pay-out” of a workers compensation claim. (4)(Just read the facts..it will tell you a lot). Under the Kansas Workers Compensation Act a company is allowed to pay an undocumented immigrant less than a person who is work authorized. As one Kansas workers compensaiton decision stated the following when limiting the undocumented alien’s award:  

  “Claimant’s illegal alien status should not be a benefit to him and burden to his employer. Oritz v. Nies Construction, Inc, Docket No. 199,812.” (5)(look through this web page to find the same).

In conclusion, it is difficult to reconcile the above-statement and Mr. Ortega’s story. As his employer got the benefit of his undocumented status and got him deported for asserting his legal rights. (6). Maybe,Mr. Ortega’s case is just another example why we need pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform, to protect the rights of those currently undocumented workers and not allow them to be used and intimidated by large corporations.


6.) The author of this diary had no connection to the case of Mr. Ortega..to those of you who may care.

Someday I will learn HTML

Frivolous Observations & Things I learned in 2005…

I have yet to write a diary entry after blogging for over a year so here we go. I ask that you read this diary with a lot of humor in mind and leave all heckling and mud throwing for your comments. And feel free to add to any observations I may have missed.

 I write in short sentences because I have a short attention span. So here we go:

1.) A six-year-old child will tell you the truth but the President of Untied States  will not.

2.) If you use your cell phone to try to break ice off your car, you will break you cell phone.

3.) With the NSA spying on Americans & the Patriot Act why are we still arresting peeking-Tom’s? Isn’t that just another form of warrantless “domestic spying” without authorization. (All puns intended).

4.) And following this theory, if President Bush was a peeking-Tom, is he immune from prosecution because were at war and he is authorized by the constitution to do all sorts of domestic spying?

5.) When you have read someone’s order to go to Iraq, you only want them to come back home safely… even if your not related to them.

6.)Life is better when your little sister is only a 40 minute plane ride away instead 2 1/2 non-stop flight to the east coast.

7.)Insurance companies like money–well I knew that..but its worth remembering each year.

8.)If your attorney’s office has a fireplace make sure you won’t need that “rainy” day account money for a looong time.  

9.) Make sure you surf the web and press on those blog rolls on other blogs..because that is how I found Booman Trib.  

10.)A new Pontiac GTO is a really fast,fun car to drive  around the parking lot at the local auto show.

11.)True..read an article about Dick Cheney then went to the store to purchase food stuff and the amount with tax rang up as $6.66–