Bush to Form Private Investigative Agency with OJ Simpson

[ Poll Attached ]

The President has volunteered to lead the investigation into the failings of the gov’t response to Hurricane Katrina, but not now.  Now is for covering up his 2-day “My Pet Goat” Moment.

This time, it appeared to take 2 days for him to wrap his mind around the importance of a timely response to a National Crisis. Nine minutes in front of a class of kiddies after learning of 9/11 seems like nothing compared to not releasing National Gaurdsmen from across the country immediately when the storm was seen to be coming ashore.

Is he trying to stir up a domestic insurgency or something? There are going to be hundreds of thousands of people with nothing to lose who may habor hate for him. Sound familiar?

Rapid Response to Hurricane was Offshore?

How fitting that this false President, this false prophet, this man who ran as a God on Earth be undone by what he claims his whole life is:

An Act of God.

This is Bush’s waterloo: his massive spending on the DHS is exposed as an ineffective fraud. His complete lack of understanding of the plight of the poor and destitute is there for the world to see. His lack of investment in our nation’s future, our infrastructure, has become the worst case scenario. His greed and fear have emptied our nations coffers and tied it’s hands with wars of choice and wasteful hand outs.

If their immediate, operational response to 9/11 is any indication of the Administration’s mindset, then there likely WAS a rapid, massive response to the hurricane’s devastation.

After 9/11, Bush ordered the Coast Guard off of normal coastal patrols, out of the ports and cities and into expensive (to us) security duty for oil companies’ tankers.  This exposed a real problem with his Administration: they value the produce of their transnational corporate masters more than the people who consume it or for that matter, national security on an immediate level.

I bet there was an almost immediate response to Katrina. Only problem is that response wasn’t in NOLA.  It was..

It was offshore: the oil and gas platforms and pipelines.

It is totally consistent with the Asswipe’s thinking to protect those above all else. These same oil and gas fields that so degraded the delta and marshland environment of the Gulf Coast that the once ample buffer was disappearing at the rate of one Manhattan Island’s worth every year in the NOLA area.

I wonder if it is even possible to find out when the first ‘rescue’ teams were out there in the gulf, guarding the derricks, how quickly that reconstruction will commence (versus the city’s) and how quickly those private losses will be shifted to taxpayers while the Oil companies charge $5/gallon in at Atlanta (crying their Walrus and the Carpenter tears).

Has the contract with Halliburton to rebuild the oil and gas fields already been signed without open bidding?  I wonder when contract one will be signed to rebuild NOLA. I wonder if they’ve even thought about that beyond an Iraq-esque, “We’ll cross that bridge..”


People are kicking the Dems for not coming out more Left and having stronger leadership. I disagree. This ‘give them enough rope’ strategy is working pretty well. And there are indeed strong leaders in the party. Those leaders are us, the rank and file. That is what makes the Dems great, or at least the lesser evil in this mess we call home. If the people drag them left, then the Dems will move left or be left behind. It is time to stand up to those who lie about the destruction they cause. It’s time to go back to those who lie about the destruction they’ve prevented. At least their hearts are in the right place. Go Dems.

‘If you plant ice, you’re gonna harvest wind.’ – JG

HEY!! Back Off Reverend Robertson!

You are being bated folks! Watch out or you will be fulfilling the paranoid  view that “Christianity is under attack in this Country by the Media and the Atheists”. You know you’ve all heard this theme in their media outlets, so watch out.

Follow Chavez’s example: take the high road.

I simply love his offer to the poor of the US to sell them cut-price oil directly to alleviate their suffering under the Oil company’s disproportionate hiking of gasoline prices.

Let these fools dig their own graves. Let the pendulum swing. “Wait and see?”

You know the Blast is Coming..

Just for kicks, let’s see if we can’t predict the target of the next ‘attack’ that will magically happen if Bush’ approval gets as low as it did pre-9/11 and pre-War..

Take the poll or comment with yer own thoughts.

Oh, and sorry for being so jaded.

Don’t Call It a Comeback: We’ve Been Here for Years! (POLL)

Take off your self-described tinfoil hats and openly discuss what you now know to be true in the back of your minds. This is the ‘talking cure’ our country/world needs.

(A re-iteration of the ‘Allies of Evil’ positions since just after 9/11 – Curious how prescient they were.)

1. Anthrax WAS sent by the Doctor the FBI found, Dr. H. The investigation was quashed because it was not exactly a good time to reveal our active WMD programs while we are using that justification for invading Iraq. The proof, which was his own self protection against having a boating ‘accident’, was that ..

:: FOLD ::
..the return addresses were from a fictional elementary school that shares it’s name with the base of operations from which Dr. H worked during the war for independence in Zimbabwe (where he learned to make WMD: his elementary school). One of the big reasons we are never on the ground in Africa doing stuff is that we are NOT WANTED by the folks who had to defeat our CIA and proxy armies for the pleasure of living under cutthroats like Mugabe. Most powerful black Africans still think we would be more harm than help. I mean we did turn in Mandela to the bad guys. Didn’t know that? Go to the RSA and ask the guy who was in the cell next to him who gives the guided tour of Robin Island or go to his old house and speak with his neighbors and family, they want the world to know. Funny how important things like this don’t cross the Atlantic.

So Dr. H is one crazy MF! Some people are smart enough to know when they are going to be used and thrown out, he was one such man. He basically dared the gov’t to come after him during a press appearance. The Anthrax ‘attacks’ were Gov’t Psy-Ops, but their lamb refused to be sacrificed.

2. 9/11 was simply a repetition of a tried and true method of profit-through-regime change. It is no coincidence that Future Senator P. Bush was central to arranging Hitler’s rise and continued dominance through financial/industrial backing. He became a Senator soon after Congress had to act against his bank for trading with the enemy, which is in the Congressional record. When we finally pulled the chair out from under Hitler’s ass, Anglo-US banking and US military industry had expanded/profited immensely from the war and our military was in great relative shape to take over the world.

No tin hat here, the Bush family’s ‘right’ to power in this country is their possession of the globally un-palatable secret of US dominance in the post WWII world was that the nature and course of the conflict was all planned from the start by an Anglo-American elite. This is not to deny any of the heroism of individuals in the execution of that war: “There were Heroes on both sides.”

It is also no coincidence that George Bush Senior was a failed politician who none-the-less was appointed to positions of great power and influence. (I mean he did lose his WWII plane and plane-mates in combat, right? Right? Now that’s a hero!) Let’s start with being Ambassador to the UN. He proudly declared to the UN that US policy was pursuit of a resolution of the Israeli/Arab conflict, while everyone with a brain knew and insiders like Kissinger now admit, our policy was stalemate. We wanted a simmering conflict that could be stoked for our eventual return to the region. The Bushes are the smiling liars of US foreign policy.

Next for Bush I was his appointment as head of the CIA. He overthrew Central and Latin American countries in much the same way that His father had imposed American Hegemony over a willing Europe, and a not-so-willing Middle East. Few serious scholars would protest the assertion that the political lines drawn during this era were specifically designed to allow for economic colonization and, if necessary, eventual re-invasion (everyone hates a despotic ruler).

In Bush I’s Central American operations, sending a few child abductors and serial rapists in the wrong uniforms was a great way to sway local/world opinions on Central America. I used to baby sit a kid who was adopted from these circumstances under the assumption that he was an orphan. His Father is alive and the remaining family firmly believe it was American-backed militias who shot him and his mother and placed him into a Catholic Orphanage (ask me about the Catholic Church in private). Population control can be messy, but if you are willing to go beyond the imagination of the every man, to the impossibly evil, then it can be done.

This is Bush family method. Like a bunch of ‘Kaiser Sosa’ fanatics. Unfortunately, their continued success in this method landed some planes in a ball of fire in Lower Manhattan. And who ever said that the Gov’t should ask the American People to sacrifice more for the War on Terror didn’t want you to know how it really started.

3. Where is the outrage? It is almost psychologically impossible for most folks to completely reverse their concept of history/reality in the presence of this type of widely contradictory evidence. So they ignore it. They point at invisible tin hats and say “THOSE folks are the crazy ones.” They secretly don their own tin hat for even harboring these thoughts.

The question is now what’s next? Well, as long as they can continue to make money disappear in the black hole of Iraq, the American People or our beloved symbols won’t have to take another hit. I mean it took Saddam over 10 years to spirit $10 billion out of the Oil-for-Food Program. We’ve ‘lost’ $9 billion in Oil Revenue in less than 2 years! This is outside of the contracts, outside of the backroom dealing. Who said Iraq can’t pay for the War itself? It’s just WHO is getting paid now is different from who paid then. The old ‘Socialize the cost, Privatize the benefits’ aspect of the Bush Family methodology that creates the ultimate economic bubble: the Anglo-American Military-Industrial Complex.

Popping ‘The Bubble’ may hurt and be very messy, but I hate to say we will likely spend the predictable future living inside of it unless we collectively take off our self-imposed tin hats and start poking needles of truth through it’s slimy, distorted membrane. Remember Eisenhower’s last words to us as President – and he was a General. In context, he warns of both the undue influence of the Military-Industrial Complex and of the Federal Government’s intent to expand that influence:

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of  unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties  or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an  alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful  methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our  industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution  during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more  formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is  conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.”

Where Did You Go, Ohio?

All this talk about ‘conspiracy theories’ is total bullshit. The term ‘conspiracy theory’ has come to mean ‘false but scary.’  To talk of real events as evidence of a ‘conspiracy theory’ is to discount their reliability. As I mentioned to him before, the Booman’s article (see his latest diary) is unintentional cover for what is really going on. You might as well have Lyndon LaRouche publish it in his executive review – so as to totally discount all evidence contrary to the public storyline ( http://www.larouchepub.com/  ) . Instead of posing as a detached academic or journalist or whatever when regarding these subjects, I say let’s lay it all out on the slab and call it what it is: Policy, not Conspiracy.
Here’s the deal. There are two Families (in the mafia sense of the word), both wealthy and rich because of cynical capitalization of the tragedies of WWII. Hopefully, every one knows about Prescott Bush (grandfather and Senator) being forced by Congress to stop trading with the Nazis, then buying himself and his family legitimacy with a Senate seat. Theirs is a dynasty steeped in the blood of innocents, spilt intentionally for profit and power. Even then, the Bushes were confusing their business interests and those of their associates with the interests of the Unites States.

The truth is that Bush and those like him in the American business class provoked/enticed both sides (Japanese and Germans) into war, profited and then assumed the spoils of the the world that were made available by the chaos of war. Areas where resources that were not immediately recoverable (within a few decades) were given to rediculous strongmen and dictators with impossible borders and internal conflicts to manage (hence the map of the middle east). These conflicts and systems of government were designed for dependence on the West for oil income and security support. They were also designed to make it easy to find internal support for regime change if the installed leader became a problem in the future, especially via establishing minority rule (see: Saddam, Shiite vs Sunni, Tutsi vs Hutu). This is where the second family comes into play: the bin Ladens.

The bin Ladens, through their connections with the installed rulers of the Arabian peninsula (the House of Saud), now have built, invested in or outright own literally hundreds of businesses worldwide, the most obvious of which is bin Laden Construction which maintains the holy sites of Mecca and Medina in addition to building hotels, etc.

It is not unreasonable to analogize the Bushes with the House of Saud and the bin Ladens with Cheney/Halliburton. One holds power and creates opportunities for the other to profit ‘legitimately’ from destruction. No doubt there is some form of quid pro quo as well. And it is true of both the Bushies and the Saudis/bin Ladens that their interests are not always in line with the interests of their people or nation.

It is no secret that the Bushes and the House of Saud see themselves as near kin.The Bushes, House of Saud and bin Ladens are/were investment partners in many ways, beyond the oft discussed Carlyle Group connection.

What is rarely mentioned are the web of private security/defense companies they own together and their huge contracts with the Saudi government. These guys literally just sit on top of the American tax largess and the Saudi Oil largess and hand eachother bigger and bigger stacks under the legitimizing guise of ‘security’. All this well before 9/11 and, for the most part, it continues today.

It is also no secret that the two families and their business partners have worked together on more than ordinary business: Bush Sr trained and funded Osama bin Laden to organize and train terrorists and fighters against the Soviets in Afghanistan.

In other words it was American tax money, at the behest of a Bush that created the organization now called al Qaeda.

Now, given this whole history, which version of OBL’s biography sounds more likely:

1. An Afghan war hero, OBL is so outraged by the Saud’s behaviour during Gulf War I that he decides that he should probably try to topple two of the richest and most powerful nations, despite the fact that one, and in a sense both of them are run in a manner that profits his immediate family more than anyone else in the world, when balanced with the risks they take (part of the whole socialized risk/privatized benefit approach to business/gov’t). It will be a Saud’s head on the block come revolution, not a bin Laden’s.


2. OBL, a CIA asset and war hero to an Arab street has helped finish off the Russians in Afghanistan. Since the Evil Empire was crumbling and could no longer play enemy to the US, those who had long prospered under America’s cold war footing where losing money and power fast under Clinton’s ‘peace dividend’ military reduction policies. In the salad days of the Cold War, these folks rarely had to deliver product that was used in the field, but could dependably receive billions of taxpayer dollars in defense contracts. Life was so easy in the Cold war. Clinton  needed to be stopped or America needed a new enemy.  The republicans in congress, via impeachment, tried to take care of the former. The Bushes, as the figure heads of the military/industrial complex’s political wing took care of the later: They recruited Osama bin Laden to create a terrifying enemy equivalent to the warhead-bristling USSR in the minds of the West, but much easier to control or even defeat when necessary. An enemy that would drive the Arab and American people together, so the Bush/Saud history is transformed from scandalous cronyism to prescient leadership. An enemy that would entrench and benefit precisely those whom he claims to most revile. An enemy that would deliver the largest and third largest proven oil reserves on the planet to American control while artificially pumping up oil prices. An enemy that could deliver us OPEC.

It reminds me of how the House of Bourbon and the other ruling Houses of Europe used to alternate cycles of war and weddings to keep the little guy so confused, they barely knew who they were subjects of for almost 550 years. Makes me think that one of the Bush twins is destined to be a Princess of Saud.

Anyhow, back to the story. At the very least, the Saudi Family/bin Ladens and the Bushes are working towards the same ends: profit and entrenchment of power. Certainly, this conflict with OBL and al Qaeda has benefited them both richly.

It is also noted that prior to 9/11 many folks with influence over US administration policy had stated in print and otherwise that America needed another Pearl Harbor to achieve policy goals of establishing American domination over the Middle East resource fields. Was there really any debate over the War? no. Paul Wellstone represented no real power base. Hell, even Clinton was all for it..

Put yourself into the role of the imaginary head of the military/industrial complex. You are bleeding money and influence. You are desperate. Here come the Bushes. Dad and Carlyle will raise money and buy up the hemorrhaging companies cheaply, standing to profit immensely come war or massive defense/security spending increase. The son will deliver the war and spending in exchange for protection for his family/crony profiteering. Do you really think the ’00 and ’04 Bush campaign could have raised those hundreds of millions dollars simply because people liked his tax policy? Do you think Kerry could have done the same without backing the War? This is the reality of American Presidential politics: the two party candidates are just salesmen for basically the same people and interests. The rest is minor details. Bush created the war, is looting our treasury and this is fine with the folks who have regained their power and influence, if not redoubled it: the defense contractors, the energy companies and other raw materials suppliers.

Oil prices are inflated right now, supposedly due to terror and the war (read: fear and instability). It sounds like a tough environment to do business in. Wrong. Last year Shell Oil posted a $4.5 Billion fourth quarter profit, ConocoPhillips doubled it’s quarterly profits over last year and ExxonMobil reported the largest one-year operating profit of any corporation in the United States. Wow! OBL and the war on terror is sure good for business!

Enough details, let me put it out on the line. This is not some cloak and dagger conspiracy, but rather the story of two ruling families whose real constituents know only two ways to make money: terror and war. It is the story of two sons in a play conflict where only the little guy suffers and only the powerful benefit. It is the story of the Big Lie and the burning of the Reichstag. It is the story of the world’s most powerful people locking their citizenry into cycles of conflict and reconstruction so dizzying that they don’t notice the war mongers making their money coming and going, building and blowing up.

The Bushies let 9/11 happen (I think they were genuinely surprised by the extent of the damage) to justify a long planned policy of global resource domination. Why? See above. Who knew? Check out who held those options contracts on the airlines just prior to the attacks.

You want to know why Bush had that weird look on his face as he read “My Pet Goat” with those Florida school children? Think back to the “Reverse Vampire” episode of the Simpsons, where all adults mysteriously disappear. Upon realizing he is by far the most powerful person left, the town bully simultaneously declares himself ruler and is overwhelmed by the implications and weight of this new power, almost to the point of being crushed by it.

OK, so what can anyone do about it, especially since the opposition can’t get beyond the fact that it sold itself out years ago to the same folks that are backing this whole American Empire fiasco in the attempt to hold power? It is time for the ‘Army of the Twelve Monkeys” to scare the shit out of these guys so they overstep the false shroud of moral decency they wrap themselves in. We need the next President to be as paranoid about every lefty and longhair as Nixon was.  They needed another Pearl Harbor, we need another Kent State.